The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1780 The Bottomless Scholar

Chapter 1780 The bottomless scholar

If you can't move you clearly, then come in secretly, if you can't come in secret, then come in shadow, daddy won't believe that he can't get you!

This is Long Fei o

When I heard Li Yuanqing's room, there was a louder than a while, and there was also the sound of a leather whip. It was a show.

Long Fei quietly touched the house.

Looking at the steaming dishes on the table in the hall, and a bottle of wine soaked in some kind of animal whip, Long Fei's mouth showed an evil smile, "Deduct my contribution value? Don't give daddy food? Then let you Try the awesomeness of daddy o"

Put a Medicine Pill in the wine o

Then Long Fei quietly withdrew out.

"just wait!"

"As long as you drink, your chrysanthemum will be violent all the way"


go back to residence

Weed hut, Long Fei's belly is beating with hunger, just when he is worried o

There was a slight sound of footsteps

Long Fei's mind tightened, "Who?"

The life-threatening scholar came out of the weeds with two wild rabbits killed by Sword Qi in his hands, threw them at Long Fei's feet, and said, "Eat it and put more peppers!"


Long Fei looked at the life-threatening scholar and said, "Are you hungry too?"

The life-threatening scholar did not deny it and said, "A little bit!"

"Then let's roast the hare today"

Long Fei began to peel and clean his internal organs, and at this time the life-threatening scholar disappeared without a sound.

soon o

On the fire stand, the hare meat exudes a charred fragrance, and the oil stains dance on the meat skin, just like a little elves dancing, sprinkle some seasonings, and the fragrance is even more indescribable.

Long Fei picked up a roasted rabbit and said, "There should be no one around, so come out and eat too."

The figure of the deadly scholar moved and appeared out of thin air.

Long Fei was slightly startled, he didn't even know how the life-threatening scholar appeared, was he always invisible, or was he so fast that he couldn't see clearly?

The life-threatening scholar was not polite when he took the rabbit meat, he tore off a piece of meat when he took it, it was very hot, but he didn't seem to be able to feel it.

Long Fei said: "Slow down, there is no one to rob you"

The life-threatening scholar didn't say a word, he ate it with a big mouth, he wanted to finish it early, and then hide it early.

because o

Only by hiding in the dark can he fully protect Long Fei.

Over the past few days, the consciousness in his mind will control Long Fei as long as he is in danger. This consciousness controls him, as if Long Fei is the young master.

The young master who can never have an accident is generally o

and o

He has tried, but this consciousness can't be pushed out or defeated, it's like a law is imprisoned in his mind.

How strong is the person who can unleash this kind of power?

Strong unimaginable!

Long Fei continued to hold another life, and couldn't help asking: "Last time in the martial arts field, Sect Leader Zhang Sanqian said that in the Nine Heavens Ten Heavens Killing Intent Space, only specific people from the Heavenly Remnant Sect can cultivate, how can you do that? And the cultivation is better than Sect Leader?"

Long Fei would like to know the answer to this question

The Killing Intent Space of Nine Heavens should be the powerful Cultivation Technique that his mother left in the Heavenly Remnant Sect. It is difficult to penetrate and comprehend. Even the Sect Leader has only stepped slightly into the threshold of the Second Stage. All the secrets of Second Stage have been released, which shows that he is one point better than Zhang Sanqian in this Cultivation Technique.

The life-threatening scholar paused slightly and said, "I don't know o"


Long Fei asked curiously, "You don't even know what Cultivation Technique did you cultivate?"

The life-threatening scholar said: "If you let me use the Nine Heavens killing intent space now, I can't release it at all. After you feel the pain in the killing intent space, the subconscious in my mind immediately releases this powerful move. The power of Fang Tianhan's stronger killing intent directly crushed him, so that he could also taste the crushing of the killing intent space. Zhang Sanqian wanted to block it, but my subconscious instantly filled the killing intent space. Ascension to a stronger Realm, but when it's all over, this Cultivation Technique disappears, like it doesn't belong to me, I'm more confused than you about this, the consciousness that controls me What's hidden in it?"

His eyes told Long Fei that he wanted to know the answer more than Long Fei.

what's hiding

Long Fei listened carefully, and secretly analyzed in his heart, "Whoever gives me pain will suffer more pain than me, and whoever is stronger will be stronger than anyone else.

"Looks like..."

Long Fei watched the life-threatening scholar nibbling on the rabbit meat, "He is incomparably powerful!"

"mother o"

"I really want to see you o"

"Is he sent by you to protect me?"

Long Fei looked up at the sky full of Star, his heart and desire to see his mother o

At the same time o

I also think about my father in The Underworld, the Eight Vajra, and those Jojos whose souls are imprisoned by the God of Fate. I really want, really want...

But now I don't even know where the battlefield of the ancient gods is.

Don't talk about changing the pattern

Even the place where he is now is in crisis, and if he is not careful, his life will be lost. More importantly, he does not know how to leave Devil Island.

suddenly o

A breeze blows o

Long Feisheng disappeared

after half a minute

A woman walked into the small courtyard lightly, looked at the shocked expressions around her, and said, "You live in this kind of place? There are many houses in the Heavenly Remnant Sect. Why do you want to live in this kind of place?"

It's not someone else who came, but the overlord flower

She has some food o in her hand

When she returned to where she lived, she didn't know why she always thought about Long Fei and wanted to see him again.

When she found out that Long Fei hadn't eaten all day, she was confused, should she send food? Do you want? Finally came o

The appearance of the Overlord Flower made Long Fei stunned for a moment, and said, "Senior sister, why are you here?"

Bawanghua looked at the rabbit meat on the fire, and said, "I'm afraid you'll starve to death, but I didn't expect you to eat better than me. It seems that I'm superfluous."


"You don't need to starve to death, I'm going back!"

I'm about to turn around and leave o

Long Fei said: "Senior sister, you are here, just sit down for a while."

"Didn't you let me chase you?"

"It's the time to deepen the relationship with such a beautiful scenery, don't you think?"


Overlord Hua immediately turned around and stared at Long Fei, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she said, "Is your arm itchy again?"

Long Fei's body shrank suddenly and said, "I mean, would you like to try the hare meat I roasted?"

His pinch skills for the overlord flower have already produced a psychological shadow o

Overlord Hua smiled slightly and said, "It's almost o"

Overlord Hua didn't want to leave at first, but after she left, she still had Long Fei in her heart

Long Fei thought to himself, if the night is long and he has no intention of sleeping, if he can do something he loves...

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