The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1756 Killing Scholar, Npc?

Chapter 1756 Deadly scholar, npc?


Long Fei never eats this set o


Come on, daddy was never afraid!

The four disciples quickly retreated, and they rushed in the direction of the first-line peak.

Mu Bing said, "Sect Leader, will they be in the same group as the bandits from the First Line Peak?"

"Why do they go to the first-line peak?"

Long Fei laughed and said: "Since ancient times, there have been soldiers and bandits in a nest. They can take us over the first-line peak. Naturally, they are a group. All in all, everyone be careful."

"We are here to assess, not to bribe anyone. If you want to enter the Heavenly Remnant Sect, you must show your own strength, instead of relying on these sideways to fool around."

Long Fei said sternly

Everyone was shocked

Long Fei looked at the steep mountain peaks in the distance and muttered: "Mountain bandits? Hmph, I'm really afraid that there won't be any mountain bandits, so I just took this opportunity to level up."

He is worried that he can't find a chance to upgrade.

immediately o

Long Fei took them to the first-line peak.


"Shit, hit daddy?"

"daddy must have let you die here today o"

"These rubbish, offend daddy, watch me clean you up like this"

The disciple who was beaten was very annoyed

this time o

A burly man walked out of the cottage at the top of the first-line peak. When he saw the four of them, he immediately said: "Four adults, why are you here?"

"Didn't today's assessment just start? This time should be the time for you to make a lot of money."

A disciple immediately said: "Don't say o"

"Go and call out your Zhaizhu life-threatening scholar o"

The burly man was slightly taken aback

After being stunned for a moment, the disciple who was beaten into a pig's head by Long Fei instantly went into a frenzy, kicked hard when he went up, and shouted, "Didn't you hear what Daddy said?"

"Dog thing, you don't want to live anymore?"

"Call me the life-threatening scholar right away!"


With a ruthless kick, the burly shouted and kicked out with one kick. The big man didn't dare to be angry, and immediately slapped it from the ground, saying, "I'll go right now."

dare not speak, dare not be angry

The disciples in the surrounding first-line peaks and cottages are all the same.

"What's the point o"

"Oppose daddy?" Then the disciple said angrily.

A disciple asked Wei Wei: "Senior brother, will it be bad for us to do this, and if these things we do are discovered, I'm worried..."


Before he could finish speaking, he slapped him again.

The senior brother shouted, "You fucking lost your mind? It's your first day to do this? With the Outer Sect elder here, who do we need to be afraid of?"


"Who will find out?"

The disciple who was beaten immediately lowered his head and said, "Yes, yes yes o"

After a while, a man in white clothes and a scholar-like appearance came out. His body seemed to move, his feet did not occupy the ground, and there was no wind. The latest and fastest update

great character o

"Four adults, what are your orders?" the scholar asked.

The senior brother immediately said, "Kill someone for me."

"Do not!"

"Kill me six people!"

finish o

The senior brother stared at the deadly scholar's eyes and said: "This is the order of the elder!"

The life-threatening scholar's eyes tightened, and he immediately said, "Subordinates obey!"


At the foot of the first-line peak

A narrow road between two peaks

stand at the intersection

Long Fei looked up at the sky, a line of sky, and said slightly: "This should be a line of peaks, from this moment on, keep me on guard."

This place is dangerous

Once there is an ambush on both sides of the valley, it is very dangerous o "Yeah!"

Everyone nods

Long Fei stepped in, and his breath slowly released.

The valley is unusually quiet, and there is no other sound except the wind.

Long Fei and the others walked for about half an hour.

Lei Jiu murmured and said, "Maybe they just scare us, Brother Fei, it's safe, there's nothing wrong."

"Don't take it lightly"

Long Fei hasn't finished speaking yet

suddenly o

A white shadow flew by...


In the wind, the robes creaked, and disappeared in an instant, like a female ghost.

Cold sweat broke out on Lan Feng's forehead, he swallowed heavily, and said, "Did you see it just now? What is that white shadow? Is it a ghost?"

Long Fei looked up at the surroundings, let out a drink, and said, "Don't worry about anything, attack with all your strength, rush out first and then o"

"Lu Qin, Mu Bing, you two open the way!"

"Lan Feng, Lei Jiu, you two are broken."

"Flowers, you are in the middle o"

"rush out o in one go"


"Everyone remember, everything is going according to my plan, remember!" Long Fei urged, since he is a bandit, he can't let it go!

It's like killing harm for the people!

Long Fei felt a dangerous breath o

Mu Bing and Lu Qin also responded quickly and rushed out with all their strength.

Cultivation Base's weakest Li Ruhua is in the middle o

Dragon Flying Pad

A team rushed out like this crazy o

"Want to escape?"

"no way!"



The ancients raised a loud voice o

Long Fei's heart tightened, "No, there are falling rocks!"

"Sect Leader, be careful!"


A huge stone separated Long Fei from them, and there was also a loud explosion in front of them. At this moment, Li Ruhua and the others were also blocked by the huge rolling stone.




One after another figure fell, and one after another footsteps fell, "Hahaha..."

"Want to escape?"

"Where are you escaping?"

"Don't even think about leaving!"


A group of mountain bandits roared, and the water around Long Fei and the others was blocked. At this moment, a white shadow fell silently in front of Long Fei.

Looking at Long Fei with both eyes, his eyes were slightly startled.

And Long Fei is the same

"What's going on?"

"Isn't the golden light flashing on your body?"

"But there is light on you?"

"Is it the boss?"

"Or a quest NPC? Or something else?" Long Fei was extremely puzzled, because the life-threatening scholar in front of him shone with a light that was not a boss halo. This was the first time Long Fei had encountered o

"What the hell?"

Long Fei felt strange in his heart.

He thought there was a boss in this bandit den, but now it seems that this is not a boss, but a... upgraded NPC?

so weird o

The life-threatening scholar's eyes were also a little surprised. In his mind, the eyes that looked at Long Fei always felt like they had seen them somewhere.

Even if I haven't seen it before, I have seen the same eyes o

But o

This is something in his head, he can't remember it at all o

The death-defying scholar said coldly, "You can capture it when you're ready."

Don't wait for them to start o

Long Fei raised his hands and said, "I surrender!"

in another place

Lu Qin and the others also said without any resistance: "We surrender!"

This is Long Fei's plan!

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