The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1689 Invincible

More than just Long Fei o

The ones who want to kill are Lan Ya and the others

This is also the reason why the iron palm was killed by Long Fei with one punch and many black knights did not flee, and also the reason why Long Fei did not complete the task.

He still feels weird

It stands to reason that if the boss dies, the system should pop up a prompt to say the task is complete o

but no o

That also means... this mission is still going on, and Li Ruhua has not been completely rescued.

A-level tasks are not that easy!

Long Fei looked at the dozen or so masked men in black suits with a tight brow.

If the black knights were battle-hardened with Demonic Beasts o

Then these black-clothed killers have experienced hundreds of battles in the process of killing, and the aura they exude from them carries a strong killing intent.

Long Fei said slightly: "I really wish I didn't offend you, right?"

This is just a tentative sentence o

because o

A chill rises in Long Fei's heart

At first he was surrounded by black knights, at that time the killer did not appear o

Just when he killed Iron Palm with one punch, these killers appeared. Is this a coincidence?


If the old man saw through his 'Blast God Fist', then these guys would have appeared beside own more than once, in the mountains...

Long Fei's eyes tightened, and he suddenly thought of what happened to the disciple of Wanxiong's gang.

Lei Jiu also snorted and said, "Who are you?"

The old man smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that you are going to die soon."

Long Fei looked at the old man, looking at Lan Ya, and said slightly: "Does your master have to put Lan Ya to death? She is just a little girl, do you really want to do this?"

Long Fei's voice fell

The old man's eyes changed instantly

Lei Jiu, Mount Tai, and Tai Hai were also shocked and looked at Long Fei in confusion.

Lan Ya asked incomprehensibly, "Brother Fei, are these people coming for me?"

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Long Fei.

Long Fei said: "Wanxiong Gang is what they arranged."

"The purpose is to kill you, and..." Long Fei looked at the old man, he wasn't sure a second before, but when he saw the old man's eyes suddenly changed, he was sure that this matter was something that someone in the Lan family wanted Lan Ya's life, Wei Wei said: "It's your Lan family that wants your life."

"My Lan family?" Lan Ya was stunned for a moment, unable to understand.

Who is it that wants her life?

Did she offend anyone?

Lan Ya stared at the old man and asked angrily, "Who is your master?"

The old man had a gloomy look on his face and said, "Go down to The Underworld and ask King Yama."

"Kill me!"

The dozen or so killers suddenly moved, galloping like flying, and rushing towards the six of Long Fei.

If it was the beginning, Long Fei might still be a little scared. The Exploding God Fist entered the cooldown time, and his chest was pierced with blood, and his health could not be supported.

but now!

With God's armor on his body, 10,000 health points, 10,000 defense points, and 10,000 Mental Energy enhancements, ordinary Practitioners can't hurt him at all.

He is invincible!

What to fear?

Long Fei shouted slightly: "Lei Jiu, you protect Lan Ya and Ruhua"

"Leave the rest to me!"

Lei Jiu didn't hesitate, and immediately said, "Brother Fei, be careful yourself."

Lan Ya didn't take out the staff, but with a thought, he directly released a defensive power to Long Fei, so that Long Fei's defense would be stronger.

Long Fei rushed up to meet him like a 250-year-old rampage, grinned and shouted, "All come to the daddy!"

The old man looked fierce and said, "Kill him!"




More than a dozen people attacked Long Fei at the same time. These killers are elite killers, and the Cultivation Technique they used are all killer moves.

for killers

If they can kill with one move, they will never use the second move. They know that sympathy for the enemy is cruelty to their own.

More than a dozen killers rushed to Long Fei and all used their ultimate move, which was bound to kill Long Fei in an instant.




A burst of powerful force crushed it down, and Long Fei stood there motionless.

"What is he doing?"

"Is he waiting to die?"

"Is he crazy?"

"I guess I'm scared by these killers. After killing our leader, did he think he could live? I'll see King Yama soon."

"Boy, you're going to die."


Many disciples of the Black Knights shouted o

Lei Jiu's heart tightened, "What the hell are you doing?"

If Li Ruhua hadn't been held back by Mount Tai, she would have rushed out. More than a dozen killers stronger than Long Fei's Cultivation Base attacked, but Long Fei didn't fight back at all. How could she still live in this situation?

The old man sneered and said, "Boy, I didn't expect you to have the consciousness to die!"


"Do you still need to be enlightened?" Long Fei's voice was very light, and he didn't feel any pain.

More than a dozen killers turned grim and bounced off instantly.

One move did not succeed, without any hesitation, immediately jumped away o

I saw Long Fei patted the dust on his body, combed his silver and white hair, and said with a faint smile on his face: "The strength of you people is simply... weak enough to explode!"

Weak burst o

I'm also excited about myself

God armor o

Perverted attributes, a fierce stroke o

The damage caused to him by the attacks of a dozen killers just now was only one letter in English, "miss!"

He has always hit others with misses. I didn't expect that his own defense would also allow others to hit misses. I have to say that this is a very cool feeling.

"what's up?"

"what's the situation?"

"Did you see it?"

"He, he, he, why is there nothing at all?"


"A dozen people's attacks were blocked instantly? Blocked with your body?"


All are dumbfounded

Even the killers themselves don't understand o

Don't even believe it, how is it possible?

No damage at all?

The old man looked at him for a while, and kept asking himself in his mind, "Your lord didn't say that this kid has this kind of power? What is this?"

He gets information quickly and comprehensively

I actually know how to avoid Long Fei's blasting fist

but o

No matter how fast the information is, it is not as fast as Long Fei's abnormal energy.

How could he have thought that Long Fei suddenly had an extra piece of 'God armor' that made people tremble?

Long Fei hooked his fingers and said, "Come again!"

The old man got angry, shouted, and said, "Kill!"

"Boom, boom!"

More than a dozen killers attacked again. This time, the power broke out in an all-round way, and it was even more powerful. It blocked every part of Long Fei's body and smashed it powerfully.



There are two swords on both sides of the temple

Three handles at the throat

an o at the eye

The position of the heart...

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