The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1751 Aerial Interception

Chapter 1751 Aerial Interception

Even the first time they were scared to death

Long Fei's face does not change, his heart does not beat, there is no change at all o

If they knew what Long Fei had been through, maybe they could understand o

"Brother Fei, are you not afraid at all?" Lei Jiu's forehead oozes cold sweat.

Lu Qin and Mu Bing also looked at Long Fei. The two of them just clenched their fists tightly and grabbed the iron-armed eagle's feathers tightly, for fear that they would fall.

Long Fei smiled lightly, but did not answer.

Tang Lie sneered: "Cut, it's not that he's not afraid, he's terribly afraid, and he doesn't even have time to react. I guess he almost pissed his pants because of it."

"What are you pretending to be?"

Tang Lie's face quickly recovered o

He was also startled just now, but it was better than others, because the left messenger sent him a voice transmission at the beginning, so that he could get ready.

This is the special care of Bapin Talent o

This made Tang Lie even more proud.

"Tang Lie, what's your tone?" Mu Bing let out an o

Tang Lie said contemptuously, "Pastor sister, he is obviously scared to death, but he pretends not to be afraid, such a person who pretends to be arrogant is definitely not a good thing, you have to be careful when you follow him. "

Mu Bing took Long Fei's arm again and said, "I am willing, I am willing, who are you? Can you manage it? Humph!"

Tang Lie's eyes were stunned, and he was so angry that he wanted to rush up.

But o

This is on the back of the iron-armed eagle. If he accidentally falls, his eighth-rank Talent will also become a dead Talent.

Long Fei ignored Tang Lie at all.

The left messenger snorted slightly and said, "Don't make any noise, just be quiet for me. If anyone doesn't want to go to the Heavenly Remnant Sect, they can say now, I'll kick him down."

He doesn't want anything to happen to Long Fei

Long Fei has a powerful magic sword on his body.

Tang Lie snorted coldly, stared at Long Fei and said, "Boy, wait for me!"

Long Fei doesn't kill him at all

After a full day o

suddenly o

An eagle's chirping sounded o

Li Ruhua immediately pointed to one place and said, "Look, there is also an eagle with iron arms over there."

The voice fell o

Everyone was shocked

Especially the left and right messengers, the eyes of the two immediately tightened, and immediately said: "Everyone be careful o"

Two people stand at the head of the iron-armed eagle, and one at the tail o

have to say o

The Cultivation Base of the two messengers is very strong, standing on the uneven, fast-flying iron-armed eagle's back without any swaying, bumping o

It's really not moving

At this speed, without a certain Cultivation Base, you can't do it at all.

at this time o


The iron-armed eagle flying in the distance suddenly changed, rushed into the clouds and disappeared.


The left messenger exhaled slightly and murmured: "It seems that they are also afraid of our attack..."

I haven't finished speaking yet

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, "On the head!"


The wind is raging, and the mountains are like a tsunami.

The iron-armed eagle suddenly pressed down, and crushed it with a powerful coercion.

The iron-armed eagle that Long Fei was sitting on made bursts of screams, and its rank was obviously to whisper to the iron-armed eagle above his head.

Long Fei immediately said: "Caught o"

With a thought of the left messenger, the iron-armed eagle is on one side, slowing down, avoiding this strikeo

The right messenger's voice was thunderous, he shouted heavily, and said, "Who is it?"

"Jie Jie..."

"Small waste of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, obediently hand over your recruited disciples, and we will spare you a dog's life." The speed of the iron-armed eagle also slowed down, and it still landed on Long Fei's heads. go up

also at this time

The left envoy saw the standard on the iron-armed eagle, his eyes sank, "Xiaoyao Palace!"


"A little knowledgeable, you actually know that we are from Xiaoyao Palace, so hurry up and hand over the disciples, don't let me do it, otherwise, all of you will die!"

Xiaoyao Palace o

One of the top ten Sect o

Ranked fourth in overall strength, above the Heavenly Remnant Sect

The disciples of Xiaoyao Palace are cruel by nature. They intercept and kill everywhere, burn, kill and loot. It is a common thing to intercept disciples recruited by other Sects everywhere.

The left messenger frowned and said in a low voice, "This is troublesome o"

Instead, look at Long Fei and the others

The right messenger immediately said: "Senior brother, we..."

The left messenger looked at Long Fei, and then at Tang Lie, his fists clenched slightly, and said solemnly: "Senior brother of Xiaoyao Palace, please give me a face, there are a thousand spirit pills here, please accept it with a smile."

Eight-pin Talent, great rewards, he doesn't want to miss o

He also didn't want to miss the magic sword on Long Fei's body.


"As soon as you open your mouth, it's a thousand gods. It looks like you have recruited incredible disciples this time?" The people from Xiaoyao Palace laughed excitedly, "In this case, I can't let go even more."

"Hurry up and hand over everyone o"

"My patience is limited o"

Long Fei stared at the left messenger and asked in a low voice, "How many people are on their iron-armed eagle?"

The left messenger rolled his eyes at Long Fei, but did not answer o

Lu Qin said: "Usually there are only two people, but there are also special cases."

Long Fei whispered: "They will definitely hand us over, wait for me to go over first, and you don't come over after I pass, understand?"

"Sect Leader!"

"Fei Ge o"

Everyone's face is tight

Long Fei shouted and said: This is an order!

If it's just two people who happen to be able to kill the hurricane explosion in an instant, if it's three people...Long Fei's heart is secretly tight, "Never mind, take a gamble."

and o

To be honest, Long Fei has not yet exploded the top ten Sects when he entered Devil Island.

These two guys must have a lot of experience o

Must be cool!

If that's the case, don't miss it!

The right messenger said: "Senior brother, our iron-armed eagle is not an opponent, we..."

As expected by Long Fei o

They wouldn't risk it for the dragon to fly them at all o

Because life is always the most important

The left messenger gave a deep drink and said, "Okay, let's hand over disciple o"



The people of Xiaoyao Palace let out arrogant laughter, "The dog of Tian Can Sect is really obedient, hurry up now o"


A ladder in the sky was thrown down

Long Fei was the first to stand up

this time o

The left messenger immediately shouted: "Your last o"

Long Fei said, "Why?"

The left messenger said slightly: "Don't worry about it so much, I will let you be the last one, where did you come from so much nonsense?"

He didn't want to give up Long Fei and Tang Lie, he wanted to run away suddenly when Xiaoyao Palace relaxed his vigilance.

He didn't want to let go of Eight-Rank Talent and Magic Sword!

and o

He knew very well in his heart that the people of Xiaoyao Palace would never let them go, even if they handed over all the disciples, he would have to use some cannon fodder.

Anyway...except Tang Lie, Li Ruhua, and Long Fei, everyone else is cannon fodder, and they don't care about Life and death! ...

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