The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1594 The Battle Letter Shot, The Heavenly Spirit Flew Away


Warrior Elder shouted angrily

With a movement of the cold sword in his hand, he stabbed Aoya between the eyebrows.

A sharp sword o

As long as he is stabbed, Aoya will die!

At this time o

Li Yuanba and the others are more than a dozen or so far away. It seems that there is only such a small distance, and they can get there in one breath, but... this is also a distance.

The warrior elder is closer than they are.


With an explosion, a black light flashed from Chen Tianfei's body, and the black light filled the sky.


One step stood up and stood in front of Aoya, staring at the warrior Elder and shouted, "Come on!!"

The war family Elder's eyes turned cold, he sneered, and said, "Whatever is beyond your control, give me death!"

body sinking

The speed was even faster, the golden light burned on the sword, and it stabbed heavily.


At the moment when he stabbed Chen Tianfei's forehead, the black light on Chen Tianfei's body was like a wasp and rushed towards the Elder Zhan family, instantly wrapping him.


The piercing voice sounded o

The warrior elder roared in the black light, and the golden light overflowed o

Just about to explode


Just like a sullen fart, it suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, the elder of the Zhan family flew out backwards, hitting dozens of meters away, his face was pale, and the strength of his whole body was absorbed.


As soon as the black light was closed, a little blood appeared on Chen Tianfei's eyebrows, and his eyes stared into the distance, saying: "Come again!"

"Two to one?"


"It's my turn!" An Elder of the Zhan family suddenly flew out.

Also at this moment

When Tianling moved, he directly blocked his way and shouted: "Your opponent is me!"

The breath of death is pouring out from all directions.

and o

Tianling's body has condensed the power of Chongyang, the body does not look big, but there are phantoms like giant mountains superimposed on his body.


The two forces collided, and the two bounced off at the same time.

Everyone was surprised

Zhan Xin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly, "Xuanyuanxiong, how does the second game count?"

Xuanyuanxiong glanced at Aoya, then at Chen Tianfei, gritted his teeth, and said, "Zhan Xin, it's you who attacked first."


Zhan Xin raised his eyes slightly

Li Yuanba snorted and said, "Old guy, do you think we are all blind? If we can't win, we will sneak attack. Are you really giving you a face?"

"Jiuyou Zhanjia?"

"I think it's a shit fighter!"

Zhan Xin's face darkened

An elder immediately shouted: "Little brat, if you have the kind, say something else!"

Li Yuanba sneered: "Just say it, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed? Shit fighter!"

"Mom sucks, there's something to bite me o"

Living without fear of the sky and the earth, threatening Li Yuanba is of no use at all.

Zhan Xin's eyes were gloomy, and he asked again: "Just say the result o"

Xuanyuan Xiong said: "You cheated first, so this game should be..."

Just when Xuanyuanxiong was about to announce that Aoya had won, several elders of the Xuanyuan clan said at the same time, "How does Aoya count against one of her?"

"that is!"

"Xuanyuanxiong, are you too partial to outsiders?"


Many Xuanyuan elders shouted.

I really want to anger the war family, the consequences are unimaginable o

They all hope that the fighters can win o

"In my opinion, this game should be won by the Elder Zhanjia!"

"That's right o"

Xuanyuan Xiong said: "He cheated first!"


"Why didn't we see it?"

"Xuanyuanxiong, you don't think about your own daughter, but also for the Xuanyuan family, right?" An elder said angrily.

I'm afraid that the warriors will kill them all.

At this time, it is difficult to ride a tiger

quarrel o

At this time, Aoya stood up from the ground and said, "A draw!"

Quiet the whole place

Zhan Xin smiled slightly, "Yes!"

Hei Dao stepped forward and said, "How can it be considered a draw?"

"Obviously they cheated first, and..."

Aoya and Chen Tianfei looked fine, but they were both injured.

And it's a serious injury

Aoya shook her head and said, "Don't let Uncle Xuanyuan embarrass me."

Black Knife stopped talking o

Eight Vajra was very upset and held his breath in his heart o

at this time o

Zhanxin smiled and said, "Let's start the third game o"

At this time o

Tianling stepped forward and said, "I'm coming to the third game!"

Zhan Xin looked at Tianling coldly and said, "Ghosts, non-humans, non-ghosts, non-demons, non-devils, you are really special, no... To be exact, it should be that your eight Vajra are very special, from one The lower planes are rising step by step, and the eight different powers in you are constantly awakening.”

Zhan Xin looked at Li Yuan and said, "Your pure power was actually cultivated by you, Realmo"

"Your Sword intent"

"The fusion of the deity and the sword spirit is flawless"

"And each of you... It's really special, give you a chance to choose, follow me from now on, I promise no one in this world will dare to touch you o" Zhan Xin looked at the eight Vajra, and burst out from Li Yuanba After the power Realm, he kind of wanted to include them in the warrior o

Li Yuanba sneered contemptuously, "Just you?"

"Are you qualified?"

"Are you worthy?"

The eight Vajra all looked at Zhan Xin with a contemptuous sneer.

Their loyalty to Long Fei is unshakable

Zhan Xin smiled coldly and said, "If I don't get what I want, I will destroy him myself."

"bring it on!"

"The third game, I'll come o"

The voice fell o

Shocked all over

Tianling's eyes tightened slightly, which was somewhat different from what Long Fei expected, but... Tianling was not afraid, the breath on his body became stronger, and said: "Then let's start o"

step out o

Suddenly o

Zhan Xin's body moved, "Get down!"


The divine might like a thunderbolt surged out, directly smashing the Death arrogance released by Tianling, and the power of the Chongyang instantly crushed.

Also at this moment

A slap shot!

Tianling didn't come in a hurry to make any response, and his body exploded out, penetrating the walls of the yard, layer after layer, and directly exploded thousands of meters.


A loud bang, a loud bang on the mountainside

Tianling is buried in the ruins o

Life and death unknown!

Zhan Xin smiled coldly, "I don't know whether to live or die!"

Too strong!

not on a level at all o

Zhan Xin looked at Li Yuanba and the others coldly and said, "Did I win this game? It's a draw. Now it's the extra round, will you play together?"

He's going to destroy the eight Vajra!

At the same time o

another place o

Long Fei followed the airflow, and suddenly his eyes suddenly opened, and he roared excitedly, "I understand!"

Also at this moment, the system beeps!


Chapter 5 Sent to o

On the 1st and the 5th, three chapters a day, 10 chapters are owed, and the sea will make up for it this month!

thanks for your support!

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