The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1646 Immortal Body

Star Book o

The power of Star was released by Long Fei, and the epitome of the Death planet he fused was summoned.

Bombed at the top of Zhan Wushuang's head.

No extra bells and whistles

There is no crushing of powerful forces.

Not much more Cultivation Techniqueo

It's just hitting you with a planet, it's that simple o

Zhan Wushuang's eyes froze for a moment, and he smiled contemptuously: "Long Fei, is this your last move to make me tremble? Hahaha... It's just a big stone, can it hurt half of my hair?"


very disdain

Did not put the 'planet' overhead in one's eyes to put in one's eyes

But o

Before he could finish his words, at that instant, the Death planet smashed down onto Zhan Wushuang's head.


On the surface, Zhan Wushuang does not put the Death Star in one’s eyes, but he is secretly guarding it. The defense of the ancestors and the defense of the Aegis of God are released.

However o

In that instant, a complete collapse o

His body suspended in mid-air was blasted directly to the ground, crushed by a huge force, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"what is this?"

Zhan Wushuang's eyebrows tightened, a big rock... No matter how strong it was, it would not be able to cause such powerful damage to him. In the moment just now, the ancestors he merged would be blasted out of the body.

The soul will be blasted out of the body

"This is your ancestor!"

Long Fei roared, and with a thought, the Death Star disappeared, "Boom!"

The sky is loud

Without waiting for Zhan Wushuang to get up from the ground, another Death Star bombed down. The same Death Star as just now slammed heavily on Zhan Wushuang's body.


The blood is spraying wildly, and the eyeballs are about to burst.

Zhan Wushuang screamed in pain, "Ah... ah... ah... Ancestor..."

"Call the ancestors?"

"It's useless to call you daddy" Long Fei controls the Book of Heaven with one hand, and the Death Star with the other, like a King of Hell, with the Book of Life and Death with the other, and Judge's Brusho with the other.

big pen swipe o

Death Star bombing!


After the third bombing, Zhan Wushuang could no longer resist it. A spiritual body was crushed and burst out of his body. Zhan Wushuang's blood surged and his face was extremely pale.


Zhan Wushuang made a sound and participated in a powerful force to suck the spirit body that burst out of his body into his body again. Without the power of the ancestors of the Zhan family, he would have died long ago.

The ancestors of the war family are the super powerhouses in the main temple o

Although it is only a spirit body now, its power should not be underestimated.


Zhan Wushuang gasped heavily and watched the Death Star bomb down for the fourth time. With all his strength, he blasted out and rushed towards Long Fei, saying, "Long Fei, die for me!"

close call o

coming soon o

However o

Long Fei stood motionless, and at the moment when Zhan Wushuang's attack fell, the Death Star slammed down, Long Fei sneered, and said, "Just lie down for me!"


a pop o

Zhan Wushuang was knocked to the ground again, and the whole person was lying at Long Fei's feet.

Long Fei looked at it with contempt, and coldly smiled: "How crazy!"

"The ancestors are amazing, aren't they?"

"Zhanjia is amazing, isn't it?"

"It's amazing to have the God of Destiny to support you, isn't it?"

"Even if the world of 100,000 is my enemy, daddy will still beat him. You Zhan Wushuang are just a small stone in my eyes." Long Fei's eyes were fierce.

inner anger burst out

The kneeling of the eight Vajra, the scars on their bodies, all made Long Fei furious.

Zhan Wushuang is to die!

"Pfft, puff..."

Zhan Wushuang continued to spray blood, and the blood tank above his head quickly bottomed out.

Now he is already at the end of the shot

fish o on a chopping board

"Come on, come with daddy again." Long Fei thought, and the Death Star disappeared.

Zhan Wushuang's body lightened slightly, and he slowly patted it from the ground. He laughed coldly and said, "Hahaha...haha...Long Fei, do you think you killed me?"

"Do you think you can kill me?"


very strange o

The blood volume is almost bottomed out, still can't kill?


Or in a hurry to find death?

Not like looking for death

Long Fei's eyes were fierce, his steps rushed, and his palms slashed up.


Zhan Wushuang's body burst out, however... A bright red number "213222" floated above his head, and this damage value was enough to kill his current HP in seconds.


Zhan Wushuang got up from the ground, he has nothing to do

"Wuhaha... Said you can't kill daddy" Zhan Wushuang laughed wildly, laughing loudly, "Hahaha...Long Fei, despair o"


"Laugh at your ancestors" Long Fei attacked again, flipped his right hand, summoned the colorful ancient sword, and slashed it down with one knife, this is super powerful.

Plus the power of the colorful ancient domain knife o

Even Zhanhu with tens of billions of HP will instantly kill him.


A knife slashed on Zhan Wushuang's body, but... Zhan Wushuang did not die!

A damage number of tens of billions floated above his head, but he was not dead, with a gloomy sneer, said: "Long Fei, I have the body of immortality o"

"You can never kill me, hahaha..."


"How does this taste like?"

Zhan Wushuang laughed o

At this moment, Long Fei's anger was even more intense, and his mind was in chaos, because beyond his cognition, the berserk system he had was a kind of game system, and there was a rule in any situation. Zero this person Death, but now...

Has damage value, but can't kill?

What is this called?

System bug?

Or is there any other powerful force in Zhan Wushuang protecting him?

The power of the Aegis?

Or the protection of fate of the god of fate?

"Daddy doesn't believe it anymore!" Long Fei gritted his teeth, "Death Star bombing!"


Heavy crushing, Zhan Wushuang was crushed and knelt on the ground again, and a super damage number burst out above his head, but... Zhan Wushuang was still fine.

and o

This time he didn't even vomit blood


Long Fei doesn't understand

At this moment, he thought of countless undead skills in the game in his mind, but... this is the real world, not the game.

Why is this possible?

"What is it?" Long Fei roared heavily.

Zhan Wushuang laughed and said, "Long Fei, can't you kill my despair?"


"This is the fate-transferring power of the God of Destiny. Those powers of yours can't do me any harm, hahaha... Long Fei, you can't kill me, so just accept your fate o"

Zhan Wushuang laughs proudly

He didn't know either, but just now there was an extra voice in his mind and an extra power in his body. At that time, he suddenly knew that the power of the God of Destiny burst out in him.

at this moment o

Tongshentian Tower flashes a golden light...

Xuanyuan Li'er broke through the 100-story tower!

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