The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1670 Shocking Fruit

Chapter 1670 Shocking Fruit

I don't know if it's because of Long Fei's current cultivation divine power, or because of the different laws on the battlefield of the ancient gods and the plane of chaos. When Long Fei's power was injected into the Death Star, he had a powerful feeling, an unprecedented power. , the power of creation is general, like a six-path immortal.

very special

However, Long Fei didn't care whether he was special or not, all he wanted to do now was one thing.



The diameter is more than a thousand meters, and it is smashed heavily against the ground.


"Boom, boom..."

After the crushing, the disciples of the Wanxiong Gang were too frightened to move, trembling all over, and shouting frantically, "No, no..."


The deputy gang leader's eyes were ferocious, and he didn't care about others at all, so he ran out on his own.

but o

too slow o


With a heavy pressure, the earth seemed to be smoothed out in an instant.

Under the Death Star, there was a constant burst of sound, like killing a bunch of flies, "Crack, click, click..."

Also at this moment

The system sounded a beeping frantically, Long Fei's eyes closed slightly, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, he smiled faintly, and said, "Come on!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Wanxiong Gang Minions' to gain 150 experience points, 10 divine power points, and 1 energy value o"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Wanxiong Gang Minions' to gain 150 experience points, 10 divine power points, and 1 energy value o"



A special system prompt sounds o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Vice Leader of Wanxiong Gang' to gain 80,000 experience points, 6,900 divine power points, and 1 energy point o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Six Spirit Pills'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Earthquake Power'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Steel Armor Gloves'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."

A series of beeps sounded o


"Steel Armor Gloves..." Long Fei pondered for a moment, then moved his mind and said, "Release the abnormal energy value!"


"System prompt: Please choose!"


The grade of the steel glove is average, but the earthquake skill made Long Fei very impressed. That kind of meat ball mode bounced around, the earth was shaking, and he couldn't bear it at all.

If it weren't for the fact that I still have the "Star Book", I really wouldn't be this big Fatty's opponent.

After making a choice, the metamorphic energy value quickly disappears and becomes zero o

also at this time

A stream of energy is injected into the 'seismic power'

Long Fei thought to himself, "It's another great perfection. Realm's Cultivation Technique has arrived."

"What would a Great Perfection-level earthquake work look like?"

The Raptors' pace is injected with abnormal energy value and it becomes the Great Perfection Realm. The pace is like a ghost, and it is faster than o

The art of spiritual knowledge enters the emptiness and becomes the mirror of the emptiness.

The abnormal energy value is really awesome. What kind of Realm can the seismic power evolve to this time?

Pause for a few seconds

The system beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Zhenzhen Fruit'. Did he swallow it?"


"What?" Long Fei's eyes were stunned, and he couldn't react. "What? What fruit?"

Quickly turn on the system o

When he saw the Devil fruit floating in his mind, Long Fei laughed, his smile was very lewd, and he looked extremely wretched, "f*ck, Whitebeard's shocking fruit... my darling, this It's killing people."

"I thought that the abnormal energy value can only increase the proficiency of Cultivation Technique, but I didn't expect it to be upgraded?"

"It's too stupid, isn't it?"

can't imagine o

Long Fei never imagined that he could be perverted to such a degree that a copy of Cultivation Technique directly evolved into a Devil fruit. I have to say that the power of this pervert is really strong.

"I love perverts!"


immediately o

Long Fei's thoughts moved, and he said, "Swallow!"

How could Whitebeard's shaking fruit not be swallowed?

How can the power that tears the space and ravages the earth be spared?


"The shaking fruit was swallowed"

There is one more skill in Long Fei's Cultivation Technique column.

Shake fruit, the power of a big earthquake!



"It's really cool to explode, and it's really cool to be perverted." Long Fei couldn't help laughing in his heart.

this time o

The death star slowly disappears o

A huge deep pit appeared on the ground, and the blood in the deep pit was blurred, and it was all crushed into flesh.

this time o

Lei Jiu just arrived, looking at the corpses around him, the stumps around him, and the blood bursting. The whole scene was like purgatory on earth, extremely terrifying.

Lei Jiu looked at Long Fei who was standing not far away

He is like a god of death who controls purgatory, covered in blood, and his eyes are cold.

daunting o

like a born strong


"Great God, it's really a great God." Lei Jiu couldn't control the excitement in his heart, so he wanted to kneel on the ground and kowtow because of his admiration for Long Fei.

too fierce o

Long Fei was slightly taken aback when he saw Lei Jiu and the others coming back, and immediately put away his murderous look, and said slightly, "Why did you guys come back?"

Take a look at Lan Ya o

Long Fei took out the spirit horn and threw it over, saying, "Give it to you!"

It can be seen that Lan Ya needs this spiritual horn very much.

Lan Ya took it in one hand and was immediately moved.

Spirit horns are worth 10,000 Divine Spirit Pills, and... the key point is that the spirit horns of giant Tianlu have a useless use of other spirit horns, and can cure a disease.

a very strange disease

She must find this horn to save her father o

this time o

Lei Jiu knelt on one knee directly on the ground and said, "Great God, thank you!"

Lan Ya was also excited, and knelt on one knee on the ground, and said excitedly: "Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

Tears can't help but come out

Long Fei waved his hand and said, "It's just a spiritual horn, and it's not a good thing. Just hold it. Do you want to make a big gift like this?"

He really doesn't care

even o

He didn't even look at the attributes of the spirit horn, and he didn't even know his value.

If he knew, he wouldn't be so rich o

"The Great God is the Great God, it's really awesome." Lei Jiu worshipped even more. This kind of special value spiritual horn, let alone his Lei family, even the Lan family would not dare to give it away.

He could see from Long Fei's eyes that he didn't take it seriously at all.

This is really arrogant!

Samsung Cultivation Base, the deputy leader of the Wanxiong Gang, and hundreds of minions, I'm afraid no one will believe it if I say it.

Lei Jiu stepped forward and said, "Great God, can you tell me your name?"

Be careful, for fear that Long Fei will be unhappy.

Long Fei said: "My name is Long Fei"

Lei Jiu murmured, "Long Fei? I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

a bit familiar

But I can't remember where I heard o

He must have heard it somewhere, and it seems to have come from the mouth of the patriarch of his Lei family...

What's the matter?

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