The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1617 The Mysterious World, The Power Of The Source

The main artifact is not a single dragon coffin main artillery, nor is it a single golden hoop transformation power, it is a very special existence o

Because of it, the dragon clan was hunted down, almost exterminating the clan.

What is its source?

The moment Long Fei's thoughts entered the golden hoop, he felt a completely different world.

unimaginable world

"Long Fei, Long Fei, Long Fei..."

One after another voice came to his mind o

suddenly o

Long Fei suddenly arrived, his thoughts closed, his eyes widened, watching Wan Jian fall, his mind moved, that mysterious world, the world of the source burst out with a super power.

A divine power that does not belong to this world

Nor does it belong to the power of the Great Saint released by Sun Wukong.

This is……

The power of origin in the mysterious world of the main artifact


Long Fei's golden hoop moved, sweeping o


Ten thousand swords shattered, shattered into powder in the sky, crystal clear, and scattered little by little, just like starlight falling, the scene was extremely beautiful.

Also at this moment

Zhan Hu's body sank, "Pfft..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out

The whole body exploded out, and a shocking damage value soared above his head, "10000000000" point o

A full 10 billion o

And the blood on the top of Zhanhu's head is only a little bit of Pippi.

This damage is fierce!




Zhanhu pierced a mountain and flew hundreds of kilometers. In a straight line, everything in the straight line was a piece of powder.




The Zhan Family Valley suddenly quieted down, and they all looked into the distance. The faces of the Zhan Family disciples turned pale. What kind of power was that just now?

Ancestor Yanhuang was also shocked, and muttered to himself, "What power?"

He has never seen this kind of power o

too strong o

It feels beyond the control of this world, beyond the power of all the laws of the chaotic world, and it is extremely terrifying.

Long Fei himself is the same

Don't scare him

At that moment, Wan Jian fell, and his mind was pulled out from the mysterious world, and brought out a tiny bit, a tiny bit of power, as thin as a silk thread, to cause such a huge amount of damage.


"This, this, this is too scary o"

Long Fei was horrified. He now realizes why the dragon clan is being hunted down, or even annihilated. This power is too terrifying.

He only brought out a little bit of power just now. If all the power in the mysterious world is controlled by him, then this world...

Long Fei can't imagine

Looking at the golden hoop stick in his hand, Long Fei wanted to enter again, but found that he could not enter the mysterious world just now.

"What kind of power are you?"

"Where exactly are you from?"

Long Fei's heart became extremely curious.

in another world

An unknown world, a humming sound from a huge white tower, the sound reaches the sky o

followed by o

The whole world is in turmoil

"Original power has been activated by people!"

"Go and find o quickly"

"No matter which plane he is in, he must be found for me, he must..."

An old man was extremely excited. Looking at the sky, he blushed and said excitedly, "Are you finally going to wake up? Hahaha... Finally going to wake up!!"

Thousands of streamers fly to the sky

They all go into all planes to find o



Long Fei exhaled heavily and said heavily: "There is still a little blood, daddy blows you up!"

move a step


One step to fly to Zhanhu's position o

at this time o

An ancestor of the Zhan family stood up from the ground and blocked Long Fei's path instantly, and a large sword fell from the sky, "Long Fei, suffer!"


Before the big sword fell, the figure of Yan Huang's ancestor disappeared, and he slashed the chest of the old Zhan family ancestor, "Crack!"


The chest is cracked, and the body is suddenly torn apart o

Ancestor Yanhuang grinned and said, "Boy, do whatever you want, no one is qualified to stop you!"

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Ancestor, I'll leave it to you here."


Quickly shuttle out, and between two breaths, you will reach the landing point of Zhanhu.

Just now, there was only a little bit of blood, and he had to be killed, so that the ancient Myriad Spirit suit could be exposed, and what was hidden in the Myriad Spirit suit.

When Long Fei arrived here, he killed dozens of Zhan disciples at random.

Rage energy boosted to third-levelo

"War tiger!"

"Blast me o"


Long Fei fell down one step, and fell heavily on the ground. The shock wave of powerful force on the ground would cover it, and his mind induction would also spread out.

However o

What shocked Long Fei was that there was no such thing as a fighting tiger in a radius of 100 miles.

Zhan Hu is seriously injured, even if he is taller than Long Fei's Cultivation Base, it is impossible for him to hide his own aura at this time, and Long Fei will definitely be able to sense it.


Now I can't feel the breath of a fighting tiger.


Only the dead have no breath


Long Fei's heart sank, "Zhanhu still has a little blood, he can't die so easily, absolutely impossible, he must have escaped o"


"I ** oss!"

"How can you escape?"

Long Fei was furious and felt very unhappy. The cooked ducks flew away?

This is so fucked up!

"War tiger!"

"You died for me." Long Fei roared wildly, feeling extremely unhappy in his heart. If he had pursued the victory just now, he would not have let Zhanhu escape.

"Depend on!"

"You coward, aren't god-level powerhouses awesome?"

"Run away from your sister o"

No matter how Long Fei yelled, Zhan Hu didn't make a sound at all.

Long Fei searched several times but found no trace of Zhanhu. Obviously, he is no longer in this place.

immediately o

Long Fei didn't stop. He couldn't catch up with the speed of the one-star god.

He believes that Zhanhu will come out in the future.

Now Long Fei's purpose is to attract Zhan Wushuang, this is the top priority, and his purpose of coming here is also Zhan Wushuang.


Long Fei instantly fell in the Zhanjia Valley o

at the moment o

The entire Zhan family disciple and two Zhan family elders were crushed by Yanhuang Patriarch.

Long Fei's transformation power disappeared, and he walked in front of Zhan Tiantu and said, "Zhan Clan Chief, hurry up and call Zhan Wushuang down for me."

"I know you can give him a voice transmission o"

Zhan Tiantu smiled coldly and said, "Long Fei, do you think I'll tell him to come down? He'll be able to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods right away, and he'll be able to take you down right away..."

"Shoot your sister." Long Fei slapped his face alone, looked up to the sky and roared, "Zhan Wushuang, do you want your father's life?"

"If you don't want to..."


Long Fei showed a murderous smile

In order to protect Xuanyuan Li'er, Long Fei will do whatever it takes!

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