The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1729 The Holy Spirit Kills

Chapter 1729 The Holy Spirit Kills


All in one punch o

Lan Zhen was knocked back a few steps

Long Fei pressed in again and shouted, "Come on, come on again!"

Totally like a lunatic

Lan Zhen was also extremely annoyed, "You bastard, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

With a move of the right hand, a long sword was summoned, and with a wave of the long sword, the Sword intent shot up to the sky, and the robe on Lan Zhen's body rattled, and his energy raged.

A sword stabs out!



Immediately stabbed in front of Long Fei, Long Fei did not hide, did not avoid, and forcibly pushed up, "Is it possible to use weapons? Daddy has it too!"

The magic sword in his hand moved, and at the moment when he resisted Lan Zhen's sword with his body, Long Fei stabbed out with his Sword Technique, "Come on, hurt each other o"


The killing intent of the tyrant's magic sword exploded

Directly piercing Lan Zhen's chest, Lan Zhen's face changed greatly, blood gushed out of his chest, his eyes were fierce, and he said solemnly: "Why, why, boy, what exactly do you have on your body?"

Just can't break the defense

Just can't count Long Fei o

For more than two minutes, his attack caused almost zero damage to Long Fei!

Six-star Realm's Cultivation Base can't be like this o

Lan Zhen himself was a little confused, and now he was seriously injured by Long Fei's sword, and he was even more angry.

"what's up?"

"What kind of spiritual treasure does he have on him?"

"Even if there is a god-level body protection spiritual treasure, it is useless. The Cultivation Base of the six-star Realm can't use the god-level body protection spiritual treasure at all. There must be something strange about this kid.

"Is it really the rebirth of a strong man?"

"It's too incredible, isn't it?"


People are talking about

It's too weird. According to common sense, it is impossible for the Six Star Cultivation Base to block the attack of the Yellow Star Six Realm Lan Zhen, but Long Fei not only blocked it, but also resisted it all with his body, and there was no damage at all.

only one explanation o

That is, Long Fei is the rebirth of a strong man. Only in this way can he explain his invincible defense.

Lan Zhen stared at Long Fei and said, "Boy, who are you?"

Long Fei grinned and said with a sneer, "I am your ancestor."

"Now it's daddy's turn to go crazy"

Take advantage of his illness and kill him,

The attack just now caused a critical damage to Lan Zhen. This time is the last chance to kill him, and there is only half a minute left for the 'Guardian of the Holy Spirit'.

We must solve this boss within half a minute!


Long Fei's Great Perfection Raptor's pace was released, the pace was like a dragon, and it rushed out heavily. In an instant, it landed in front of Lan Zhen, and the murderous Sword Technique stabbed o with a sword.


killing intent o

That kind of lore that has no life but death, Sword intent completely wraps Lan Zhen.

Lan Zhen's face sank, and he shouted loudly, "Boy, want to kill me? You are too tender."

With a flick of the body, the long sword greeted him heavily.

Long Fei grinned and said, "How many times do you have to try before you understand, daddy is invincible!"

As soon as Long Fei's long sword was withdrawn, Lan Zhen's long sword directly stabbed at himself.


The magic shield guarded by the Holy Spirit easily blocked Lan Zhen's long sword, and in an instant, Long Fei stabbed out, "Give me death!"

Lan Zhen frowned, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted, "Elder Liu!"


The old man who had not moved in the hall suddenly moved!

like a snake



There was a rubbing sound in the air, and the sound sounded like the rustling sound of a giant snake moving on the ground.

"The snake comes out of the hole!"


He hit Long Fei's chest directly, "Boom!"

Long Fei flew out in an instant.

He slammed into the wall not far away, the blood in his chest rolled, and a bright red number appeared on the top of his head with the blow just now, "-1922"

Four-figure damage o

This is still at 99% attack immunity o

Without the protection of the Holy Spirit, Long Fei would be dead now!

"What a strong defense!" The old man frowned and stared at Long Fei. His Cultivation Base was much higher than Lan Zhen's. He thought that one blow would be enough to kill Long Fei in seconds.

However o,

It only slightly hurt Long Fei, but did not cause any substantial damage at all.

This had to make him secretly shocked o

Lan Zhen got up from the ground, stared at Long Fei and said coldly, "Boy, be arrogant! You bastard, you have to die today no matter what!"

fury o

Being crushed by Long Fei in front of so many people made him lose face.

Long Fei must die!

Lan Zhen retreated slightly and said to the old man beside him, "Kill him!"

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and the killing intent was strong.

Long Fei wiped off the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and felt very unhappy in his heart, "Is it called someone?"


"daddy also has someone o"

The voice fell o

The old man has already rushed up, and his figure has transformed into the void, like a black snake, facing the dragon flying in circles and circles.

body lift o


The huge black snake raised its body, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed it at Long Fei.

"Sect Leader be careful o"

"Longfei big brothero"


The disciples of the Lan family all raised their heads and looked at the sky with expressions of astonishment.

"too strong!"

"This kid is dead!"

"Hahaha... see how arrogant he is"

Lan Zhen also raised his head slightly and looked at the sky, his heart trembled, "I never imagined that Liu Lao would release such a trick, this is his devouring power, even if this kid has a strong defense, he will be swallowed up"


"To oppose me, that is to oppose the Black Demon Sect, that is to oppose the Evil God faction, you must know... I am the evil god's agent of Tianyan City, hahaha..." Lan Zhen sneered in his heart.

In his opinion, Long Fei is sure to die!

Long Fei's escape route was blocked, the huge black snake was too strong o

The black snake protector of Heisha Sect

He is also an important figure in the Heretic God faction. No one can stop him when he makes a move.

at least o

Among the powerhouses Lan Zhen has encountered, no one can stop him.

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly and scolded slightly, "f*ck! This is trying to swallow the daddy in one bite, isn't it cruel?"

Long Fei is not in a hurry

He just stood there, motionless, without the slightest fear in his eyes.

at this time o

He is thinking...

To burst or not to burst!

Do you use metamorphic energy values?

this is a problem o

But o

To kill is to kill

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, "Kill it first!"

immediately o

With a thought, Long Fei shouted, "Master, kill the Holy Spirit!"

The Holy Spirit Angel smiled and said, "Understood!"

The light on her body suddenly flourished, like condensing energy, in a short moment, a beam of light penetrated, like a laser bombarding the Shattering Void.

One after another texture burst o


The light is great, the dazzling is extremely o

The huge black snake phantom disappeared, and a corpse fell in midair.


Also at this moment


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