The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1781 Drilling Into The Woods Again

Chapter 1781 Drilling into the woods again

Nothing happened overnight

Long Fei wanted something to happen, but... nothing happened.

and o

Overlord Flower is almost invincible. If he doesn't use his explosive fist, Long Fei is not an opponent of Overlord Flower at all.


the next morning o

General Affairs Department o

"It's already nine o'clock, and the Principal hasn't come yet. What happened?"

"It's o"

"It's never happened, it's not sick, right?"

"Sick? A Medicine Pill solves a problem, how could it be possible to get sick? It should be something else o"


Li Yuanqing did not appear o

Long Fei secretly delighted in his heart, "Damn, things that pit daddy, are you cool now?"

"How about daddy's one thousand lidan? It's cool enough, right?"


Li Yuanqing's wine is filled with the medicine pill, which has a very strong attribute. The average person is venting wildly for seven days and seven nights. Those with poor physical strength will be directly collapsed and die.

Even the strong will take three days and three nights

This taste...a cool comparison!

another place o

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Li Yuanqing has been squatting in the latrine since last night and never left.

"who is it?"

"Who is it?"

"Don't let me find out, otherwise, I'll kill him o"

Li Yuanqing yelled o

When he got dressed and was about to leave, there was another 'gurgling' in his stomach, like lightning with thunder, Li Yuanqing's eyes widened, and he immediately squatted down again, because he didn't take off his pants in time, his pants were up. A piece of shit came out, and he was shaking all over in anger.

"Big whip wine!"


"If I'm upset, I'll let you..."

"Clap la la..."

Another series of popping noises

outside the toilet

"Sir, what about today's sundries arrangement? You..."

Li Yuanqing shouted angrily and said, "Didn't you see that I can't get out? Pass my order down, and everything will be business as usual."

"As ordered!"

Li Yuanqing thought of something, and immediately said: "By the way, let Long Fei go to Wuxiu Hall to spar with him, and promised Guo Ling's o yesterday."



another place o

Wuxiu's disciple dormitory o

When he woke up from a coma, Guo Ling's ass was full of shit, and the stench was so stinking that the entire Wuxiu Hall disciples laughed.

Guo Ling has never suffered such a loss since he was a child

"No, no, no..."


Guo Ling walked out of the toilet on the front foot, turned around and stepped back on the back foot, his face was extremely pale, and his pants were too late to take off, and then...

A few popping noises o

Pants full of shit!

"does not work!"

"It doesn't work at all!"

"Go and get me the best antidiarrheal pill, hurry up!" Guo Ling yelled, he can't get out of the hut at all now, and he has been pulling his feces on his pants many times.

Now I can't wash the feces off my body after washing for several days.

"damn thing!"

"Don't let me find out who attacked Daddy, or Daddy will make you regret coming into this world..."


"Clap la la..."

Another explosion

I changed several antidiarrheal pills, but it was completely useless.

Long Fei's Yixie Qianli Dan, just like its name, is a thousand miles away, want to stop diarrhea? It's simply impossible, and what kind of Medicine Pill teacher in this world would put his experience on a Medicine Pill like Zhixie Dan?


Guo Ling screamed miserably, and pulled up his pants again.


business as usual o

Long Fei came to Wuxiu Hall

this time o

Lu Shuangquan, who is Bai Xiaosheng of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, was surrounded by people, "You don't know, it's too late to say it, it was fast, and a burst of lightning and thunder blasted Brother Guo Ling into the air."

"this moment o"

"The strong man directly picked up the senior sister and flew to the sky in one step."

"You can't imagine that scene at all, it's so handsome!"

"It's so handsome and scum, what is called a hero to save the beauty, then it is called a hero to save the beauty o"

cannon language

Lu Shuangquan's mouth is like a machine gun.

"Lu Shuangquan, how did you know?" a disciple asked.

Lu Shuangquan said: "Nothing can hide from me, not to mention... I was there at the time, and I saw it with my own eyes."

when you hear this

Long Fei was slightly shocked

Lu Shuangquan looked triumphant and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Senior Sister to see if I'm wrong?"

Many disciples of the Wuxiu Hall saw Long Fei approaching.

A disciple immediately smiled and said, "This nominal disciple left with Senior Sister, wouldn't he be the hero who saved the beauty?"




Immediately caused a lot of laughter o

It's all contempt

"Just him? A nominal disciple whose Talent was abolished. If Senior Sister hadn't helped him block Senior Brother Guo Ling's slap in the martial arts field, he would have died long ago."

"Just because he is a hero to save beauty, then am I not a super god?"

"that is!"

"I'm still the savior"


Lu Shuangquan did not speak, but looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei also glanced at him.

At this time, an elder drank slightly and said, "Isn't it necessary to cultivate? Ah? There are less than three months before the selection of newcomers. Do you still have time to chat here?"

The crowd dispersed immediately

The elder glanced at Long Fei and said, "Who is that, the nominal disciple?"

Long Fei looked at him

The elder immediately said, "Yes, it's you that I'm talking about."

Long Fei stepped forward and said, "Elder, my name is Long Fei"

"I care what you fly"

"Guo Ling can't come today, but you can't be idle as a sandbag. I think that's it. I will select a few disciples who are truly cultivation Cultivation Technique, and you should treat them as a sandbag." Elder was full of disdain.

Guo Ling can't come, Long Fei is very clear

Without three days and three nights, he couldn't leave the toilet at all.

But... as a sandbag?

Elder glanced at Long Fei and said angrily, "What is your expression? You don't want to?"

at this time o

Bawanghua came up and said, "Elder Wu, what did I learn from yesterday's Dragon Yin Fuhu Fist, I want to let him practice with me for another day."

When the elder saw that it was the Overlord Flower, he immediately smiled and said, "It's the Overlord Flower, then you can use it to practice."

Overlord flower is the seed player o

Ordinary elders dare not offend easily

Bawanghua looked at Long Fei and said, "I don't want to practice boxing in such a noisy place, you come with me o"

Say it and go out

This time a more remote grove o

Lu Shuangquan smiled slightly, and thought to himself: "I didn't see it clearly yesterday, is it really you?'s very big news to make Senior Sister Bawanghua fall in love."

Saying that, I followed up furtively.

also at this time

Several disciples followed silently again. They were lost yesterday, and they will definitely not be today!

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