The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1675 Killing Mode

Chapter 1675 Killing Mode


daddy is more cruel than you

If you don't match at a glance, zoom in and move o

and o

Long Fei's big move is the same no matter in a special space or in the real world.

Every time he released it, Long Fei felt that the power of the Death Star became stronger.

This time even more strange appears nine commas rune imprint o

Could it be possible... This Death Star still has nine tailed beasts sealed on it?

The Star on the Star Book, Long Fei is the farthest one, and according to the astronomical common sense on Earth, it is the largest one in the entire Star Book.

Infinite Galaxy, billions of Stars, Long Fei himself can't tell exactly what Staro is fused

The emergence of the system itself is a BUGo

Killing monsters to upgrade, killing upgrades itself is a BUGo

Long Fei's crossing is the biggest BUGo

If it is said... that the Star that Long Fei merged is a plane created by the Six Paths Immortals, it is not impossible, there is nothing impossible in the system.

Super power bombarded down o


The entire magic sword space began to tremble violently, constantly cracking.

Long Fei was condescending, like a king, and said coldly: "If you want to suck my body dry, I will make your world completely collapse. I see how you can become Devil Dao's first sword."

"I'm afraid it's almost the first cheapness of Devil Dao!"

The magic sword can't resist o

and o

At this time, it was too late for him to blast Long Fei's thoughts out of his space. The huge energy was madly crushing his world, and it was a force he had never seen before.

Terrifying exception!

The magic sword Sword intent said solemnly: "Both of us take a step back, I will let go of you, and you will leave here."

"A step back now?"


Long Fei didn't stop and said, "Now you have only one choice, to be my slave forever."

The magic sword Sword intent was furious and shouted: "Little guy, are you worthy too?"

"Ha ha……"

"I'm not worthy, am I?"

"Then let's see if I'm worthy?" Long Fei's eyes were angry, and the crushing force on the Death Star swelled even more, crushing everything crazily.

The magic sword space is almost unbearable o

There has been a cracking sound of cracking o

The magic sword waited for millions of years, and he finally got the day when he broke the seal, but... he never thought of meeting a lunatic like Long Fei.

To die with him

he doesn't want to die

After being sealed for millions of years, he has never thought about death, and now that he has broken the seal, he does not want to die even more.

The magic sword shouted: "Okay, I promise you!"

"That's the tone?" Long Fei sneered.

Undiminished strength, continue to crush!

The magic sword was trembling all over, so angry that the top of his head was smoking, and he said angrily: "What do you want?"

"You are my slave, and I am your master. You speak to your master in this tone? Are you sincere?" Long Fei shouted.

The magic sword really regrets o

Too regret letting Long Fei enter his Realm space o

so annoying o

If not, he would have sucked Long Fei dry long ago.

as a last resort

The magic sword forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and respectfully said: "Master, I was wrong, forgive me!"

"Not sincere enough!"

Long Fei deliberately made things difficult

The magic sword was really hot, and he shouted: "Boy, what do you want?"

I'm going to be driven insane

If this space cracks, then his sword body will shatter, then the brutality and killing intent he has accumulated from killing 9,999,999 lives will disappear. These are just like The Cultivation Base that came out of his cultivation, if these disappear...he will no longer exist o

Long Fei smiled and said, "I said it very clearly, not sincere enough."


The magic sword was furious, knelt on the ground and said, "I'm sorry, I don't dare anymore, okay?"

"It's a bit far-fetched!" Long Fei continued.

The magic sword is going to be driven crazy by Long Fei, but he really has no way to do it now, saying: "I was wrong, I was wrong, master, I was wrong o"

The entire Death Star is about to burst his space.

He will die instantly

this time o

Long Fei said slightly: "Titan King, how is this new home?"

The Titan King said slightly: "Yes, just right!"


"Then from now on, you will be here." Long Fei's thoughts moved, and the Titan King's remnant soul and Titan King's steel body directly entered the magic sword space.

Mojian's eyes froze, "Fuck!"

He has never seen such a domineering body, who is this person?

This body is full of power that he has never sensed o

The Titans simply do not exist on the 100,000 planes, so the magic sword has never sensed it.

The remnant soul of the Titan King stared at the magic sword Sword intent and said, "Be honest and obedient, otherwise, do you know what the end is?"

The voice fell o

The Titan King made a sudden move, the Anchor shook, and the entire Demon Sword space trembled.

This is the power to restrain the magic sword o

The magic sword is too violent and ferocious. Long Fei's current Cultivation Base is only a Samsung Realm that can't suppress him at all, so he can't be in the magic sword space all the time, right?

Using the Titan King to suppress the magic sword couldn't be better o

This time...

The magic sword is completely dead!

He really wanted to die. He also thought about Long Fei disappearing from his magic sword Realm. He immediately fought back, but Long Fei's hand completely cut off his delusion of escaping from Long Fei's palm.

"Too despicable!"

The magic sword drank an o

Long Fei said with a smile: "It's natural to use special methods to deal with people like you, so... just follow me obediently, I promise to make you the first sword of Devil Dao!"


The magic sword exhaled a long breath, he was completely given up o

Long Fei laughed

also at this time

The system suddenly remembers the prompt o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for subduing 'Magic Sword' and getting the special reward 'Sword Technique' is cultivation?"

Haven't waited for Long Fei's cultivation 'Killing Sword Technique' system to sound again o


"Congratulations to the player for activating the killing mode!"


"Activate now?"


There are still many unknowns about the metamorphosis system. Realm has not been turned on. This killing mode is only one of them, but... Long Fei was slightly taken aback, "What is the killing mode?"

System: Killer Mode

Description: Duration three minutes

Description 2: Entering a bloodthirsty state o

Description 3: Slaying!

Description 4: Strength, speed are multiplied, defense is multiplied o

It is a system mode of frenzied killing. Once Long Fei is turned on, it will fall into a frenzied frenzy like Demonic Beasts.


"This mode is working with the Mirror of Myriad Void, and no one can stop it!" Long Fei laughed excitedly.


at the moment o

outside the valley

Yu Wanxiong crushed Lei Jiushi and the others on the ground, looked at the valley coldly, and said, "Little brat, you are the only one left!"

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