The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1773 I Don't Owe You, You Owe Me!

Chapter 1773 I don't owe you, you owe me!

Overlord flower!

really ferocious

Every time I took a step, there was a sudden shock somewhere on the body, shaking a few times, and the ground also shook!

Long Fei could feel it more than ten meters away, which made Long Fei think of a word, choppy!

Every time you take a step, there is a deep footprint under your feet, and you don't know how you came out.

Long Fei glanced around and found a lot of strange footprints, his heart stunned, "Damn, isn't it all this fierce girl who came out?"


Overlord flower suddenly stopped o

Standing three meters away from Long Fei, he glanced at Long Fei and said calmly, "Are you today's sparring partner?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "My name is Long Fei, please give me some advice!"

Very serious and slightly salute o

Politeness must be there, and this fierce girl must know that Long Fei is a polite gentleman, so maybe he will have a good impression?

"Long Fei?"

suddenly o

Overlord Hua's eyebrows tightened slightly, "Is it you who killed the elder?"

Between his eyebrows, Long Fei felt a ferocious breath.

Long Fei nodded lightly, and said, "I belong to legitimate defense..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Overlord Hua roared violently, "Last month's newly cultivated Cultivation Technique Long Yin Fu Hu Quan o"

step out o

A deep footprint appeared on the ground, and the ground cracked, just like an earthquake shock wave hitting Long Fei.

At the same time o

The energy generated by pure physical force is blowing head-on o

this time o

The people around immediately gather around o

"It's open, it's open!"

"How many punches can this kid take from Senior Sister Bawanghua? One punch for one, two punches for five, three punches for ten, hehe... If it's a counter-kill, it's one for one hundred!"

"Nervousness, is he the only one who will fight back?"

"I will definitely be killed by Senior Sister Bawanghua with one punch"

"I punched two Divine Spirit Pills!"

"I want to punch too!"

"I also punch o"


There was a direct start of betting around, but these bets were surprisingly unified, and they all beat Longfei and got knocked out, because they knew the power of the Overlord Flower very well.

and o

Overlord Flower is now in a state of rage, with even more ferocious power, more ferocious than her twin peaks o

In this case, how can Long Fei resist?

"I rely on!"

"Can't you just trust the newcomer?"

"Anyway, he is also a celebrity, and he also killed the elder, anyway, so you don't believe him?"

The disciple who opened the auction was named Lu Shuangquan. Wuxiu was ordinary, but in the Heavenly Remnant Sect, he was like a duck to water. He was related to the top and bottom, and he was also Bai Xiaosheng of the top ten sects.

All kinds of gossip have o

He didn't expect that opening an offer would be this result o

From his point of view, Long Fei couldn't take a single punch, and just with Long Fei's physique... he was knocked unconscious with one punch!

"It's a big loss, a big loss o"

"This time it's going to be a blood loss!"

"Boy, you have to get some anger, at least two punches and fall to the ground." Lu Shuangquan folded his hands together as if he was praying to Buddha, and dared not open his eyes to look at it.


Between lightning and flint o


tiger roar o


Longyin blasts o

Both fists moved together, one fist subdued the tiger, one fist dragon roared, and the two fists opened the bow and directly rang Long Fei's chest, the attack was extremely fierce, and there was an unstoppable momentum.

"I rely on!"

"I finally know why you are called Bawanghuao now."

"You're an overlord, I don't even know what you have to do with the word "flower" o" Long Fei's palm was sweating coldly, and he moved his right fist, o

He's not one to sit still o

If someone bombards him, then naturally they have to bombard him.

Don't be shy, just yell!

at this time o

I don't know when, Li Yuanqing's male duck voice sounded, and he said slightly: "Long Fei, you are just here to sparring, do you know what sparring is? Even if you are being trained by your senior brother, you are not allowed to backhand, understand?"

"If you dare to backhand, hum!"

"I will expel your status as a nominal disciple!"

can't fight back

They're just living targets

and o

How could the nominal disciple be the opponent of these Wu Xiu Tang senior brothers?

The consequences of a counterattack will be even more severe.

Long Fei's eyebrows tightened. Now that Xia Chuyuan has been implicated, no one will protect him anymore. If he can't even keep his name as a nominal disciple, how can he be worthy of everything Xia Chuyuan has done for himself, and how can he find the hidden hidden in Tiancan? Zong's way to leave Devil Island?

How can I find out more about mothers?


Long Fei crossed his hands

The body sank slightly, gritted his teeth, and snorted, "Come on!"


A punch falls o

Booming on the back of Long Fei's arm, the bones exploded, as if they were about to break, and Long Fei's body also exploded.


hit the ground hard

All the internal organs are rolling, and the whole body of Meridians seems to be broken, especially the hands are completely numb and unconscious.

The power of this punch...

too strong o

and o

Overlord Flower's Cultivation Base is much higher than Long Fei, but Overlord Flower did not use the Realm level advantage to crush it, otherwise the power would be more powerful.

"One punch kills!"

"Second kill!"


"Lose money, lose money, quickly lose money o"


A large group of people surrounded Lu Shuangquan, Lu Shuangquan's face was extremely ugly, and he grumbled, "Bankrupt, I'm going bankrupt..."

Overlord Hua looked at Long Fei lying on the ground in the distance, and said slightly: "This punch is for the elder to bring me to the Heavenly Remnant Sect to take revenge."

It's also a gift of knowing

If it weren't for the elder, she would still be in a mountain nest o

Although o

The elder brought her to the Heavenly Remnant Sect. Her family spent all their wealth, but kindness was kindness, and she knew it very well.

"You don't owe me any more"

Overlord flower said slightly o

After speaking, she also turned around and was about to leave o

at this time o

Everyone thought that when Long Fei was knocked unconscious by Bawanghua's punch, Long Fei suddenly got up from the ground and said slightly: "I don't owe you, owe me!"


"You can let me scratch my chest, otherwise, I won't let it go."

Stand up while talking

Long Fei's expression looks a bit hideous

This is the first time he has been beaten down by a woman!

If I don't get this shit back, is it still a man?

Just with the sound of o

Lu Shuangquan stopped losing money abruptly, and immediately burst out laughing, "I won, I won, hahaha, good boy, I can't wait to kiss you now."

No one wanted to fight Long Fei and actually stood up o

Bawanghua didn't expect that, she turned to look at Long Fei in the distance, and listened to the foul language he said, she got angry, "Don't you want to live?"

Long Fei grinned and said, "Let me touch my chest, or I won't give up today."

"Just touch o"

"I just want to feel that feeling..."

Before Long Fei could finish speaking, the Overlord Flower struck again.

Long Fei's eyes sank, "I won't let you fly away this time, hehe..."

The first chapter in the morning was not reviewed, sorry!

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