The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1671 Nameless Valley

Chapter 1671 Nameless Valley

Lei Jiu doesn't like to use his brain o

You will never think about things you can't think of.

Lei Jiu didn't think too much, and said, "My name is Lei Jiu, the two of them are Mount Tai, the two brothers from Tai Hai, she is Lan Yao"

The Lei family, the Tai family, and the Lan family are all powerful families on Devil Island. It can be said that no one knows the existence of five people...

However o

Long Fei's eyes don't have any turbulence at all.

Lei Jiu was shocked again, and secretly said in his heart: "Looking at the age of the Great God, he should be about the same age as us. It is impossible that he has not heard of the three major families, but there is no expression of surprise in his eyes. Sect's disciple? Or a more powerful force?"

Mount Tai, the hearts of the two Tai Hai brothers are the same o

The three major families are very large among the ten cities on Devil Island, and few people do not know o

But when the dragon flew away, there was no To put in one’s eyeso

This makes their worship of Long Fei even more.

if o

They know that Long Fei doesn't know the three major families at all, and they don't know what to think.

Don't know of course not shocked o

Lei Jiu said, "Great God, are you here to practice?"

Long Fei said: "You can say that o"

Lei Jiu thought to himself: "Sure enough, it must be a genius disciple of a big Sect. Only a genius disciple can crush the deputy leader of the Wanxiong Gang at Samsung Realm's Cultivation Base."

Long Fei said: "You are here for spirit beast?"

Lei said at nine o'clock: "Well, it's specially for this giant Tianlu, if it weren't for your help, I'm afraid we..."


Lei Jiu asked again, "Great God, where are you going next?"

Long Fei said: "Continue the test, find a place with more Demonic Beasts to test o"

His current level is not enough o

He still has to get stronger, and... the abnormal energy value is so awesome, if you don't make good use of it, it will really be a waste.

Li Ruchao is still waiting for him at King Yama City

Since he promised him, Long Fei will definitely do it.

Lei Jiu was stunned for a moment, and said, "Great God, I know where there are many Demonic Beasts. I can show you the way, can you let me follow you?"

"Just be a little minion o"

"it's OK?"

pitiful eyes

Just for fear that Long Fei would disagree.

Long Fei said: "I'm not a great god. I should be older than you. If you don't dislike it, just call me brother. As for taking you..."

Lei Jiu immediately said: "Brother Fei, I can do everything, I am good at carrying water, chopping wood, cooking and washing clothes."

Mount Tai, Tai Hai, and Lan Ya looked at Lei Jiu with dazed expressions.

Lei Jiu is also a little Young Master of Lei Jiu, can he do these things?

That's a hell of a lot o

Long Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Then just follow o"

"And us!"

Mount Tai, the two Taihai brothers immediately stepped forward and said, "We are also proficient in carrying water, chopping wood, cooking, and washing clothes. Brother Fei, take us with you too."

Lan Ya whispered: "Can't you all be disciplined?"

Mount Tai replied and said, "Practice? Can I eat it?"

Long Fei's strength is too strong. In their hearts, Long Fei must come from a powerful Sect force, and he will definitely not suffer from following Long Fei.

Of course o

They also worship Long Fei very much in their hearts.

Also their savior

At this time, the morality has long been thrown into the chrysanthemum.

Looking at their sincere expressions, Long Fei couldn't help smiling bitterly, and said, "Aren't you looking for the spirit horns to save people? Now that you have the spirit horns, you should go back earlier."

Lei Jiudao: "This is not a problem o"

immediately o

Lei Jiu took out a flashing bird from the space bag.

Lan Ya also handed the spirit horn up, Lei Jiu injected his thoughts into the bird's body, and then the bird swallowed the spirit horn, fluttered his wings a few times, and flew into the void instantly.

Lei Jiu said: "Okay!"

It was the first time that Long Fei saw this kind of thing. It was just like a carrier pigeon, but it was much stronger than a carrier pigeon. It traveled directly through the void.

Seeing Long Fei's shocked appearance, Lei Jiu said, "This is the unique spirit bird of our three major families. He can help us deliver things. Tomorrow, the spirit horn will be in the hands of Uncle Lan, don't worry about it."

"This kind of thing is not bad o" Long Fei said slightly, if it were put on the earth, I am afraid that the whole courier would lose their jobs.

Lei Jiudao: "Brother Fei, gadgets, when I get back to Lei's house, I will give you a few o's"

Long Fei said: "Then it's settled."

There are good things naturally want o


Lei Jiu said: "Definitely, definitely o"

"Let's go!"

"Lead the way to the place where Demonic Beasts are dense," Long Fei said.


two hours later

"What did you say?"

"The deputy gang leader died?"

On the edge of the cliff behind Wanxiong Gang, a man with an incomparably huge physique sat on the ground, his pupils shrank like a cobra, and shouted, "It's really useless."

"I can't even catch a few little dolls!"


immediately o

A strong wind swept through and directly grabbed the disciple and threw it into his mouth. He chewed it, blood flowed out from the gap between his teeth, and said while chewing, "Come out."


A mysterious man wearing a cloak appeared out of thin air, his voice was low, and he asked, "You failed!"

Yu Wanxiong swallowed the chewed meat and said, "I don't want to, but the information you gave is not comprehensive. You said four people, but it's obviously five people!"

The mysterious man said coldly: "Are you looking for a reason for your failure?"

The voice is cold and outrageous o

Yu Wanxiong's Adam's apple rolled over and said, "Next time I will go out in person, and I will never give them the slightest chance."


"It's better, otherwise you don't need to live in this world." The mysterious man said with murderous intent, and then his figure disappeared.

Can't see how he disappeared

Yu Wanxiong let out a long breath, "Damn Lan Family!"

He knew exactly who the mysterious man was.

What force is behind him?

He can't be bothered!

immediately o

Yu Wanxiong's voice was heavy, and he shouted: "Find them out for me."

The voice covered the entire Wanxiong Gang, and then... the Wanxiong Gang came out in full force!


two days later

"Brother Fei, this is it!"

"This is an unnamed valley. We led the giant deer from here. There are many Demonic Beastso in this valley." Lei Jiu pointed to the valley in front and said slightly.

Mount Tai said: "This valley is a bit special. It stands to reason that Demonic Beasts of different types will fight when they meet, but they didn't fight, they all stayed in the valley, like they were guarding something?"

Lan Ya said, "Could it be some kind of heaven and earth spiritual treasure?"

Tai Hai laughed and said: "Even if there are heaven and earth spiritual treasures, they will not appear on Devil Island. Devil Island is a land abandoned by God, and there will never be any heaven and earth spiritual treasures."

Long Fei is a combat faction, and said, "Go in and have a look!"

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