The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1733 The Messenger Of The Heavenly Remnant Sect

Chapter 1733 The messenger of the Heavenly Remnant Sect

One punch!


The two fist styles are divided into two, towards the target, attacking from left to right.



The two fist styles are like two fire dragons, forming a half moon, bypassing Lan Ya, and slamming heavily on Lan Zhen.


Lan Zhen's body turned directly into powder.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Lan Zhen' to get 30,000 experience points, 3,000 divine power points, and 1 perverted value o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Leaves Sword Technique'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting '10 Spiritual Pills'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Yunyue Sword'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei'..."

The system beep keeps ringing

Long Fei exhaled a long breath, feeling lucky in his heart, and secretly said: "Damn, fortunately daddy has the foresight to use up the perverted energy value first, otherwise, it will really be a big loss."

"too wise o"

The abnormal energy caused the "spirit snake fusion" to cause a short circuit in the system, and directly gave a super gift package, which not only opened the way to upgrade the explosion, but also appeared in the hurricane explosion.

This is next

The most important thing is... the opening power of the third stage of the main artifact has appeared!

That is to say o

Just finding that power will unlock the third stage of the main artifact o

The only thing that makes Long Fei a little uncomfortable is that the main magic cannon in the first stage and Sun Wukong in the second stage have disappeared.

But o

The main artifact of the third stage will definitely be more fierce

"What is the power to start the third stage?" Long Fei asked himself, "What is it?"


three days later

blue house hall o

Lan Ya's body is more than half recovered, she is now the owner of the house

In addition o

Lei Jiu was also found in the dungeon, but... he didn't think about going back to the Lei family now, and Lei Wanshan's betrayal made him feel disheartened to the Lei family.

in the hall o

A disciple hurried in and said, "Come, come!"

Lan Ya got up and said, "Are you here?"

The disciple was panting and said, "Report to the Patriarch, the messenger of the Heavenly Remnant Sect has arrived!"

Long Fei was slightly taken aback, he looked at Lan Yao

He didn't know about the messenger of the Candid Sect, and said slightly: "The Candid Sect of Heaven... I heard that it only recruits disciples once a year, and the time is not this time."

Lan Xiong smiled lightly and said: "Although the Lan family is not comparable to those big sects, it is still somewhat related. It just so happens that there is a disciple in Tianyan City who is in the Tian Can Sect. Therefore, through his relationship, the messenger of the Tian Can Sect came in advance o"

"This is our master's repayment to you for helping the Lan family through the crisis this time.

Some families will sponsor some disciples with talent o

This is a kind of cultivation, an investment o

Once the cultivated person enters a certain big Sect, the big power will bring endless benefits to the family that supports it, at least one way is opened.

This is also the philosophy of the blue family's business for so many years.

Lan Ya knew that Long Fei was looking for the Candid Sect, and it took a lot of effort to find the disciple. With his help, the messenger of the Candid Sect came to Tianyan City ahead of schedule.

Of course o

Long Fei didn't know that Lan Ya spent a thousand Divine Spirit Pills to let the messenger of the Heavenly Remnant Sect come to Tianyan City first.

It is said that it is the help of the disciple, otherwise it is the help of the gods.

any time is the same

Money can make a ghost run the mill o

In Devil Island, the magic pill is money

No matter how strong you are, you still need Divine Pill to cultivateo

Long Fei said gratefully, "Thank you, Patriarch Lan!"

Lan Ya said: "Dage, I want to thank me. If it weren't for you, my Lan family would have been brought into the Heretic God Sect by Lan Zhen, and I would have fallen into The Underworld by then."

Long Fei said, "What's the situation with the Heretic God faction?"

Long Fei doesn't know many things about this world

Lan Xiong said lightly: "The battlefield of the ancient gods is divided into two great factions, the luminous faction controlled by the main temple, and the evil god lineage controlled by the evil god."

"Devil Island is not the main battlefield, but there are people from the Evil God faction. Once you join the Evil God faction, you may not be able to escape."

"Those people in the Heisha Sect are extremely cruel. Those who enter the sect must take Heisha poisonous insects, and use it to poison the light in their minds to breed evil, generate powerful evil thoughts, and use the power of evil thoughts to condense them into evil spirits. Dan, it's the same as the Divine Spirit Pill we use, but the Evil Spirit Pill is more ferocious and evil o"

These Long Fei don't care, what he cares about is joining the Heretic God faction and being able to leave Devil Island?

immediately o

Long Fei asked, "Since there is an evil god faction on Devil Island, can we leave Devil Island and enter the battlefield of God?"

Lan Xiao shook his head and said: "No, Devil Island has no way to the outside world at all, Devil Island is isolated from the world, there is no way to the outside world at all, let alone enter the battlefield of the ancient gods o"

"Actually o"

"It is equivalent to the battlefield of the ancient gods, but this is a peaceful place, at least there is no cruelty of the battlefield." Lan Xiao smiled, and there was a bit of bitterness in the smile.

Any Practitioner on the battlefield of the ancient gods wants to enter the battlefield of the gods and establish merits o

Everyone wants to change the world!

The Old Gods Battleground is the only place!

"Still can't..." Long Fei murmured slightly in his heart, and secretly said: "It seems that I still have to enter the Candid Sect. My mother left from the Candid Sect. That day, the Candid Sect must have a way to the outside world!"


Long Fei wants to leave Devil Island o

If you want to enter the battlefield of God earlier, if you want to gain the power to change the world earlier, and break the laws, you can make the God of Destiny lose the power to control destiny.

Only then can we save those who were stripped of the Wheel of Fortune by the God of Fortune

"The messenger is here!!"

A shout o from outside the blue mansion

Two gorgeously dressed servants, embroidered on the chest with a mountain logo towering clouds o

This is the emblem of the Tiananzong

Is the existence that countless people look up to

Countless Practitioners in Tianyan City followed behind them, keeping a certain distance, not daring to approach, because of fear, but also because of awe.

"The messenger of the Heavenly Remnant Sect is here in advance!"

"The relationship between the Lan family is really unusual."

"I must pass the exam this year"

"Me too!"

"Tian Can Sect is one of the top ten Sects of Devil Island, and it is many times stronger than those small sects."

"Heavenly Remnant Sect once produced a Celestial Immortals girl, and she soared into the sky. The other nine Sects dare not underestimate him."


There is an endless stream of discussions o

The faces of the two old men were cold, and there was a trace of disdain and contempt in their eyes. In their eyes, these Practitioners were just mortals, and they were not even qualified to be looked at by them.

Step into the blue mansion o

Lan Ya greeted her personally.

"Welcome Messenger o"

A messenger raised his eyes slightly, glanced at Lan Ya, and said coldly: "Don't waste time, let me know, and the assessment will start tomorrow."

"Tianyan City?"

"It only took ten years for a disciple to emerge. If this kind of garbage place is not seen on the face of the gods, I would not plan to come this year."

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