The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1728 Daddy Can't Believe I Can't Kill You

Chapter 1728 Daddy can't believe I can't kill you

life on the line o

Lan Mo was killed, Lu Qin, and Mu Bing were shaken back.

There is Li Ruhua by his side, and Li Ruhua wants to block Lan Zhen's move for him.

Even if he dies, he can't let Li Ruhua get hurt again.

Long Fei's thoughts move

The 'Angel of the Holy Spirit' on the goddess scroll rushed out of the scroll, his white wings suddenly spread out, his body glowed with angelic light, and...

She wears very little clothes

The slender twins, the twin peaks that are about to come out, and the flawless body are full of endless temptations.

so tempting o

Everyone looked at the Holy Spirit Angel in mid-air, and many people were drooling.

"Wow, I've never seen such a beautiful woman, so beautiful o"

"Angel, really an angel o"

"It's so beautiful, I,, I,, if I can be my wife, I,, I, I am willing to reduce my life by ten years."

"If you can stay with me for one night, I would be willing to take ten years off"


Excited one by one as if beaten with blood

The charm of the Holy Spirit Angel is too high o

And her face was holy, and she was not annoyed by the remarks around her. She quietly floated behind Long Fei and smiled and said, "Apprentice, who bullied you?"

Long Fei said slightly: "Give me the Holy Spirit to protect o"

The Holy Spirit Angel was stunned for a moment and said, "Did he bully you? I can just do it and hurt my apprentice. Hmph, I want him to look good."

Long Fei said: "I want to come by myself, protect me with the Holy Spirit!"


The angel of the Holy Spirit can only obey Long Fei's orders, and a force is placed on Long Fei's body.

like a magic shield


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Guardian of the Holy Angel', 99% immune to all attacks, and lasts for three minutes!"

Attack immunity 99%!

This Realm...basically invincible!

With the sound of this prompt falling, Long Fei did not hide or avoid it, and attacked him head-on, "Daddy, in addition to the blasting fist, there are more Lingbao to deal with you o"



Lan Zhen slapped Long Fei with his palm.


The power burst out, and the powerful force made a deafening sound o

"Little Lord!"

"Sect Leader!"

"Long Fei!"

Many people exclaimed, and many Lan Family disciples also showed contemptuous sneers, "If you dare to take this palm of the Patriarch, you will become crippled if you don't die."

"Too self-sufficient o"

"It's totally courting death!"


Long Fei stood motionless, staring at Lan Zhen with savage eyes, and said, "The fight is over? Is it daddy's turn?"


Hit it with a punch

No kung fu power, just an ordinary punch o

Lan Zhen didn't expect that his own palm didn't kill Long Fei. Because he didn't respond in time, he was punched in the face by Long Fei. He didn't suffer much injury, but one of the front teeth was knocked off, and his mouth was full of blood and vomited. come out o

"court death!"

blue shock fury

Long Fei shouted coldly, "It's you who are courting death!"

"Kill my brother!"




You punch me, I punch you, Long Fei doesn't defend at all, and he doesn't need to defend.

Long Fei's power is not strong for Lan Zhen.

Reasons for Cultivation Base level o

His strength is not enough to damage Lan Zhen, but... Long Fei is not cowardly, he just wants to die.

One punch, a little blood

A thousand punches is a thousand blood points

"Daddy can't believe he can't kill you!"

You boss, daddy must blow you up with his own hands!

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