The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1775 Senior Sister, Don't Go!

Chapter 1775 Senior sister, don't go!

Overlord flower does not believe o

People around you don't believe o

Lu Shuangquan didn't believe it either. It was the first time he saw Senior Sister Bawanghua being so angry, she opened the door to her cultivation power and made him forget to open the market.

All the people in the audience were stunned and took a fancy to Long Fei.

I saw Long Fei's body like a thin piece of paper.

no effort at all

keep twisting o

Not a single punch hit the o

This coquettish!

This is not Cultivation Techniqueo

It is also a kind of instinctive subconscious to control own body. This is Long Fei's game experience for many years in his previous life. Every game has a position.

Move well, can help you avoid all powerful skills o

Coupled with the experience of Tianwu Continent, Chaos World, and two planes, his instinctive subconsciousness has also been cultivated to the point of pure love, and he can completely control the power released by this berserker.

The body is constantly changing

The powerful fist kept flying past him, but it just missed the o

and o

Long Fei laughed awkwardly, "I can't fight, I can't fight, I just can't fight o"

As cheap as you want, as cheap as you want

"Senior sister, your chest is so big, let me touch it and it won't get smaller, just let me touch it!"

"Just a moment!"

Overlord Hua's face was ugly, she was gnashing her teeth, and she wished she could smash Long Fei into flesh. No one in this Outer Sect dared to speak to her like that.

A nominal disciple actually molested himself in front of so many people

This anger...

more and more prosperous

but o

How is it more prosperous? Her fists couldn't even touch Long Fei's clothes. After a few minutes, Bawanghua had the urge to cry.

Last year, in the battle of Tian Can Sect hegemony, she was like this o

She couldn't hit her opponent with her fists, so she was directly exhausted by her opponent and defeated.

For a whole year, she has been working hard on cultivation, trying to change, constantly breaking through the limit, exerting her strength to the extreme, and defeating last year's opponent.

She thought she could go to the top ten Sect exchange meeting this year o


Now being seen by a nominal disciple at a glance, she hides her excellent weaknesses o


But she had to obey

This is her weakness

This year's top ten Sect exchange meeting does not have her share o

All the hard work this year has been in vain

I want to cry, it hurts!


The last punch slammed out, Bawanghua closed his fists, gave Long Fei a fierce look, turned around and left, with unwillingness and grievance in his eyes.

Instantly turned into a pitiful young woman, looking distressed o


"Why don't you fight?"

"Sister, let's continue."

"You haven't let me touch your chest yet" Long Fei shouted, but Bawanghua ignored him at all.

If she stays, she will only be laughed at by Long Fei and molested o

She can't even beat a nominal disciple, this blow is even more uncomfortable for her than the loss of the hegemony last year, and all her efforts are in vain.

"Hey, hey, hey, Senior Sister, don't go!"

"Isn't that funny?"

"I haven't touched your chest yet." Long Fei grinned. He didn't see the grievance of the Overlord Flower. If he did...he would definitely want to touch it even more!



Long Fei clapped his hands and glanced at Li Yuanqing who was not far away.

Li Yuanqing is also looking at him

It's just that there is something wrong with that kind of eyes, there is a hint of charm in the charming, don't want it, what makes Long Fei Chrysanthemum tight is that he is still biting his lip.

Long Fei has the urge to vomit

at this time o

"A nominal disciple is so arrogant, hum!"

"Mothering Senior Sister in public, boy, are you dead as a disciple of our Wuxiu Hall?"

suddenly o

Four people out of the crowd o

The head is a young man, the man looks handsome, dressed in white, holding a fan in his hand, and he looks suave.

He came up slowly

Many people's eyes were immediately startled.

"Senior Brother Guo Ling!"

"Senior Brother Guo Ling has been chasing after Senior Sister Bawanghua. Seeing Senior Sister Bawanghua being wronged, she immediately stood up. Good man, this is the real man."

"Senior Brother Guo Ling is so handsome."

Many people whispered in a low voice

Especially some female disciples, screaming directly o

Bawanghua also stopped and said slightly: "Senior Brother Guo, it's none of your business."

"What do you mean by not caring about my business?"

"Who doesn't know that I'm chasing you in the entire Wuxiutang? I can't bear to let you be wronged. A nominal disciple is so arrogant, and he actually climbed on the head of our Wuxiutang to poop and pee. It's a pity that you are still Wuxiutang's disciples, one by one. It's like trash!"



"Today, either you kneel down and apologize to Senior Sister, or... let me give you a hand, otherwise, you will be even more miserable." Guo Ling said with a contemptuous look at Long Fei.

He is not a king flower

Cultivation Technique of his cultivation

Overlord Hua frowned and said, "Senior Brother Guo, let me say it again, it's none of your business, and I don't need him to apologize."

She doesn't like Guo Lingo

I didn't like it at first glance

Her character and straightforwardness, if you don't like it, you just don't like it!

No matter what Guo Ling does, she still doesn't like it

Long Fei saw this at a glance, and said with a smile, "Senior Brother, Senior Sister doesn't like you at all, can't you see it?"

"Look for death!"

A minion beside Guo Ling shouted o

Guo Ling's eyes sank slightly, this is the pain in his heart, but... even if he can't catch the Overlord Flower, he won't let anyone get involved.

Long Fei's words are undoubtedly humiliating him.

suddenly o

Guo Ling was furious, and his steps moved.

Powerful Realm coercion came, he wouldn't estimate as much as Overlord Flower, Green Star Realm's coercion came out with all his strength.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Will you take a seat?"

"I'll see if you are crushed by my coercion and see how you can move!"



Guo Ling crushed it strongly

Long Fei's eyebrows are tightly locked

He doesn't have any other Cultivation Technique now except the Explosive Fist, but... if he kills again, I'm afraid he won't be able to stay in the Heavenly Remnant Sect anymore.

and o

Explosive Fist is the most life-saving skill, and it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Use it, you can't use it for 24 hours!

A voice resounded in my mind, saying, "Do you want me to take action?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "No!"

The life-threatening scholar is also a bottomless hole card o

"I have to learn to carry it myself!"

Long Fei frowned, staring at Guo Ling's attack, his body sank slightly, and he resisted.


burst out to go o

The blood in my chest rolled, I couldn't help it, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Guo Ling sneered, "Not dead yet?"

"See how many punches you can carry me!"

Guo Ling is as fast as a gust of wind, and strikes again o

at this time o

Overlord flower moves o

also at the same time

A system prompt sounded in Long Fei's mind.


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