"Are you crazy?"

"Do you think our Zhan family is really afraid of you?" Zhan Hu put away his things, his eyes were angry, and he stared at Long Fei with murderous eyes.

He is not afraid of Long Fei o

He was just worried that the war family would be seriously injured.

If anything that can be solved with an artifact is not a thing for him

this time o

Following Ancestor Yanhuang's order, the surrounding disciples of the Heavenless Sect rushed down like a tidal wave, and there was a sound of killing.

The ancestors of Yan and Huang guarded Long Fei's side to prevent the ancestors of the Zhan family from sneaking up.

Long Fei grinned slightly and said, "Whether you are afraid of me or not, I will kill all your war clan today, do you know why?"

"Because you messed with the daddy!"

The voice fell o

Long Fei frowned, and his thoughts moved, "Transformation!"


One hundred layers of energy were activated, and a powerful force from the golden hoop rod poured into Long Fei's body, "Boom!"

Instantly become Sun Wukongo

The golden hoop stick in his hand turned and made a loud bang. He pointed at Zhan Hu's face and said with a slight smile, "Boss, I'm going to blow you up today."

There must be some secrets hidden in the ancient magic suit

and o

Zhan Hu definitely didn't take out all the ancient myriad spirit suits. It is better to force him to take it out than to explode it himself. Anyway, he wants to kill it!

Zhan Hu's eyes moved, the divine aura on his body, and the killing intent were intertwined, and he suddenly moved.


too fast!

Ancestor Yanhuang's eyes were shocked and he said, "Long Fei, be careful..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei had already met him head-on and roared, "I attacked daddy just now, and now daddy will kill you!"

no fear o

hard front

I just heard a bang in the sky




Countless golden lights flicker, like the sky cracking

The two streamers bounced off and collided again in an instant, "Boom..."

loud noise

The entire Zhanjia Valley was shrouded in this loud noise, and the powerful force overflowed, and many people shivered by this force.

Ancestor Yanhuang looked at the sky, smiled slightly, and said, "Good boy, the Cultivation Base of the demigod Realm has surpassed the one-star godhead powerhouse, it's fierce enough."

"Looks like you're ready now o"


"It's really exciting o"

Ancestor Yanhuang is very excited o

In the Tianwu Continent, he watched Long Fei reach the peak step by step. Now, it has only been a few years in the Chaos Realm. Long Fei has once again set foot on the peak.

too strong!

Ancestor Yanhuang couldn't find another word to describe Long Fei

The feeling that Long Fei gave him will definitely be ranked in the main temple!

Even above the main temple o


Another collision, a loud bang o

Two streamers bounce off o

Long Fei wiped the bridge of his nose, feeling very unhappy, and muttered in his heart, "How can we fully unleash the power of the second stage?"

So far, Long Fei has transformed into Sun Wukong, and he can't unleash all his power at all.

It's not that he doesn't want to o

But he couldn't do it at all, he always felt that something was missing

Unable to release all the power of Sun Wukong, the power of the second stage is definitely stronger than the main cannon, but the main cannon can kill people, but now he can't crush the tiger.

This annoys him

"What exactly are we going to do?"

"How can the power of the second stage be fully exploded?" Long Fei asked himself, constantly thinking about this question, and he was a little irritable.

"Come again!!"

Long Fei shouted, "Shu!" The figure was like electricity, and the golden hoop in his hand slammed violently.

In a tenth of a second, "Boom..."

The long sword in Zhanhu's hand stabbed out o

Weapons intersect, flames fill the sky

The incomparable power is overflowing like a volcanic eruption. As long as these power ripples hit people, they are instantly killed and evaporated in an instant.

Zhan Hu's heart sank and was shocked, "What kind of power does this kid cultivate? Why is it not divine power, but he doesn't lose divine power?"


He is a one-star godhead peak powerhouse. He has been condensing godhead for hundreds of years. He does not believe that anyone in the Chaos Realm is his opponent. Even if the ancestor Yanhuang just came out, he is confident to win.


Zhanhu let out a roar, and charged up again frantically.

leap to the sky

In the sky, thousands of phantoms burst out

All over the sky are the figures of Zhanhu, and each figure is like a real body, "Jiuyoujushen Sword Techniqueo"


A sword strikes o

The sky sank, and the forces rushed towards Long Fei, just like the sickle of the god of death was hooked to Jean.

very sharp o

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, and the golden hoop in his hand shook, "Boom!"

cracked ground

Long Fei snorted loudly and said, "I still don't believe I can't kill you!!"

anger burns

With his mind wandering all over his body, Long Fei asked himself again, "Monkey, how can you unleash all your power??"

"tell me!"

no response o

In the second stage, Long Fei did not exert one ten thousandth of his power at all.

The main artillery can kill people in seconds

The power of transformation in the second stage should be more able to kill anyone in seconds. This is the main artifact.

but o

Long Fei couldn't find the power to kill in seconds.

what exactly is it?

How can we unleash the full power?

The monkey did not speak, because now Long Fei is the monkey, o

The system also did not respond o

It is impossible for the system to tell him this, because the system is only auxiliary, and everything depends on Long Fei himself.

Long Fei's brows knitted together, watching the Wan Jian in the sky pierce through, "What is it? What is it?"

suddenly o

At this time, Sleeping Beauty opened her eyes and said lazily, "Master, think about where your power comes from."

"Go to the source to find o"

"The source?" Long Fei's heart was suddenly startled, "The source...the source...the source..."

Long Fei kept reciting these two words o

"What is the source?"

"The source is the dragon coffin...the power of the first stage o"

"The source of power for Sun Wukong's transformation comes from the golden hoop rod. The golden hoop rod is the dragon coffin, but it has changed its shape." Long Fei looked at the golden hoop rod beside him.

suddenly o

A glint of light flashed in Long Fei's eyes, and said, "The power of transformation also comes from the golden hoop, which means that the power of Sun Wukong's transformation comes from the golden hoop."

Long Fei firmly grasped o


His eyes closed slightly, and his thoughts entered the golden hoop.

This is a special world o

It is full of infinite power

This is a power space o

It can be said... this is not a golden hoop o

It's just a form of the main artifact o


break out!

Long Fei came to the source of the power of the main artifact...

this time o

Ancestor Yanhuang was slightly startled, "Long Fei, what are you doing?"

Several elders from the Zhan family showed excited smiles, "This kid must have been frightened."


Zhan Hu laughed wildly, "Give me death!"

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