The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1607 Killing Mode Begins

Only God can truly bring out the power of the main artifact.

Condensed Godhead, Obtained Divine Power o

Use divine power to pour into the main artifact. Only in this case can the power of the main artifact be fully exploded. The power that erupts in the Chaos Realm is only a tiny bit.

tip of the iceberg

"Now he just needs to wait and wait for that girl from the Xuanyuan clan to break through the tower, then he can use the 'container' to condense the godhead. At that time, the power of his main artifact, the divine shield, will be even further, even in the battlefield of the ancient gods. Standing strong, it doesn't take long to become a party's overlord and be valued by the main temple, hahaha... The war family is going to return to the upper god realm!"

"The opportunity for the rise of warriors has come o"


"No one can stop us now"

"After so many years in the Chaos Realm, lurking, finally we have the chance to return to the Upper God Realm o"

"The realm of the gods is the stage for our warrior family"

"As long as Wushuang can get a super record on the battlefield of the ancient gods, our war family will skyrocket, hahaha..."


The key to all this is Zhan Wushuang o

Who can stop Zhan Wushuang who enters the battlefield of the ancient gods with the main artifact?

Destined to dominate the battlefield of the ancient gods

Zhan Tiantu's heart is slightly relieved, because his son saved his life, because his son will still be the head of the Zhan family in the future, as long as his son does not die, no one can shake his status.

By the time……

Returning to the Upper God Realm, even these old ancestors should respect him a little bit.

Immediately o,

An old man took a look and said, "Wushuang should still be in the Heavenly Pagoda. He is waiting for that girl from the Xuanyuan tribe to break through."

"This is the right choice o"

"The chance of success in Heavenly Tribulation condensing the godhead is too low o"

"The risk is too great, we must borrow the power of the Xuanyuan clan."


"Think that if we were not for the power of the cultivation dragon tomb, we would not be able to withstand the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation. The power in that girl's body is stronger than the power in the dragon tomb, and it can help the unparalleled godhead baptism even more. Now let's see when that girl breaks through. Heaven tower o”

Eight people are talking about Zhan Wushuang o

Zhan Wushuang's breakthrough made them see a glimmer of light, the dawn of the rise of the Zhan family.

In order to avoid their enemies, and to rise up and lurking in the Chaos World for so many years, each generation of the Zhan Family shoulders the heavy responsibility of returning to the Upper God Realm.

In this generation, because of the appearance of Zhan Wushuang, they finally see hope o

Zhan Tiantu asked, "Old Ancestor, what should the Zhan family do now?"

Looking at Zhan Tiantu's face as the head of the ancestors also slightly improved. After all, Zhan Wushuang is his son, and said: "We have been preparing, and now we are just waiting for Wushuang to condense the godhead."

"As long as he condenses his godhead, he will immediately enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, and then..." He laughed excitedly.

immediately o

Another old man said: "When it comes to preparation, the only thing to prepare now is to protect Wushuang and protect that girl from the Xuanyuan clan."

"Nothing can go wrong o"

Xuanyuan Li'er is also the key

The key to Transcend Tribulation

Must make sure she is obedient o

Zhan Tiantu immediately said: "The tower of the gods is also under our control. The master of the tower will protect Wushuang, and he doesn't want to miss two geniuses who can enter the battlefield of the ancient gods. It's not good for him."


"The master of the tower of the gods is also considered to be the peak powerhouse in the chaos world. They should be able to protect Wushuang," an elder said lightly.

And o has controlled the Heavenly Pagoda for so long, his cultivation power is very strong o

Even if he loses, he still has a Super Lingbaotong Shentian Tower!

They don't have to worry about the Tongshentian Tower, even if there are more people, it is useless, and they will die if they go there.


The headed ancestor suddenly asked: "How did Zhan Xin die? Can you say it now?"

Zhan Tiantu froze slightly, thinking of the feeling of being pressed into the darkness just now, his body could not help shaking, and said: "I really don't know o"

"As far as I know, no one from the Xuanyuan clan is his opponent, the only possibility is..."

Zhan Tiantu looked at his ancestor and said, "It's Long Fei!"

"It's him?"


The old ancestor denied instantly, "Long Fei is just a demigod Realm, even if his cultivation power is special, no matter how strong his power is, he will be limited by the laws of planes. He Long Fei is the same o"

Zhantiantu also doesn't believe o

But he just wanted to impose everything on Long Fei.

Long Fei's growth is too fast

Must be restrained, otherwise it will be a huge threat o

The demise of The Underworld is a living warning o

Zhan Tiantu said: "Long Fei is indeed a demigod Realm, but almost all the elders of the Zhan family died in his hands. If this son is not removed, it will become a hidden danger."

"Old Ancestors"

"I implore you to do it together!"

The voice fell o

An old man sneered, glanced at Zhan Tiantu with contempt, and said, "How afraid of Long Fei are you? You actually asked us to join forces to kill a demigod Realm's trash?"

"Does he have the qualifications?"

"Even if his Talent and Cultivation Base are good, who are we? The most peak powerhouse in the bastard world, should we join forces to kill him?"

very disdain

Even if Zhan Xin died, they didn't take Long Fei seriously.

Zhantian Road: "This son has killed many elders of our Zhan family. We must kill them with the power of thunder to shock the heroic power of our Zhan family."

he insists

The purpose of his coming to Jiuyou secret realm is to report the news of Zhan Wushuang's breakthrough, but also to want eight ancestors to come out at the same time.

The current chaos world is in chaos with the demise of The Underworld gate.

If the warriors stand up at this time, they can easily rule the entire plane.

for a long time

The headed ancestor let out a soft breath and said, "I haven't gone out for a walk for many years."

"We should also go out and see o"

The voice fell o

The other seven were shocked, and then all laughed.

Zhan Tiantu was ecstatic in his heart, and secretly said: "Long Fei, you are not dead this time?"


this time o

Beyond Warrior's Valley o

The two gatekeepers fell in a pool of blood, Long Fei stood at the entrance of the valley, looked at the inhuman Elder Zhan family beside him, smiled slightly, and said, "Go, let your patriarch know that the daddy is here!"

The Elder stumbled into the valley and looked back at Long Fei. He grinned and said with a sneer, "Boy, just wait to die."

"Dragon Fei is here!"

"Dragon Fei is here!"

The sound blasts in the valley o

The disciples of the Zhan family also poured out like a tide.

Long Fei glanced at the main artifact and said slightly: "It's time to fill up a main artillery o"

"The main cannon has been useless for a long time, and I don't know if it will rust."

The voice fell o

The afterimage of Long Fei was like a ghost, and he rushed into the crowd in one step, "The killing begins..."

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