The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1750 Flying Divine Crane

Chapter 1750 Flying Divine Crane

Bapin Talent is awesome?

10 daddy products!

Of course o

Seeing Tang Lie's confused expression, everyone around Long Fei laughed.

Obviously, just saying that Long Fei is a tenth-grade Talent was to scare him.

But o

They don't know that Long Fei's current Talent rank really reaches 10th rank. Although Talent rank is useless to Long Fei, it's still very good for pretending.

After all, it is a tenth-rank Talent. If the eighth-rank Talent is a super genius, then his tenth-rank talent will crush the existence of super geniuses.


No one knows about Long Fei's tenth talent Talent



"Look at his confused look, it's really funny," Lei Jiu said with a smile.

Lan Feng also smiled and said, "I was scared to death, hahaha..."

Tang Lie knew that he had been tricked, his face scowled, and he sneered, "Just you can reach the tenth talent talent? If you are a tenth talent talent daddy, you're going to eat shit."

The disciples of the Tang family also shouted: "At first glance, it's a waste, and it's still a tenth-grade Talent, a tenth-grade Pipi Shrimp."

"You want to scare us Young Master, and don't look at your virtues, how many ten-rank Talents are there in the entire Devil Island?"

"that is!"

Lu Qin stepped forward and said, "Tang Lie, take care of the dogs around you, and if you dare to spit feces, be careful that I will make them unable to speak in this life."

very cruel

no joke at all

The three Tang disciples froze and dared not say any more.

Lu Qin's Cultivation Base is much higher than theirs.

Tang Lie sneered: "Junior Sister Lu, it's better to follow me if you follow such a waste Sect Leader, just relying on my eighth-grade Talent potential, it's easy to pass the examination of the Heavenly Cancelled Sect, and may be directly accepted as a disciple by Inner Sect Elders, with me I believe that the two of you sisters will get along very well in the Heavenly Remnant Sect.”

"How about it?"

"Fuck with me, much stronger than him"

Long Fei said: "Dig my face in the corner of the wall, okay, that's enough, but... can you dig?"

just finished saying o

Lu Qin also walked back to Long Fei, holding Long Fei's other arm with one hand, leaning his head gently on Long Fei's shoulder, with a charming, well-behaved face, a happy young woman attitude, and The murderous appearance just now was completely like two people, "I only have Sect Leader-sama in my heart."


Another mouthful of blood spurted out of Tang Lie's heart, and the critical hit did damage.

With both eyes fixed on Long Fei, I can't wait to eat Long Fei.


Tang Lie gritted his teeth and said, "Long Fei, wait and see, let's see how I crush you and step you underfoot in the Heavenly Remnant Sect."

Long Fei didn't take it seriously at all

natural o

He also didn't take Tang Lie To put in one's eyes.

this time o

Long Fei and the others didn't know that it was Tang Lie who killed the old woman, and they didn't know that the female disciples of the Goddess Sect were all killed by Tang Lie, otherwise... Tang Lie was already dead!

Tang Lie is the same

He also didn't know that Long Fei and the others had returned to the Goddess Sect and destroyed the Dongtianmen, otherwise he would definitely show some cheating.

another place o

The left and right envoys are using psychics to summon the bird Demonic Beastso

At the same time o

The two of them are also discussing something

"Senior brother, that sword has a very strong aura, and I haven't seen his grade yet. I guess even if it can't reach the god level, it's not far from the god level."

"With this sword, our strength can be improved by several layers o"

"Now we should find a place..."

The left messenger nodded slightly and said, "Then Evil Ghost Ridge, we just have to take a rest there."

"Notify the devil when it's time"


The right messenger immediately laughed: "Okay, let that kid live a few more days, hahaha..."

talking room o

Their power surged, and a huge formation appeared on the ground. Fluorescence flashed above the formation, and a thick cry resounded through the sky.

halo disappears

A huge iron-armed eagle appeared above the formation

bigger than a boeing

The whole body is in iron armor, and the pair of eagle eyes is extremely sharp, which is daunting.

Long Fei and the others were also suddenly shocked. Looking at the iron-armed eagle in the distance, God was slightly shocked, "What a fierce bird!"

All in shock

Lu Qin stared at the iron-armed eagle and said, "This is the iron-armed eagle. It is a kind of flying bird of the Heavenly Remnant Sect. It is the lowest-level kind. It can travel tens of millions of kilometers a day, very fast."

"There are many more birds like this, the most powerful is the flying crane, which can fly tens of millions of kilometers in a single thought, but I heard that only the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Remnant Sect can use this kind of bird." Mu Bing followed by saying o

"Flying Shenhe?" Long Fei remembered in his heart, secretly said: "The old woman once said that there was a flying goddess from the Tianzun Sect. Could it be because of the flying Shenhe, or... my mother was sitting on the flying Shenhe? Leaving Devil Island?"

One thought of ten thousand kilometers

This speed...

Even the vast continent can leap over

" really is it!"

Long Fei's heart is secretly tight

At this time o

The left messenger came back and said, "Follow me."

Tang Lie walks in the front

The three disciples of the Tang family followed closely behind him.

Long Fei still looked up at the iron-armed eagle, and was very shocked, "This f*ck is just like a super fighter o"

Lei Jiu even showed his envy, "If only I had such an iron-armed eagle, it would be great."

"Wherever you want to go, you can meet Tianyan City if you want to go back to Tianyan City"

Even if he left, he still cares about Lan Yao

Lu Qin said slightly: "Heavenly Remnant Sect really deserves to be one of the top ten Sects. The iron-armed eagle is almost a heaven-ranked bird, but it is still the lowest-ranked bird."

"too great o"

The shock that the iron-armed eagle caused to their hearts was too powerful o

in a few minutes o

All the people stood on the back of the iron-armed eagle, and the right messenger reminded slightly, saying: "All sit down, hold on tight, if you fall, it will be your own unlucky o"

a thought o

"take off!"

The iron-armed eagle spread its 100-meter-long wings, fluttered a few times, and suddenly flew straight up, and in an instant, rushed towards the sky.



The wind is harsh, the speed is unparalleled o

Li Ruhua was too frightened to open her eyes

A disciple of the Tang family even screamed in horror.

really scary

But after a few seconds, it was above the clouds, and it gradually became stable. The few seconds just now revolved in my mind, and most people's faces were extremely pale.

It's like experiencing a life and death

Long Fei's face was calm, without any change o

This kind of shock, this feeling of walking on the edge of life and death is nothing to him, because... he is used to it o

The left messenger glanced at Long Fei, slightly shocked in his heart, "It's the first time I sit on an eagle with iron arms, I'm not afraid, I can really calm down o"...

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