The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1601 You Have Something To Try

Xuanyuan tribe, the oldest race in the Chaos world

He is even older than Jiuyou Zhanjia

Long Fei looked up at the eight retired elders in the sky, and said slightly: "What do you want to do?"

Eight people look at each other

immediately o

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Figures fell one after another, surrounding Long Fei in the middle.

Everyone's face is extremely serious o

A faint smile hung on the corner of Long Fei's mouth, and he secretly said in his heart: "It seems that I really want to test the power of the eyes of the sky."

"Zhengchou has no subjects to test. You are all upgraded powerhouses who have merged with Godhead. It should be very good to use you to test its power."

Long Fei's thoughts connect with the eyes of the sky

As long as he commands, the eyes of the sky will open o

By the time……

However o

What Long Fei didn't expect was that the eight people suddenly knelt down on one knee.

Kneeling on the ground one by one

Long Fei was a little confused, he was not afraid of the eight people shooting, but what the hell was he kneeling down suddenly?

"What are you doing?" Long Fei asked in confusion.

One of the elders said: "Long Fei, you are the first person in millions to understand the sword of breaking the sky. Although you are not from the Xuanyuan clan, but..."

"According to the rules of the Xuanyuan clan, you are the direct disciple of our ancestors and our elders."


"You are now the supreme being of the Xuanyuan clan."

"And, you are qualified to accept our kneeling o"

They are all very excited

Don't say kneeling, they are all willing to o

The Heaven-breaking Sword is of great significance to the Xuanyuan Clan. Its existence is unimaginable by Long Fei, and they also respect it from their hearts.

Because, Long Fei realized that the sword of breaking the sky

Because, he is the first person in millions of years o

ever o

There are countless kendo powerhouses on the Chaos Continent to Insight, but none of them have succeeded.

The Xuanyuan people have also selected countless outstanding disciples to cultivate, but none of them have been successful, and a lot of time has been wasted.

Now that the sword of breaking the sky is reappearing in the world, they are excited about it

Long Fei murmured in his heart and murmured, "I'm still thinking of testing the power of the violet light sweeping from the eyes of the sky. Isn't this too boring?"

immediately o

Long Fei said: "You all get up, there is no need to do this o"

"Do not!"

"You should accept our kneeling and worship. I am deeply ashamed of my words and deeds a few days ago. If I had attacked you at that time, I would never have seen the power of the Heaven-shattering Sword in my life, and I would regret it for the rest of my life." Too Elder said reproachfully o

Long Fei smiled in his heart: "If you do something to me, you really won't be able to see the power of the Heaven Poundering Sword, because you are already dead."

Mouth said: "No problem o"

"Old Jiu, you are so real, you almost destroyed the hope of our Xuanyuan clan."

"that is!"

"Lao Jiu, you almost became the eternal sinner of the Xuanyuan clan."

"Lao Jiu, can you have some snacks?"

They all laughed and blamed each other.

The old nine couldn't even lift his head up, and muttered, "This is not the decision of the Elder Pavilion. I said it alone and it doesn't count."

"At the beginning, it was Xuanyuanlie's fault that he misled us."

Actually o

don't blame them

They are thinking of the Xuanyuan clan, and it is normal for them to give up their personalities for the sake of the clan.

After all o

The current warriors are too powerful, so powerful that they are all afraid

They didn't want to offend the Zhan family because of a Long Fei, and they didn't want to destroy the Xuanyuan Clan because of Long Fei, but now that Long Fei realized that the sword of the sky is different.

The power of the Heaven-shattering Sword can slay God!

Zhan Xin is a super strong man who has condensed his own godhead. He was scared to wet his pants under the sword of breaking the sky, and the existence of trembling, then the other strong men of the Zhan family are not worth mentioning.

Why should you be afraid now?

A group of nine returned to Xuanyuan Mansion.

At this time o

The eight Vajra have been controlled by the Xuanyuan disciples, and one by one they have been caught by two disciples.

The current eight Vajra Dantian is abolished

Cultivation Base is completely lost, and even ordinary people are not as good as o with heavy voice

In addition to the eight Vajra, Nangong Yan, and the dying Xuanyuan Xiong were also controlled.

They don't know what's going on outside the mountain o

But they know that Zhanjia can't afford to offend them, so they can't offend o

Moreover, Long Fei killed so many Xuanyuan elders, and the eight retired elders of the Elder Pavilion will never spare Long Fei if they drive out.

The last of the four Zhan family elders was left, and the Zhan family elder snorted and said, "These people have to die."

at this time o

Long Fei's icy voice came into the courtyard, and he said coldly, "Who is going to die?"

Shocked all over

All look at Long Fei o

The elder Zhan family trembled slightly, snorted loudly, and said, "Long Fei, you son of a bitch, you dare to touch my Zhan family..."

Don't wait for him to finish o


A slap in the face, o

blood on the corner of the mouth

The cheeks are red and swollen, and the body is directly slapped on the ground o

God-level powerhouse?

so weak?

Even Long Fei himself felt a little surprised, "My strength seems to have grown a lot stronger o"

In the past, at most, they only crushed the demigod-level powerhouses, but now the god-level powerhouses are still crushed with ease, which made Long Fei secretly shocked, "Could it be because of the fusion of the eyes of the sky?"

"You dare to hit me?" Elder Zhan got up from the ground, the divine light on his body flickering.

"How about hitting you?"

"Stand me up!"

At the moment when the elder Zhanjia stood firm, Long Fei flipped his hairstyle, and then slapped him down.

Shoot fast, move handsomely!


Zhanjia Elder is prepared, but... his speed is not at all high, he wants to defend, but his defense is broken in an instant, giving him the feeling that Long Fei is a god-level powerhouse after Transcend Tribulation.

was fanned to the ground again

Face swollen like a pig's head

Several Xuanyuan clan elders shouted slightly: "Long Fei, you are tired of living, aren't you?"

"You touch him again, and I will kill them immediately!"

When several disciples drank, they pressed the body of the Eight Great Vajra, and the eight people's faces sank, showing pain, but they did not make any cry.


Long Fei's eyes squinted, "You try to move one of them!"

talking room o

Long Fei stepped on Elder Zhan's face, "Bang!"

Another heavy tower fell, "Bang!"

"Try it!"


He stepped on it with one foot and one foot, and did not spare any effort. Every time Long Fei’s feet burst out with a faint divine light, the Zhan Family Elder under his feet was like a dead dog.

Xuanyuan Clan Elder's face turned ugly, "Long Fei, do you think we're afraid that you won't be successful?"

"Kill all his brothers to me o"

As soon as the word 'kill' fell, Long Fei suddenly changed, grabbing the speaker's neck with one hand and moving his two fingers, "Crack!"

Squeeze your throat directly

A gloomy voice sounded, saying: "If you have something, try it!"

"I'll see who the hell thinks they have a long life!"

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