The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1754 Who Is The Scumbag?

half an hour later

On an empty hillside, the iron-armed eagle fell.

The apprehended disciples also dispersed.

They all came to thank Nie Lin, no one remembers Long Fei o

Long Fei doesn't matter

Nie Lin said, "Where are you going?"

Long Fei said: "Heavenly Remnant Sect o"

Nie Lin was stunned for a moment, and said, "Tian Can Sect?"

In recent years, the strength of the Heavenly Remnant Sect has declined dramatically, and it is about to be squeezed out of the top ten Sects. If the newcomers lose again in this year's battle, I am afraid they will be squeezed out.

Nie Lin kindly said, "Why don't you go to Xuanyang Sect with me? With your Cultivation Base Talent, I believe that Xuanyang Sect will definitely accept your o"

She is very optimistic about Long Fei o

and o

The acceptance she said was not ordinary acceptance, but inner discipline!

Long Fei said: "Thank you, but I still want to go to the Heavenly Remnant Sect. After all, I am a disciple they recruited. If I go to other Sects, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

Heavenly Remnant Sect must enter o

Even if it is a garbage Sect, Long Fei will enter o

He has to find a way out of Devil Island, he has to find information about his mother o

Seeing the firmness in Long Fei's eyes, Nie Lin didn't force it, and said, "Then I won't force it. If you don't pass the examination of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, then come to Xuanyang Sect to find me."

Immediately, Nie Lin felt that she had said something wrong, and smiled, "I'm joking, how can you fail the assessment with your Talent?"

"Dragon Fly"

"We will meet at the exchange meeting of the top ten new disciples." Nie Lin said seriously, she believed that Long Fei would definitely appear at the exchange meeting.

will be her rival

even o

will become her most powerful enemy o

That punch splits in two

Plus a strange woman summoned by Long Fei, many Cultivation Techniques he has never seen before.

Long Fei cupped fist and said, "Goodbye by fate!"

Nie Lin jumped onto the iron-armed eagle and flew away with several other disciples of Xuanyang Sect.

"So strong!"

"Are the top ten disciples so strong?" Long Fei was secretly shocked.

Since entering the plane of the ancient gods battlefield, he has not felt how strong, but after meeting Nie Lin, he realized that the people he had met before were all rubbish.

The real powerhouses are among the top ten Sects o

she's only third o

How strong are the ten disciples?

"Looks like... the Top 10 Sects are quite fun." Long Fei smiled slightly.

at this time o

The two elders who had wanted to leave with their disciples stopped again.

Long Fei also noticed it long ago.

They are also the messengers of Tian Can Sect.

The elder stepped forward and said, "Little brother, I just heard you say going to the Heavenly Remnant Sect?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "Um o"

Elder smiled and said: "Then come with us, it's good to be a company, but we don't have iron-armed eagles, so we can only walk by on our feet, but the time should be in time to catch up with the assessment, you don't have to worry too much. o”

Long Fei said: "Thank you Eldero"


"We also want to thank you, if it wasn't for the people from Xiaoyao Palace, we would have already arrived at Xiaoyao Palace, and the consequences would be unimaginable." He smiled slightly.

"yes o"

"We should thank you o"


Long Fei joined them, rushing all the way to the direction of the Heavenly Remnant Sect.

all the way o

The messenger told Long Fei everything about the Heavenly Remnant Sect

"Elder, did the Flying Goddess really fly away from Devil Island?"

"No one knows the specifics, anyway...the Flying Goddess never appeared again after her ascension, but of course she left behind a lot of rich assets, these things made the Heavenly Remnant Sect only become the top ten Sect in just a few years. One, it's just that nearly a thousand years have passed, and the things left by the goddess of the sky have been exhausted, and our Tianzun Sect is gradually weakening."


"If there is no more success in this year's newcomer exchange meeting, we may really be squeezed out of the top ten sectors."

The old man sighed softly

For a long time, the Heavenly Remnant Sect had relied too much on the things left by the Flying Goddess, and now it has been used up, but no one can carry the cauldron.

For Tian Can Sect, it is too much to need a person to carry the cauldron.

Otherwise, if it goes on like this, it is only a matter of time before the top ten Sects are squeezed out.

Long Fei didn't care what the old man said later, he kept thinking in his heart, "Ascension disappears, can it still fly on Devil Island?"

"The flying goddess should be the mother o"

"She was the first person to leave Devil Island o"

"How exactly?"

"Does it depend on the laws of time she comprehends?"

Long Fei's mind is full of doubts

He really wants to know everything, but all this requires him to go step by step and discover o


Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, looked at the sky, and said secretly: "Mother, I will definitely find your o"


"Elder, doesn't the Heavenly Remnant Sect have a flying crane? It can think for a thousand miles. Why can't such a crane fly out of Devil Island? Enter the ancient gods battlefield, earn merits, and then revive the Heavenly Remnant Sect?" Long Fei asked Road o

Elder smiled bitterly: "Flying cranes? It hasn't appeared for hundreds of years, and now even Sect Leader probably doesn't know whether it exists or not."

"and o"

"Even if there are flying cranes, they can't leave Devil Island o"

"Because... the people on Devil Island are all cursed by God. This continent is also cursed by God. No one can go out. Demonic Beasts are the same."

Long Fei's heart sank, "Huh... It seems that there is a huge barrier on the edge of Devil Island. This should be... set up by the Lord God?"

"Would it be possible to rush out by breaking the barrier?"

Elder's eyes were full of loneliness, and he muttered to himself: "The battlefield of the ancient gods... Practitioner's dream!"

Entering the battlefield of the ancient gods is every Practitioner's dream

They all want to throw their heads, spill their blood, and have a big fight o

but o

All this is an unattainable luxury for the people on Devil Island.

too far away


ten days later

At the foot of the mountain of Tian Canzong o

Li Ruhua and the others have already arrived. Today is the day of the assessment!

"I'm going to find the Sect Leader!"

The moment Mu Bing jumped off the iron-armed eagle, he immediately walked back.

Lu Qin is the same

Long Fei is the last concern in their hearts, and now Long Fei's life and death are uncertain, even if they are allowed to directly become the inner discipline of the Heavenly Cancelled Sect without the examination, they are not interested.

The left messenger stopped immediately, snorted coldly, and said, "I don't care what you are thinking about, but I want to tell you that the kid is dead!"

"If you go, you will die!"

"It doesn't matter to me whether you die or not, but don't affect us!" The left messenger issued a token and said, "Take it!"

"This is your identity token!"

"If anyone dares to escape without permission, don't blame me for being rude o"


Tang Lie walked up and said proudly, "Junior Sister Mubing, don't worry, I will take good care of you in the future, that kid Long Fei is a scum..."

at this time o

Who is the scumbag?

A voice came, "Does my woman need your care?!"

One more chapter tonight!

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