The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1674 Dissatisfied? Beat Up!

Chapter 1674 Dissatisfied? Beat up!

keep yelling o

It's like a red-light hair salon in a dim street. Walking by the side of the road, the girl inside shows half of her fair skin and keeps shouting to him: "Little big brother, come in and play, come in and play, Sister will make you comfortable o"

That seductive voice

full of magic


Long Fei clenched his fists tightly and inserted his fingernails into his flesh. A tingling sensation filled his whole body, and he used the severe pain to burst out of lucidity.


Long Fei quickly drank an o

This magic sword is not an ordinary magic sword, it is full of magic that penetrates the heart and cannot be resisted

and o

Once you step forward and grab it, your body will be entangled immediately and become part of the magic sword, or you will become the executioner of the magic sword, or become a murderer.


Directly sucked into a skeleton frame by the magic sword

Lei Jiu said: "Brother Fei, this is a divine sword, so you just gave up?"

"Do you want to die or do you want a sword?" Long Fei shouted, why didn't he want it, but if he wanted to control this magic sword, he had to have that strength.

Never move around without thinking of a countermeasure o

as a last resort

The five quickly backed away and stood ten meters away.

All kinds of tempting voices kept appearing in the minds of the five people.

"Come on, I'll let you go to the top of this world, and I'll let you be free from any constraints o"

"Lei Jiu, don't you want to marry Lan Ya? Don't the Lan family despise you? As long as you listen to me, I promise no one will dare to stop you."

"Lan Ya, don't you want to save your father? Come on, come and become my slave, I promise no one will dare to touch your father."

"Tai Hai, do you want those people in the Tai family to look at you? Become my slave, and I will make them all kneel in front of you."


Various tempting voices

Lost insanity o

Long Fei shouted loudly, "Don't listen to it nonsense."

The four of them were covered with cold sweat on their foreheads, and they seemed to be unable to resist. Their minds were also the same, and they were about to fall.

Lei Jiudao: "Brother Fei, we can't hold on any longer."

"Brother Fei, you kill me o"

"Kill me o"

"I can't hold on anymore, I,, I,..."

suddenly o

Tai Hai's eyes became hideous, his mind could no longer be controlled, and his mind had been controlled by the magic emanating from the magic sword.

extremely uncomfortable o

Both eyes stared blankly at the magic sword in the distance.

His body is like a trillion ants biting, his brain drives him, go get, get, get the sword, get the sword...

This voice keeps ringing



Tai Hai screamed

The whole person is going crazy

He also rushed out at the same time, rushing towards the magic sword.

Long Fei's pace moved, a palm slammed into the back of his head, knocked him unconscious, and shouted, "Lei Jiu, take them out of the valley o"


Lei Jiu lifted Tai Hai and said, "Brother Fei, what about you?"

Long Fei stared at the magic sword and said, "I want to kill him!"

Lei Jiu was stunned

Long Fei shouted again: "Hurry up and get out!"

This magic sword is very strong, and the magic is too strong. The stronger it is, the greater its power is. If it can be controlled, it will be a super power.

For Long Fei, no power can miss o

Lei Jiu quickly withdrew with the three of them.

Long Fei is the only one left on the edge of the formation


Long Fei exhaled heavily, stared at the magic sword, and said, "Come on! Let me see how strong your magic is."


step forward

Falling on the side of the magic sword, Long Fei held it with one hand without hesitation. At this moment, those slender and long blood lines on the magic sword appeared again, wrapping around Long Fei's back and piercing into his flesh. o

Long Fei roared, "Come on!!"


a growl o

The mind ignores the temptation of the magic sword and controls it, but enters the unique space of the magic sword through those blood lines.

at this moment o

Thousands of corpses, blood flowing into rivers

The sky is bloody

The earth is bloody

Everything around is full of violent murderous intent, strong, extremely o

"What kind of world is this?" Long Fei felt a chill in his heart. He upgraded the number of people he killed so far, and the number of Demonic Beasts he killed, but the people he killed in this world, those Demonic Beasts Compared with this place, it is just a drop in the bucket, and there is no comparison at all.



"I didn't expect you to be able to enter here o"

"Little guy, your blood is different from other people's blood o"

"No wonder the seal can be broken!"

A frantic voice sounded o

A red blood mist appeared in front of Long Fei's consciousness, it was the magic sword Sword intento

Killed Sword intento

Long Fei said coldly: "You are the magic sword?"

The magic sword smiled lightly and said, "Yes, I am the Sword intent of the magic sword, the Sword intent that was condensed with 9,999,999 lives."

"How about it?"

"Is it enough to hang?"



"It's a pity that my previous master didn't understand my power and sealed me here. If you give me a little more time, I can break through 10 million, hahaha...I can become the first sword of Devil Dao!"


"It doesn't matter, I've waited for more than a million years, and now I've waited, little guy...Are you honored? You made me the first sword of Devil Dao"

Magic Sword Sword intent

Ten million……

Human life!

This number is terrifying o

Long Fei said with a gloomy smile: "Devil Dao's first sword... Today either you submit to me sincerely, or... I will make you go to pieces!"


As soon as Long Fei's voice fell, the magic sword Sword intent burst into laughter and said: "No one dares to talk to me like this, not even the previous master, he can only seal me, but he can't destroy me, but you want me Ashes and ashes?"


"You are really over your head!"

The voice is as cold as ice

at this moment o

Long Fei's thoughts have always been in the magic sword, his body, his fleshly body has been covered with dense blood lines, wrapping his body completely.

It's like it's dripping with blood

The magic sword sneered: "Do you know that you are going to die soon?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you want to die, you will die first!"

suddenly o

Long Fei's thoughts move


On the right hand, a huge death star falls in the space of the magic sword, and it keeps getting bigger. At this moment... Long Fei's neck appears with comma-like marks.

My heart froze slightly, "f*ck, wouldn't it really be the power of the Six Paths Immortals?"

"What the fuck is the power o"

"As long as it can kill you!"

Long Fei let out a roar, the Death Star in his hand suddenly pressed down, and the power on his body exploded, "If you don't accept it, then fight until you accept it!"

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