The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1774 The Most Coquettish Move

Chapter 1774 The most coquettish move

Being bombarded by a woman has no face!

Long Fei's eyes were locked, staring at every movement of the Overlord Flower.

Don't miss even the slightest details o

"According to the description of the game, Overlord Flower should belong to that kind of violent warrior. This kind of warrior is very strong, but has a fatal weakness."

"That is, only close quarters can attack the opponent!"

"If you don't let her get close, she will be useless!"

Long Fei quickly analyzed o

Any opponent has weaknesses to be found, and Overlord Flower is no exception.


The Realm of Overlord Flower should reach the Green Star Realm. Her speed is completely incomprehensible to Long Fei, so it is impossible to avoid her attacks by relying on speed.

The speed is not good, so what is the way to keep her from getting close?

at this time o

Lu Shuangquan said loudly again: "Re-opening, restarting, if you want to turn over the book, hurry up and bet, the odds are still the same, hurry up, don't miss this opportunity!"

incitement o

suddenly o

Many disciples once again took out the private money from the bottom of the box.

"Damn it, daddy went out of his way, I pressed ten Divine Spirit Pills with one punch!"

"Senior Sister Bawanghua is already angry, this time she won't be merciful anymore, I will also bet ten, one punch!"

"I bet too!"

"I can't, he can still get up"

"I bet too!"


In the heart of the gambler, always thinking of turning over the book o

The bet amount this time was several times that of the previous one, and Lu Shuangquan's forehead could not help but show thin beads of sweat, and almost everyone bet on a punch again.

Lu Shuangquan looked at Long Fei's calm and composed expression, sweating in his heart, and murmured: "Boy, you have to resist, resist this punch, and I will send it!"

"It's not that I can't hold it...then I'm going to lose and I can't even wear pants."

he is worried

After all o

What he knows about Senior Sister Bawanghua, she is especially fierce when she is angry, and there are very few Outer Sect disciples who can stop her.

A newcomer?

Or an injured newcomer who can resist?

Everyone in the martial arts field is looking at Long Fei o

Siege stares at him with half a fist

The overlord flower comes, the fist blows, the void explodes o

Dragon and Tiger Roar

I want to think that the power of this punch is more fierce and surging than the punch just now. This Fist Technique is pure power. The stronger the burst of power, the stronger the force on the Fist Technique.


Punch out o

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A series of air-breaking sounds sounded o

This is the sound of breaking the air, strong friction, the power is evident o


"This is the sharpest punch of Longyin Fuhuquan o"

"Unexpectedly, in just one month, she has cultivated Longyin Fuhuquan to this level. She is really a genius of the power system."

"Now that kid is completely out of play o"

"Bawanghua is serious, how many of the Outer Sects in the entire Wuxiutang are her opponents? Not to mention that she is still a nominal disciple, and I heard that all his Talent Cultivation Bases have been abolished, they are just a piece of trash, I still think about such a trash. Overlord Hua this punch?"


Many elders also whispered in a low voice.

They all think that Long Fei can't handle it.

"Hu, huhu..."

Long Fei tried his best to calm his breathing, and when he watched Bawanghua punch down, his eyes closed slightly, "Peace!"

His actions surprised everyone

"What is he doing?"

"Did he close his eyes?"

"Is this admitting defeat? No, he should be trying to kill himself."

"Hahaha... I'm going to win this time o"

"His reaction is also right. How could he be the opponent of Senior Sister Bawanghua? He punched him back to his hometown."

Lu Shuangquan's face was pale, and his heart was broken when he saw Long Fei's actions without even a defensive posture, "It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, daddy is going bankrupt o"

Overlord flower is also stunned

But o

She doesn't think Long Fei is admitting defeat and courting death, she thinks more that Long Fei is despising her.

The power in the fist exploded, and the bombardment continued.


Bawanghua let out a roar, a standard female man, but also that kind of fierce man.


fist drop o

Long Fei felt the strong wind rushing towards him, his body slipped lightly, his whole body was like a piece of paper, twisting and moving slightly, without the feeling of exerting any effort.

Slip, twist, move

three actions

seems very slow

There is no strength at all, just like someone who has not cultivated at all, and his movements are a bit rough.


The most important thing is o

His body ingeniously dodged the punch of the Overlord Flower! !

One punch is empty o

The sudden change in the lightning flashes made Bawanghua stunned.

At this time o

It's all silent o

Needle drop can be heard!

The moment just now, it was so fast that they all didn't react.

but o

Long Fei's three movements were incomparably slow, so slow that each of them could see clearly, but! So why can slow motion dodge the attack of the overlord flower?


Why is this?

brain is twisting

Everyone wants to know the answer, all staring at Long Fei o

Lu Shuangquan reacted the fastest, "Hahaha... daddy won, won, hahaha... boy, I love you to death, I will love you for the rest of my life o"

He smiles flamboyantly o

The crowd also reacted slowly

Bawanghua took a step forward, her eyes were burning, she looked at Long Fei and said, "How did you do it?"

very hot o

very eager o

The longing in her eyes is very strong o

She also knows her own weakness in her heart.

Her attack can only be close, which is her advantage and her weakness!

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Let me touch your chest, let me try that feel, and I will tell you!"


Overlord Hua was slightly angry and said, "How dare you say foul language!"

"The punch you dodged just now was just a punch, it was just a coincidence, and now I'll see how many punches you can dodge!"

in an instant o

Overlord flower retreats suddenly

Punch down!

"Buzz, hum!"

The left and right sides were like the sound of a door of power being opened, and two waves of power visible to the naked eye made Long Fei's heart tremble secretly, "What a violent warrior!"


Long Fei grinned and said with a wicked smile: "No matter how strong your strength is, it is useless to me, because... your fatal weakness is that your strength must hit people to cause damage o"

"And my position..."


"You don't understand it at all!"

"Let me touch and I'll show you how to improve o"

Bawanghua glared, "You are courting death!"



The Overlord Flower was completely furious, with full power, and the shadow of the fist bombarded out like a storm.

stormy attack o

No matter how much you can dodge, it is impossible to dodge such a high density of fists o

She didn't believe that Long Fei could hide!

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