The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1647 Heaven's Gate

God's gate wide open

On the top of the tower of the gods, there is a light of the sky, which is the door to the battlefield of the ancient gods.

This also means that Xuanyuan Li'er on the 100th floor broke through the Heavenly Pagoda!

Breaking through the sky tower will link to the gate of the ancient gods battlefield. This is the game rule made by the main god.

just o

A little different from Zhan Wushuang, Xuanyuan Li'er did not receive any divine light reward, except for the opening of the gate of the battlefield of the ancient gods, there was nothing else.

This is also the fate of God in control o

He will never let anyone around Long Fei get any extra power, he just wants to target Long Fei!




The light of the sky shines out, impressing the entire Chaos Realm o

Chaos world is in turmoil again

"The gate to the battlefield of the ancient gods has been opened again. It's only been a few days. Is it possible that someone broke through the tower of the gods? This is too incredible o"

"too scary o"

"Another genius?"

"Today's successive turmoil in Chaos World, will it have something to do with him?"

"Another genius in the Chaos Realm is born. In the future, the powerhouses in the Chaos Realm will surely occupy a place in the battlefield of the ancient gods, hahaha..."


Many cheers o latest and fastest update

because o

Someone broke through the tower of the gods, which means that there is one more strong person in the chaos world to break through the sky, and the chaos world will increase its influence by one level.

Although o

They don't know that the powerhouses of the lower planes like Chaos World can only be the fate of being cannon fodder to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, but this is a kind of hope for them.

The 100th floor of the Tongshen Tower!

Xuanyuan Li'er was ecstatic, her tears poured out excitedly, "I broke through, I broke through, I finally broke through, Long Fei big brother, I will come to you right away."

"I don't want to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, I don't want to become a god-level powerhouse, I just want to stay with you for the rest of my life..."

Breaking through the 100th floor means she can leave this goddamn Heavenly Tower.

at this time o

Her heart had already flown to Long Fei's side.

The divine light of the sky shrouded, and the gate of the battlefield of the ancient gods opened. As long as Xuanyuan Li'er moved his mind, he would be sucked into the gate by the light of the sky.

She will enter the battlefield of the ancient gods

but o

She doesn't!

The guardian of the tower on the hundredth floor frowned, and immediately said: "Xuanyuan Li'er, this is your only chance to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, you can't give it up o"

Xuanyuan Li'er smiled lightly and said, "For me, if I can't be with the person I love, even if I become a god, I'm not happy, and it doesn't make any sense o"

The sage guarding the tower shouted loudly: "Why did you attack the Tongshentian Tower? What did you become a Practitioner for, and what did you cultivate for all these years?"

"Isn't it just to pursue Martial Dao supreme?"

"The opportunity is in front of you now, as long as you take this step, you will enter a completely different world, and your Martial Dao road will be broader o"

"Xuanyuan Li'er, don't be stupid."

Pursuing Martial Dao supreme is every Practitioner's dream o

Xuanyuan Li'er also had such a fierce o

Her cultivation also wants to achieve some kind of supreme Realm, and even create a plane belonging to her own world.

but o

For those who want to compare to Long Fei, she will still choose Long Fei!

Because Long Fei is the person she likes

Xuanyuan Li'er smiled, smiling happily, and said, "I choose to stay here..."


At this moment, Zhan Wushuang's spirit body suddenly rushed up, "You can't go anywhere, enter the battlefield of the ancient gods with me!"

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