The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1772, Sister Bawanghua

Long Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

But o

Cangwu Pavilion he can't enter o

Because of identity issues!

is o

Long Fei doesn't even know where Zangwu Pavilion is.

"Not urgent!"

"Go find o tomorrow"

Long Fei mows the grass again

In the Cultivation Technique column, apart from the auxiliary Cultivation Technique, Long Fei has not used any Cultivation Technique anymore. It doesn't matter. Anyway, he has a metamorphosis system.

The level of Explosive Fist has been improved, and when he encounters a green star peak powerhouse, he cannot be suppressed.

Silent night o

Long Fei piled weeds together and slept all night, but he was a little hungry and uncomfortable.

early morning o

Long Fei came to the General Affairs Office early to report.

In addition to him, there are many other disciples. Most of these people are nominal disciples like him. They are some disciples who have not passed the examination, but the Talent is good. The Heavenly Remnant Sect allowed them to cultivate here for a few years, during the past few years. You can participate in the assessment, and you can become a formal disciple if you pass the exam. If you don’t pass the exam, you can stay. o Being able to stay in the top ten Sect as a nominal disciple is also an existence that ordinary people can’t reach.

Long Fei looked around a few times.

Among these people, Long Fei did not see Lei Jiu and the others, and secretly said in his heart, "I hope your situation will be better."

"Who is that person?"


"He? Senior brother, I know, this person is the person who was called Long Fei who was in the slapstick assessment the day before yesterday. All Talents have been abolished, and he is a complete waste.

"Is that him?"

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that, I thought he was already dead, but I didn't expect that he would still be alive. He killed the Outer Sect of our Heavenly Remnant Sect, the elder, the second-in-command, and stayed shamelessly. How thick is it?"

"that is!"

"All Talent is abolished, does he think he still has a chance?"

"Daddy has been a nominal disciple for two years. I don't have a chance. Does he still have a chance?"


"Too self-sufficient o"

"I heard that many people are dissatisfied with him. Elder Xia guaranteed him with his life, but... Elder Xia seems to have cut off his identity as an elder."


Miscellaneous voices are heard around

Most of the sarcasm o

Among these voices, there are many useful news about Long Fei. When he heard that Xia Chuyuan could not use his life to protect him, Long Fei's heart tensed slightly.

This favor is owed o

If he doesn't rise up, he will make Xia Chuyuan suffer with Losing face.

"Cough cough!"

A few drake coughs sounded, and a slightly bloated middle-aged man walked out, just like the old eunuch on TV, holding an orchid finger.

"Here comes the chief!"

"Here comes the chief!"

Several nominal disciples immediately showed loving smiles and bowed to greet them.

Looking at their smiles, Long Fei couldn't help but clenched, "Damn, a bunch of gays!"

The manager is Li Yuanqing.

He walked up and glanced at it, his eyes fell on Long Fei who was behind the crowd, and then he said, "It's business as usual today."

"in addition!"

The general manager took out a small notebook and said, "Today, the Wuxiu Hall needs a disciple to spar with. If you practice well, you can get 5 contribution points. This contribution point will be recorded on your body."

"Who wants to go?"

Everyone hears o

shrink immediately

A look of fear in his eyes

Li Yuanqing said slightly: "Is no one willing to go?"

Immediately, a nominal disciple beside him smiled and said, "Sir, there are a few newcomers here today. This is a good opportunity for them to experience. Such a good opportunity should be given to them."

"Well, that's good o"

Li Yuanqing glanced at the unfamiliar faces and said, "Who among you would like to go?"

A newcomer immediately said: "Master Chief, there is a genius among us who is completely useless, such a good opportunity should be given to him."


"Just let him go"

"It's him"

Several people pointed at Long Fei o

Li Yuanqing looked at Long Fei and said, "Are you willing to go?"

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Do I have a choice?"

Li Yuanqing said: "Our general affairs office has always been very fair, and the person who approves of the new young brother going to the Wuxiu Hall to spar with raises his hand."


Except for Long Fei, everyone raised their hands o

"It's just you!"

"You must make the senior brothers of Wuxiutang comfortable. If they are upset, you will be even more upset, understand?" Li Yuanqing also winked at Long Fei as he spoke.

suddenly o

Long Fei's chrysanthemum is even tighter

Chill in my heart!

"This f*ck...Longyang addiction o" Long Fei murmured in his heart: "Gay guys are everywhere o"

soon o

Li Yuanqing's whining voice sounded, "Go get busy, I'll be back here at six o'clock in the afternoon to report o"

the crowd dispersed

Long Fei was led by a disciple to the Wuxiu Hall.

Many nominal disciples also come to Wuxiu Hall, but they are not sparring, but cleaning.

"How long do you think he can hold it?"

"It depends on the person. If it's like Senior Brother Wang Tai, I estimate that at most 3,000 people will fall to the ground."

"But I heard that Brother Wang Tai Closed Door Training o"

"In addition to Senior Brother Wang Tai, Wu Xiu Tang also has a powerful o"

Several people's eyes narrowed

Immediately said at the same time: "You mean Senior Sister Bawanghua?"


"She is more violent than Senior Brother Wang Tai, and her power is terrifying. I heard that she is this year's popular candidate."

"I'm coming!"


Long Fei was taken to the martial arts field

Several disciples of Wuxiu Tang immediately gathered around.

"Is this today's sandbag?"

"How much can you carry if you're too thin?"

"Isn't this person Long Fei?"

"It's him?"

"The one who killed the elder?"

On the martial arts field, it exploded all at once.

What is the identity of the elder?

The head of the Outer Sect Wuxiu Hall!

More than half of the Wuxiu Hall are his disciples, and now Long Fei has entered the 'den of thieves'.

Although Ma Fenglei is not a good person, he has exploited them, but... if they can step on Long Fei to take revenge, it is what each of them wants to do.

Some people are gearing up to release their combat power.

"Don't move around, he is a living target for Senior Sister's training today." One person shouted slightly.


"Which sister?"

"Which other senior sister, Sister Bawanghua?"

The voice fell o

Everyone froze immediately and didn't dare to come forward.

at this time o


There was a loud noise, "click" accompanied by this loud noise, a series of clicks sounded, this is the sound of bluestone breaking.

this weight...

The picture in Long Fei's mind is unimaginable.

How fat is that?

Overlord Flower...Senior Sister!

Long Fei already felt a chill coming.


The crowd moved away, and what Long Fei could not have imagined was that the person approaching was not a woman of a tonnage level, but a stunning woman with a hot body and a hint of charm in her eyes.

Is this the overlord flower?

Is it a crime to spar with such a woman?

It's a benefit!

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