The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1602 Repair Chance 0%

The voice is chilling, crushing everyone present. The latest and fastest update

No one dares to move

Even breathing is careful, the breath that erupts from Long Fei is really terrifying, it feels even more terrifying than Zhan Xin's divine aura.

leave them breathless

At this time o

The eight elders walked into the yard, watched what happened in the yard, and immediately shouted: "Let me go immediately, and call the best doctor to come over."

Everyone was stunned

An elder said: "Too elder, Long Fei, they killed the elder of the Zhan family, and also killed the elder of our Xuanyuan clan, we can't let him go."

Seeing the senior eight retired elders walk into the yard, they immediately became majestic. There are many o

"Long Fei, you are ready to die."

"See how arrogant you are?"

"There are eight retired elders here, let's see how long you can be arrogant"


One by one, it was uncomfortable to be crushed by Long Fei. Now that the eight elders have appeared, they naturally have to vent their anger fiercely.


These elders who were talking were glanced at by Lao Jiu, and then said coldly: "From now on, you are no longer the Eldero of the Xuanyuan clan."

Everyone is stunned

"Too Elder, for,,, for why?"

"Did we do something wrong?"

Lao Jiu said lightly: "You did nothing wrong, but what you said made Young Master Long Fei very upset. This is where you are wrong. If you ask again!"

"Expel Xuanyuan Mansion and never enter again!"

The expressions of those Xuanyuan clan elders froze for a moment.

what's the situation?

I haven't responded for a long time.

The Zhanjia Elder who got up from the ground stared at Lao Jiu and shouted, "Are you eight old people crazy? Ah? I now order you to take down Long Fei..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

The figure of Lao Jiu moved, a palm slammed on the chest of the elder Zhan family, and he snorted, "I have endured your Zhan family for a long time!"


slap o

The warrior Elder burst out and fell several hundred meters away, dying.

Long Fei said slightly: "Don't kill him, I still have use o"

Lao Jiu nodded immediately and said, "As per your order."

It was as if he was Long Fei's servant, and not only his other seven elders were the same, which made the Xuanyuan people really unable to react.

"Don't hurry up and let me go?" Old Ninth Stage drank heavily.

Those disciples who caught the Eight Vajra immediately let go

Also because they let go, all the eight Vajra stood unsteadily, "Bang, bang, bang..."

One by one fell to the ground

Li Yuanba spat out a mouthful of black blood, his face was extremely pale, and the abdominal cramps continued. He clearly felt the power disappearing from his body.

He is now like an old man who is dying and may die at any time o


Long Fei took a step forward o the latest and fastest update

Li Yuanba grinned and said, "Boss, I'm fine."

Long Fei lifted Li Yuanba and looked at his abdomen, his heart sank, he only knew that the Eighth Vajra was injured, but he didn't expect... Dantian was actually abolished!


Long Fei's teeth clenched loudly, the anger on his body burned wildly, the killing intent was strong, and the whole yard was shrouded in the breath of Death.


The killing intent in Long Fei's heart surged, so he could not wait to pull Zhan Xin out of The Underworld and kill him 108,000 times.

Li Yuanba smiled slyly, as long as Long Fei was fine, it didn't matter how big he was. Long Fei saved him, and Long Fei made his life exciting.

His life can be killed for Long Fei at any time.

Same goes for the rest of the Vajra

They don't regret following Long Fei at all, even if Dantian is deposed now, they never regret it

Long Fei looked at the other seven Vajra, all of them were Dantian being abolished, blood dripping from his heart, "Zhan family, Zhan family... my ancestors!!"

immediately o

Long Fei immediately said: "Help me bring them into the room o"

Lao Jiu didn't dare to ask, because the breath on Long Fei's body at this time was like dynamite, and it ignited at one point.

The Eight Elders personally helped the Eight Vajra into the room.

also at the same time

Long Fei closed the door of the room and warned, "No one will step into the room without my order Half step!"

Lao Jiu immediately said, "Young Master, please rest assured."

Eight people were sitting in Lotus Position. Long Fei looked at them. He understood the pain of Dantian being abolished. For a Practitioner, Dantian is everything. Losing Dantian means losing everything.

Not being able to cultivate is like being sentenced to death

Long Fei can't let his own brothers be ruined like this

he's going to save them o


Long Fei exhaled softly and said, "I haven't tried it either. This is the first time. I don't know if it hurts or not. You have to bear it no matter what, understand?"

Aoya said: "We are already cripple now, and no matter how painful it is, it will not become a cripple pain."

"Boss, you can rest assured to come o"

"bring it on!"

"We are ready for everything o"


Eight Vajra never fear o

Dantian is a very special existence. Once it is broken, even if there is a magical medicine, it is useless. It cannot be repaired. Even if it is repaired, it is useless.

Can't think of the same as before, the power will be greatly reduced o

never reach the top

But o

They don't want to disappoint Long Fei o

No matter what Long Fei does, they will do their best to cooperate, even if they know in their hearts that they are no longer saved.

Long Fei said: "Okay, close your eyes, I will communicate with you with my mind."


"Exclude distractions o"

"Heart and Mind"

Eight Vajra did the same, and his heart slowly calmed down.

Long Fei's thoughts moved, "Heaven's eyes, open!"

Eye of the sky

With the power of healing, Long Fei doesn't know how strong this power is, but this is the only way Long Fei can think of to save the eight Vajra.

His Dantian is broken, but he is not afraid because he has a system o

The broken Dantian of the Eight Vajra means that they can only become a cripple, and Long Fei will never allow it!


A slight humming sound of power sounded, and an eye on Long Fei's forehead slowly opened, and Long Fei's mind controlled, saying: "Come on, let me see your healing power o"

A red light flashes in the sky

Just like scanning the red light, he swept across Li Yuanba's body and saw that Dantian's abdomen was eroded, and his eyes were suddenly shocked.



"System prompt: damage level s, repair chance 0% o"

immediately o

Scan Lin Yousheng again


"System prompt: damage level s, repair chance 0%"


"The system prompts: the degree of damage is s, and the repair chance is 0%"


Eight Vajra are all the same o

The chance of Dantian repairing is zero point o

That is to say...

Their Dantian is simply beyond repair!

Long Fei panicked and said in his heart: "Impossible, impossible, there must be a way, there must be a way..."

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