The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1734 Talent Test

Chapter 1734 Talent Test

The words are full of disdain o the latest and fastest update

and o

He is also not shy, and directly said that he would look on the face of Shenlingdan.

Lan Ya did not dare to be disrespectful at all, such a big sect of Tian Can Sect is not something that her Lan family can offend, she said with a smile: "The messenger of hard work o"

The messenger glanced at Lan Ya and said, "Okay, that's it for today, prepare two rooms for us."

Lan Ya nodded immediately and said, "I've already prepared it."

"I'll take you there myself"

The messenger smiled slightly and said, "Not bad o"

"It would be even better if... you could stay with us for a night."

The voice fell o

The face of the disciple of the Lan family changed.

Lan Xiong and Lan Xiao's faces darkened even more.

Lan Ya said with a smile: "The messenger laughed."

The messenger showed an evil smile and said, "I'm not joking, I'm serious, your appearance is normal, but it's okay to have your appearance in this remote place."

"Except for you..."

He looked at Mu Bing and Lu Qin who were beside Long Fei, and smiled slightly: "Those two are not bad. If the Lan family doesn't mind, let them both come to accompany us."

this time o

Lei Jiu shouted angrily and said, "Master messenger, don't go too far!"

anger in my heart

He likes Lan Ya, no one is allowed to insult her, not even verbal insults

This is the aura a man should have

Lei Jiu stepped forward but was stopped by Lan Ya.

The messenger sneered and said, "I'm going too far, what can you do with a piece of trash like you? It's just you? Hmm... a trash that doesn't even have a Yellow Star Realm, you didn't even have the qualifications to talk to me before. o”


rarely disdain o

I didn't even look at Lei Jiu at all.

Lan Ya said slightly: "The two messengers will go to the residence first, and I will definitely arrange everything."

If the quarrel continues, I am afraid it will lead to more trouble.

and o

He is the messenger of the Candid Sect called for by Long Fei. In addition, if the Lan family also has disciples to enter the Candid Sect, it will also be a powerful improvement for the Lan family.

After all o

Tian Can Sect is one of the top ten Sects, with extraordinary influence o


A messenger hummed softly and said, "Patriarch Lan, I hope you don't let me down, otherwise, I'll let you down too."


The two messengers left with a sneer

Lei Jiu clenched his fists and snorted loudly, "What kind of bullshit messenger, what kind of thing is it? Is the Heavenly Remnant Sect just this kind of garbage? Such a Heavenly Remnant Sect deserves the top ten Sects?"

"Are you enough?" Lan Ya shouted at Lei Jiu

Lei Jiu's face changed.

Lan Ya said again: "What does it mean to Long Dage that you found the Tianzongzong? You offend him now, what if he leaves? Do you know where the Tianzongzong is?"

"Lei Jiu, can you be more mature?" Lan Ya's tone was serious.

After that, she regretted it

Actually o

She is not angry with Lei Jiu, but with herself!

Lei Jiu lowered his head and did not speak, his heart was very hurt.

Long Fei could also see that Lan Ya's heart was also filled with anger. The head of the dignified clan actually asked her to sleep with her. Isn't this humiliating the Lan family?

Long Fei asked slightly: "What are you going to do?"

"These two messengers can I..."

Before Long Fei could finish speaking, Lan Ya smiled lightly and said, "I will make arrangements. I just made Sister Lu and Sister Zimu feel wronged, I'm sorry o"

Lu Qin and Mu Bing responded with a smile, "It's okay"


The next day, early morning o

Lanjia Yanwuchang

The two messengers were full of energy, smiled and said to Lan Ya: "We are very satisfied with Lan Ya's arrangement last night, it's just... I'm a little disappointed not to see you o"


"It doesn't matter, I'll be open to Tianyan City. As long as they meet the assessment standards, I'll send them to the Heavenly Remnant Sect."

What happened last night?

I'm afraid... only Lan Ya knows about it.

If it was before, Lan Ya would never have done that.

But now it's different

She is the patriarch of the Lan family, and he has to shoulder everything in the family

Lan Ya smiled slightly: "It's good that the messenger is happy."

The left messenger stared at Lan Ya's chest, smiled faintly, and then said: "Call out all the disciples of your Lan family, and test your Lan family disciples first, and then test the garbage in Tianyan City."

Early in the morning, outside the gate of the blue house was crowded with young Practitionero

I'm just waiting for the assessment of the Heavenly Remnant Sect.

but o

In the eyes of the two messengers, they are just some rubbish o

Lan Ya said slightly: "Thank you messenger o"

At this time o

Lan Xiong walked out with all the younger disciples of the Lan family, including Long Fei, Lu Qin, Mu Bing, Li Ruhua, and Lei Jiu.

Lei Jiu didn't want to take part in the assessment.

but o

In the end, under the persuasion of Lan Ya, I participated in the o

The right messenger came up, moved his mind, took out a half-human-high black stone pillar from the Interspatial Ring, and said, "Put your hands on it, sense induction, and communicate to determine your Talent level o"

"Spiritual Induction Stone Pillar?"

"As expected of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, this kind of stone pillar for testing talent is actually half the size of a human being, it's amazing o"

Many people showed excited expressions o

"hurry up!"

"Don't waste our time." The right messenger shouted, looking at those Lan disciples as if they saw a pile of rubbish.

The selection of the disciples of the Heavenly Remnant Sect is extremely strict.

It took only ten years to select one person. A place like Tianyan City has been regarded as a garbage place by the Tianzun Sect, and it is difficult for a second qualified person to appear.

The Lan family disciples go up one by one.

Lan Xiong called his name, "Lan Yao!"

I put my palm on it gently, and my mind moved.

The spirit sensed that Black Stone didn't respond at all, and the right messenger said coldly, "The trash one is disqualified, the next one!"

Lan Yao became extremely depressed o

immediately o

The second Lan family disciple came up o

"Trash one, disqualified, next!"






The word 'garbage' kept ringing from the right envoy's mouth. Those Lan disciples were beaten to pieces, extremely depressed.

Lan Ya is secretly anxious in her heart

"The next Lei Jiu!"

Lei Jiu stepped forward, he didn't even think about participating in the assessment, he secretly said in his heart: "I'll just touch it, I want to stay by your side o"

His eyes looked at Lan Ya o

His palm was gently placed on it, and it also slammed lightly, and his mind has not yet sensed.

A flash of light flashed on the black stone

The right envoy was stunned for a moment, glanced at Lei Jiu, and said, "Spirit God Talent third rank, qualified!"

There was an uproar o

Lei Jiu was stunned

"Envoy, is there something wrong with your black stone? I just touched it lightly, why is it third rank Talent?" Lei Jiu didn't want to enter the Heavenly Remnant Sect at all.

"Do you think the third rank is very strong? It's just barely meeting the qualifications for the assessment." The right messenger sneered, "Next!"

Lan Xiong got excited and said, "Long Fei!"

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