The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1755 We Are Just Arrogant, Why?

"Sect Leader?!"

"Brother Fei!"

"Longfei big brothero"

"Long Fei, are you still alive?"

a moment o

Lu Qin and Mu Bing ran up directly, tears of excitement almost coming out.

Lei Jiu and Li Ruhua also came up.

Tang Lie's eyes were startled, and he showed a very unhappy expression.

The left messenger and the right messenger looked at each other and showed a smile at the same time. They did not expect that Long Fei actually survived on the iron-armed eagle in Xiaoyao Palace.

immediately o

The two also walked up, "Long Fei, how did you survive like this?"

The left messenger gave Long Fei an identity token and said, "No matter how you survived, you will be assessed soon. This is your identity token o"

Long Fei took the token and said, "Got it"

this time o

The messenger who came to the Heavenly Remnant Sect with Long Fei walked up, looked at Long Fei and smiled, and said, "Little friend Long, you don't need to be assessed for your strength. Would you like me to recommend it to the Elder?"

The envoys on the left and right looked shocked, and said respectfully: "Xia Eldero"

Xia Chuyuan waved his hand, not caring about the two messengers left and right, but looked at Long Fei, as if waiting for Long Fei's answer.

Long Fei waved his hand and said, "I'd better pass the exam myself and prove everything with my strength."


"well said!"

"Rely on strength to prove everything!" Xia Chuyuan nodded and said, "I'm very optimistic about you, kid, don't let me down, and remember what I told you."

"If you have anything, you can come to me directly. I don't dare to say anything else. In Outer Sect, I still have a bit of weight to speak."

While speaking, he was looking at the left and right messengers o

He had seen Long Fei's magic sword and reminded him not to use that magic sword lightly.

Long Fei said: "Thank you Eldero"

The faces of the left and right messengers changed slightly. The two of them stared at Long Fei and secretly said in their hearts: "What is the relationship between this kid and Xia Chuyuan?"

Even more shocked is Tang Lie o

He was completely dumbfounded, "How dare you recommend him? What kind of thing is he? This kid must have given the old man a lot of benefits."

"It must be so"

"Otherwise, how could he possibly get Elder's favor with his third rank Talent, he must have bribed o"

"Despicable and sinister villain o"

Tang Lie said o disdainfully immediately after Xia Chuyuan left.

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, walked in front of Tang Lie, and said, "I really don't want to talk to you Tang Lie, but if you provoke me again and again, I will slap you to death, understand?"

Eyes kill o

Ignoring Tang Lie doesn't mean Long Fei is afraid of him

Tang Lie was stared at by Long Fei's eyes with a strong murderous intent, and his body was unable to move. It felt like he was being stared at by the god of death.

after half a minute

"Young Master, Young Master..."

Tang Lie reacted with a shock, and then looked at Long Fei, they had already walked to the assessment site, clenched their fists secretly, and said, "Long Fei, I won't let you go!"


"Identity token handed over o"


"Dragon Fly"

"Okay, you can go in o"

Long Fei took back the identity token. There were two more words on the token, which was his name. In front of him was a gate of time and space, which should be a small plane.

Long Fei couldn't help but ask, "Excuse me, Elder, how is the assessment? Are there any rules?"

The elder didn't raise his eyes, and said, "Where there is so much nonsense, you will know when you go in. The trash of third rank Talent is just acting as cannon fodder."

Long Fei's eyes sank

immediately o

Lei Jiu was a little unhappy, and was held back by Long Fei o Finally o

Several people enter the gate of time and space together


The gate of time and space is distorted, just like layers of ripples ripple out.

in an instant o

The bright light is dazzling, and I can't open my eyes for a moment.

"This is where?"

"Is this the examination venue?"

"How to test?"

Lei Jiu and Lan Feng muttered.

at this time o

Several disciples wearing the clothes of the Heavenly Remnant Sect walked up, with contempt at the corners of their mouths, and said, "Hey, there is a line of peaks ahead, and there are mountain bandits everywhere"

"If you want to get there, I can lead the way"

"One hundred spirit pills per person"

Lu Qin immediately said, "Are you disciples of the Heavenly Remnant Sect?"


"Can't you see the clothes we are wearing? We are all formal disciples," a disciple said proudly.

Lu Qin asked, "Then don't you care?"


"What's the matter?" a disciple shouted o

Lu Qin said, "You guys are robbery at all."

"What is robbery? Are we robbers?"

"We call it a fair and honest fee. Do you pay it? If you don't pay it, you won't be able to pass the first-line peak in front of you, and you will be directly beaten back to your original shape. Where did you come from, and where do you go, and our Heavenly Remnant Sect does not include delivery o"


"Muggles, don't waste your time, you can't pass the test with your strength."

Long Fei looked at the mountain in front of him and said, "Is that the first-line peak?"

"Yes, that's it!" said a disciple.

Long Fei said: "As long as you pass the first-line peak, you will pass the first test, right?"


"Boy, without our guidance, you will definitely not be able to make it through." The disciple sneered.

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei walked out, and Lu Qin and Mu Bing immediately followed.

All are completely birdless their four o


The four of them were stunned, and a disciple said, "Am I not clear enough?"

"Or they didn't understand o"

suddenly o

The disciple rushed to Long Fei's side and said, "Boy, as I said just now, one person can get one hundred Divine Spirit Pills, and I can take you through o"

"Thank you!"

"No need o" Long Fei waved his hand and said, "Let's break through by ourselves o"

The disciple was stunned, stared at Long Fei's face for a few seconds, and then burst out laughing, "Hahaha... It's just you? A seven-star Cultivation Base rubbish?"

"Try another rubbish?" Lu Qin glared angrily.


"Trash, trash, what's wrong with daddy saying it three times?" the disciple shouted angrily.


"Crack, snap, snap!"

Three slaps, instantly fall o

There are hardly any gaps, and he didn't even see how he shot.

Long Fei's eyes sank, and he said, "Let's talk about it!"

"You fucking try again!"


The other three disciples ran up immediately, pushed Lei Jiu away, stared at Long Fei and said, "Boy, you are very arrogant!"

Lei Jiu and the others are not afraid to live, so they immediately surrounded them.

All of a sudden six people surrounded the four of them o

Lei Jiu snorted and said, "We are just arrogant, why?"


"If you have the seeds, you can wait for us. If you can pass the test today, my surname is yours, hum!" A disciple shouted angrily.


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