Zhan Wushuang breaks through the sky tower, the whole plane is boiling o

The first day in the Chaos World was worthy of its name at this moment.

everyone is excited o

Because, in the past thousands of years, someone in the chaos world has finally broken through the tower and stepped into the battlefield of the ancient gods. Once a good result is achieved, it will bring benefits to the chaos world.

Raise the plane level o

In this case, the heaven and earth Spiritual Qi in the chaotic world will be more rich.

The most exciting is the Jiuyou Zhanjia o

warrior o


"Hahaha..." Zhan Tiantu laughed proudly, "Wushuang, good work, finally broke the shackles and rushed to Tiantian Tower, the Zhan family is honored because of you o"

"Father is proud of you o"

"Patriarch, the unparalleled young master is the first person in the Chaos Realm, and our Zhan family is bound to rise."

"I'm only 30 years old. Who can do it in the entire Chaos World?"

"An invincible existence!"

"The unparalleled young master is too powerful o"


The blood of every member of the Zhan family is ignited. It is of great significance to them that Zhan Wushuang broke through the sky tower, which means that the Zhan family has taken a big step up.

Zhan Tiantu smiled and said: "Pass my order and open the Dan Library, Hyogo, Library, and Zhan disciples can choose three at will."

The voice fell o

The entire warrior disciples cheered again.

The whole family is fighting in the sea of ​​joy o

Zhan Tiantu quickly stepped into the secret realm of Jiuyou. He wanted to tell the ancestors who cultivated Zhan Wushuang the news of Zhan Wushuang breaking through the tower, so that they would be happy too.

half an hour later

Jiuyou secret realmo

The eight elders were still sitting in Lotus Position around the huge dragon tomb, cultivating. Their bodies slowly absorbed the aura of power released by the dragon tomb.

very thick

The dragon tomb is also continuously provided, just like the sea of ​​power, inexhaustible.

Zhan Tiantu has always dreamed that one day he can cultivate the power of the dragon tomb like his ancestors did, and he was slightly stunned when he looked at the huge dragon tomb.

After a few seconds of pause, Zhan Tiantu knelt down and said, "Disciple Zhan Tiantu pays respect to our ancestor."

One of the white-haired old men opened his eyes slightly. He didn't look at Zhan Tiantu but thought about another place, "Junior Brother Zhanxin hasn't come back yet?"

at this time o

Not far away, a tablet fell to the ground o

Suddenly o

Then the white-haired old man got up abruptly with his eyes closed, and fell down one step, "Junior Brother!!"

What does it mean to be down?


There is a breath of war letter in the tablet, the deity of the war letter dies, the tablet will also fall, and they are related.

There is also an eight-sided tablet o on this shelf

At this time, all the ancestors opened their eyes and watched Zhan Xin's tablet fall. The seven people were angry, forming a strong and incomparable resonance of power.



The entire Jiuyou secret realm is trembling, and those God of War spirits are wailing, extremely afraid of the power emanating from them.

"who is it??"

An ancestor headed by him instantly fell in front of Zhan Tiantu, and a force directly supported Zhan Tiantu.

at this moment o

Zhan Tiantu thought he was going to die soon, it was extremely uncomfortable.

He kept shaking his head, "I don't know, I don't know, I really don't know..."

he doesn't know

he really doesn't know

Is there anyone who can resist the ancestors of the Zhan family?

The entire Xuanyuan clan is not Zhanxin's opponent, let alone a mere Long Fei, so Zhan Tiantu didn't think much about it at all. After Zhan Xin set off, he thought that Long Fei was dead!

But now...

His heart sank again and again

"As the head of the Zhan family, I don't even know this. What's the use of you?" The old ancestor was extremely angry, and a powerful force roared out of him, surging frantically.

In all directions, like a dark cave, they flock to Zhantian Road.

A mass of dark power directly wrapped him and fell into a black hole.

Zhan Tiantu can't say a word, and he doesn't even have the strength to struggle. In front of his ancestors, he is too weak and too weak.

It is also god-level, but the Cultivation Base is very different.


Zhan Tiantu is like being pressed into the water, his mouth is screaming, his eyes are bulging, and they are full of bloodshots.

At this time o

Another old man walked up and said slightly: "Boss, he is Wushuang's father, I think it's still..."

The headed old man squinted his eyes and hummed coldly, "Humph!"

When his right hand was released, the powerful force dissipated, Zhan Tiantu fell to the ground in an instant, gasping for breath, and after half a second he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "The disciple is incompetent, the disciple is incompetent, I also ask the ancestors to forgive me, The disciple is incompetent..."

That feeling he doesn't want to take anymore o



"You are a waste. If you didn't look at the unparalleled face, you are qualified to be the head of the Zhan family? What qualifications do you have to manage the Zhan family? You can't even deal with a broken Dantian Long Fei, you are incompetent? Hmph, It's just a useless piece of garbage o" the old man scolded mercilessly.

Who is Zhanxin?

It's their junior brother and his relative Little Brothero

It's dead now

And he didn't know who died in the hands, how could he not be angry?

Zhan Tiantu kept kowtowing and said, "What the ancestor said is, what the ancestor said is, I am trash, I am trash..."

scared to death

I dare not have the slightest objection

but o

Zhan Tiantu hated Long Fei very much in his heart, because it was Long Fei who made him suffer such insults and almost died here.

An old man said coldly, "You don't know about Zhan Xin's death, so what are you doing here?"

Zhan Tiantu immediately said: "I want to report to the ancestors that Wushuang broke through the tower."

The voice fell o

Eight people were shocked at the same time

An old man said: "What did you just say? Say it again o"

Zhan Tiantu became excited again and said: "Wushuang broke through the tower, just now the entrance gate to the battlefield of the ancient gods has been opened, it is really like the ancestors said that a red divine power fell from the sky, I just don't know if Wushuang has it now. Enter the battlefield of God o"




Before Zhan Tiantu finished speaking, the eight old men laughed at the same time.

"As expected of the person chosen by the ancestors o"

"Not bad!"

"The first genius in the chaos world, hahaha..."

The eight were extremely excited

Because Zhan Wushuang did not disappoint them, and even said that it surprised them, because it was much faster than their expectations, it can be seen that Zhan Wushuang's potential is extremely huge.

"Red divine light, it should be..." An old man looked at the old man who was headed by him.

The ancestor who headed it smiled lightly and said: "Yes, that is the power of our ancestors of the war family, the power of the transformation and evolution of the divine shield that can integrate the unparalleled life."

"The power of the real master artifact..."

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