The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1672 Blood Essence Breaks Through

Chapter 1672 Blood Essence breaks through

Devil Island, the Land Forsaken

I would like to think that compared to other places, the divine essence is thin and the earth is barren.

People here fend for themselves

no rules

This is the place where God deals with 'garbage', no one can get out of here, and no one can escape from here o

This kind of place...

There will be no miracles o

Therefore, in any case, it is impossible for heaven and earth spirit treasures to appear here!

Because it is impossible!


Long Fei and his party of five stepped into the valley.

The moment they stepped into the valley, "Roar..."

A low growl came o

A cyan giant tiger came out of the forest, staring at Long Fei with both eyes full of hostility, and a low roar came out from his throat, as if driving Long Fei away!

It doesn't attack, it just stands there o

very strange o

Are there any Demonic Beasts who see humans not attacking?

Lei Jiu said in a low voice, "Brother Fei, it's strange, this guy will stay there."

Long Fei secretly said: "It seems that there is really something special in this valley."


Long Fei's voice fell

Lei Jiu reacted instantly, stepped forward, stepped out heavily, the heavy armor on his body was turned on, and he jumped into the air and punched down with a crit o,

The blue-eyed giant tiger opened its blood basin and roared violently toward the sky. Its long fangs were thirty centimeters long, and the cyan tiger hair on its body exploded to remind it to double in size, and it was extremely terrifying.


Tiger roars like thunder

Sonic shock!

Lei Jiu's response was not slow, his body shrank, and the fist in his hand was crushed heavily, "Beast, get down!"

also at the same time

Mount Tai, the two brothers of Tai Hai flank up to the left and right o

The staff in Lan Ya's hand moved, a ray of light enveloped Lei Jiu's body, and the armor was blessed.

"Bang, bang..."

Two thumps sounded o

The blue tiger burst back, his pupils changed, and his whole body glowed red.


"The blood volume is only reduced by 1/10 before entering the rampant state?" Long Fei was puzzled. According to common sense, the rampage state of Demonic Beasts is a desperate fight. It will only explode when the blood volume is a little bit, but In this state, this green tiger enters a runaway state, which can only explain a little o

He is desperately guarding the things in the valley o

Don't hesitate to sacrifice your life!

"Be careful, this guy is going berserk," Long Fei reminded, and said slightly: "You three hold it, I'll attack it"


The heavy armor on Lei Jiu's body shook, and the three of them surrounded him directly.

Long Fei moved his right hand, "The art of spiritual power, enter the void!"


In a flash, the door to the void opened, and the body penetrated into the void and disappeared!

Lan Ya was stunned for a moment, and secretly said in her heart, "Isn't this Tianlu's psychic technique?"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The three resisted Qinghu's attack, and in an instant Long Fei appeared behind Qinghu, his fists sank, and he bombarded heavily.


How did Long Fei appear, they don't know at all o

The green tiger didn't know when Long Fei appeared behind them.

When he wanted to turn over and rush to Long Fei's figure and disappeared, Lei Jiu seized the moment, and the three of them attacked heavily.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Pull and withdraw on both sides

After three minutes, "Ow..."

With a whimper, the blue tiger fell down


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Blue Tiger' to get 1200 experience points, 100 divine power points, and 1 energy value o"

"The experience is good!" Long Fei muttered, and reminded: "This valley is indeed a bit special, everyone should be careful o"

Lei Jiu said: "Brother Fei, why don't I go inside to explore the way first?"


Long Fei immediately denied it and said, "It's too dangerous."

suddenly o


There was a roar from the depths of the valley, like a burst of power.

The whole valley suddenly shook o

The Demonic Beasts in the valley were all squatting on the ground and making low, fearful roars o

"The situation again!"

burst out o

"Wow, maybe there really is a heaven and earth spirit treasure unearthed o"

"Are we lucky?"

"Devil Island can actually breed heaven and earth spirit treasures?"

The four looked happy

This kind of phenomenon is really a bit like the unearthed treasures of heaven and earth, but Long Fei has an ominous premonition in his heart, and he always feels that something is going to happen.

But o

I'm here, even if something goes wrong, I have to find out o

immediately o

Long Fei said: "Let's quickly enter the valley before these Demonic Beasts dare to move!"


"The situation is not right, immediately back, don't hesitate o"

After speaking, Long Feichong ran into the valley at the front.

Lei Jiuhu is beside Long Fei

Lan Ya is in the middle, Mount Tai and Tai Hai are in the back.





The frequency of the vibration is getting stronger and stronger, and the valley is shaking violently, like a series of hammers hitting the center of the earth.

also at this time

The disciples of the Wanxiong Gang quickly assembled o

"Notify the gang leader that they have entered Death Valley o"

"Then aren't they courting death?"

"Go and inform!"



"Little dolls, let's see where you can escape this time." Yu Wanxiong let out a terrifying laugh, his huge body jumped up, and instantly disappeared in place.


in the valley

The five Long Fei stood unsteadily, and when they walked to the deepest part of the valley, they found that there was nothing.

"No caves?"

"Brother Fei, what's going on?" Lei Jiu asked anxiously.

The vibration continues o

But they can't find a place

Looking at the surrounding rocks, Long Fei secretly said, "There's no reason!"

"The vibration came from the ground, there must be caves around, or..." Long Fei looked at his feet, his divine power surged, and he punched the ground with all his strength.


A shock of halo bounces off o

Long Fei's strength is very weak, and it's only a shallow halo. Wherever the halo goes, there are rune seals.

"There is a seal formation here!"

Bombarded by Long Fei's power, the roaring under the ground became more intense, and the forces on the surface moved, extending out, o

"What a powerful force!"

"What power is this?"


With the formation as the center, the forces rolled out under the ground. At this time, the beasts roared, and the valley shook violently.

"Brother Fei, what should I do?"

Long Fei's thoughts were flying, he shouted, and said, "Everyone use their strength to see if they can smash the formation."

Five people force o

bombard the ground together o

The halo rolls on the ground, and the formation is clearly visible o

"not enough!"

"Put more force!"

The five people exerted their strength again, and they punched up again.

at this time o

A drop of blood dripped from Long Fei's fist and dripped on the formation. Long Fei himself did not realize this. At the moment when Blood Essence dripped on the formation...


The formation center is red!


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