The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1690 Shocking Fruit Bombardment

It can be said that as long as it is a fatal place, there are swords on it, but... these swords are difficult to penetrate, and there is no way to stab Long Fei's skin at a distance of half a centimeter.

It's like being stabbed in a steel plate o

Even if it is a steel plate, it will not be like it is now.

With their strength, piercing the steel plate is also a breeze o

Just can't get in

Constantly exerting force, but to no avail

Why is this?


Ten thousand points of defense!

Instantly blocked their attacks, completely unable to get close.

This is the awesomeness of God's armor!

Niubi defense, that is invincible!

Many people around looked at this scene, their eyes were all shocked, and they couldn't say a word.

Tai Hai murmured: "Sister Ya, when did your defense become so powerful? Look at the attacks of these killers, they seem weak and powerless."

Lan Ya shook her head and said, "It's not that my defensive power is strong, but... Fei Ge's own defensive power has reached one level, one level... Realm, which I don't know about at all, is too strong."

What Lan Ya cultivates is the power of defense

Arguably, the adoration of her defense trumps the pursuit of excess o

When she saw the defensive power displayed by Long Fei, she was extremely shocked and worshipped.

Lei Jiu murmured, "What Realm?"

"How can Realm be so strong?"

Lan Ya said: "The defense reaches a certain supreme Realm, which is invincible. The defense that Fei Ge has released now may have stepped into the invincible Realm."


"Wow, it's amazing!" Lei Jiu said excitedly.

at this time o

When the old man was angry, his face became gloomy, "What kind of shit is invincible, it's just a body-protecting spiritual treasure!"

In an instant, he made a move, jumped directly into the air, fell from the sky and slashed at the top of Long Fei's head. The speed was fast and the force was fierce.

If the average person is hit, the body will be directly split open.

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly.


The old man slapped his palm down, "Boy, kneel down for me!"


The force burst out and slammed on Long Fei's head. For a while, Long Fei's silver and white hair flew up wantonly, madly stirring.


A bright red number o also floated above Long Fei's head.

A little damage doesn't matter o


Long Fei is very upset

With a sudden movement of his body, he snorted and grabbed the old man with his backhand, "Shhh!"

However o

The old man's reaction was much faster than Long Fei's. As soon as his body was retracted, he bounced off and landed more than ten meters away. Long Fei grabbed an empty o

With a sweep of his right arm, he swept a killer who was still trying to stab Long Fei's body to the ground.


At this time o

A dozen killers quickly bounced off o

The killer on the ground also rolled and tried to escape, but was grabbed by Long Fei, lifted it into the air and slammed it down on the ground, "Fuck!"

"You want to leave after hitting daddy?"

"Daddy agrees?"

"Pfft..." The killer spat out a mouthful of blood and made a painful scream.

Long Fei took advantage of his illness to kill him

The fists were like a violent storm, and the bombardment went on frantically. In less than ten seconds, the killer's head was blown up, and blood flowed everywhere.

Half of the body is gushing blood in the rain

Long Fei's eyes became hideous, and he shouted, "Come again!"

brutal o

The people around are shocked again

In their hearts, Long Fei is a lunatic!

A lunatic who is not afraid of death

"Come again!"

"Damn it!" Long Fei burst out in a foul language, "Every daddy is here."

very upset o

Actually blasted him a little damage o

The old man's eyes narrowed, and he immediately said, "Boy, no matter how strong your body protection spiritual treasure is, you are only a Cultivation Base of a four-star Realm. No matter how strong your defense is, you can only keep yourself from dying, can't change your destiny!"

"Everyone obeys"

"Destroy Lan Ya with all your strength!"

"This kid, I'll deal with it!"

The old man reacted quickly

Just now, he did his best with the palm of his hand, but it didn't hurt Long Fei. This is enough to show that the body-protecting spiritual treasure on Long Fei's body is very powerful.

However o

Long Fei is not his first target o

The first target in his mission is Lan Ya!

As long as Lan Ya is killed, nothing will happen.

As for Long Fei...

What is the use of a man who has only defense and no strength?

The world is all about power!

This is the disadvantage of Long Fei o

In an instant, those killers got up, and the old man glanced at the black knights and shouted, "I'm talking about everyone!"

"Don't you understand?"

The disciples of the black knight were also shocked, and several small leaders immediately shouted: "The black knight obeys the order, kill!"



in an instant o

Hundreds of black knight disciples moved in unison, all rushing towards Lan Ya and the others.

Can't deal with Long Fei, how many of them?

Lei Jiu's eyebrows tightened, and Lan Ya was closely guarded behind him. Even if he died, Lan Yan would not be hurt in the slightest. "Mount Tai, Tai Hai, you two are like flowers."

Mount Tai shouted, "Understood!"

Instantly surrounded, and blocked Long Feige.

The old man looked at Long Fei coldly and said with a smile, "What's the use of defense no matter how strong it is?"


"This world relies on strength. You can't die alone, but you can't save other people, so... the result is still the same, you can't save them!"


The old man laughed grimly.

If you want to protect the people around you, if you want to protect the people you want to protect, defense is not enough.

Only power!

As long as stronger power o

can o

Long Fei watched Lei Jiu and the others surrounded by them, thinking of what happened in the secret realm of Tongshentian Tower, his thoughts sank, "Boom!"

Two fists clench o

Snap a snap in the void

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

A series of cracked glass streaks appear out of nowhere o

The old man's face sank, "What kind of power is this?"

The data did not appear!

Long Fei's face was hideous, Void grabbed it violently, shocked, and shouted in his heart, "Shake the fruit!"


"Crack, click, click..."

The ground trembled rapidly, completely uncontrollable and unstoppable, and a crack of more than one meter wide appeared on the ground, and in a short while, the buildings in the entire Black Knight Mansion collapsed instantly, constantly squeezing.





There were loud noises, and huge stone pillars rose up around Lei Jiu and the others. This was caused by the extrusion of the strong earthquake force of the Zhenzhen fruit.

In the blink of an eye, Lei Jiu and the others were surrounded, forming a super defensive barrier.

Unshakable Barrier o

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, staring at the old man coldly, and said, "Can't change the world? Daddy's appearance is heaven-defying."

"Killing Mode!"


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