The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1782 She Kissed Me

Chapter 1782 She kissed me

In the woods o latest and fastest update

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves

The breeze blows, the leaves rustle o

Bawanghua practiced Longyin Fuhuquan for a while, leaned against a tree and stopped, frowning, a little sad, and murmured: "There are still less than three months!"

"But I still can't change o"

"Is a year's effort in vain again?"

Long Fei is really cultivating the Cultivation Technique of 'Lei Zhen'. He has not fully mastered it. The fruits of Leiqie and Zhenzhen have electricity in the earthquake, and there is earthquake in the electricity.

Combining the strongest of thunder and lightning and earthquakes, the power it exerts is powerful enough.

Seeing Bawanghua stop, looking at her sad face, she smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I will help you find a way."

Overlord Flower looked at Long Fei and smiled.

she didn't take it seriously

Long Fei is indeed very strong. In her heart, Long Fei is mysterious and powerful, but...she is very aware of her weaknesses. Once she encounters an opponent who is faster than herself, she will be useless.

And once she doesn't let her close opponents, she won't be able to play.

This is her Achilles heel

If even the disciples of the Heavenly Remnant Sect could see that at the Ten Great Sect Exchange Conference, when facing those super geniuses, how could he still be an opponent?


"Top Ten Sect Exchange Meeting!"

Overlord Flower gritted her teeth, then she shook her fists and blasted out.



The dragon roars and the tiger roars, the tiger and the tiger make the wind o

The fallen leaves around her were also swept up by the strong wind on her body, which was very strong.

Overlord flower is a bit like Yuanba

She focuses on cultivation on strength. Faith is pure strength, and the body is the source of strength. She has cultivated the body and strength since she was a child.

Didn't go to cultivate divine power

A pure warrior!

Long Fei has played countless online games, and he has a unique insight into how warriors and mages pk, and now he wants to show this insight with a Cultivation Technique.

While Long Fei cultivated Lei Zhen Cultivation Technique, he thought about how to help Bawanghua solve o


"Continue as usual today!"

"Continue today..."

Practice for three days

Long Fei is in the woods with the overlord flower

His Lei Zhen Cultivation Technique cultivation has reached 300 points from 0 proficiency, and his understanding of Lei Zhen Cultivation Technique can be regarded as a preliminary understanding.

these three days

Lu Shuangquan has been monitoring them o

I thought I could dig up some explosive news, but there was nothing, just two people practicing o

The only difference is that each practice

then o

He threw his little tail off for three days in a row


"Longyin, shake!"

"Fuhu, roar!"

"Boom, boom!"

The two fists were released, and a series of air explosions sounded in the air. Overlord Huaxiang was dripping with sweat, and the fists were slightly retracted, panting lightly.

at this time o

Long Fei came up and said, "Huahua, I have figured out how to help you solve the problem."

Overlord's face turns red

After three days of contact, every time Long Fei called her Hua Hua, her face blushed involuntarily, and she started not to let her call, but she couldn't stop her at all.

Overlord Hua said: "What way?"

Long Fei said: "You have been focusing on the cultivation of strength and physical body, Cultivation Technique is also hard work, pure power o"

"For people who move fast and don't let you get close, you have no way to do it."

"For this situation, I have a temporary solution. It can only be solved temporarily for you. I will think of a better solution." Long Fei said.

Overlord Hua said: "Tell me o"

She still has no hope in her heart. Although she believes in Long Fei, Long Fei is just a Practitioner who does not even have a Yellow Star Realm. This is not to look down on Long Fei.

How can the people of the God Realm in this world solve the matter of the Green Star Realm?

Unless Long Fei is the legendary martial arts master!

Long Fei said: "Rush forward!"


Overlord Hua was stunned for a moment and said, "Dash forward? What do you mean?"

Long Fei said: "Let your speed increase instantly, and rush to the front of the opponent in an instant, combined with the strongest move, one move will kill!"

Overlord flower stunned o

Long Fei's simple description is like opening a window to her mind, and she instantly feels a wider world.

Next, Bawanghua kept thinking about what Long Fei said.

Long Fei continued: "This move can only be a lore move. When the opponent's vigilance is relaxed, a sudden shot will cause unexpected effects."

"However, after one move fails, it becomes difficult the second time. This is also a disadvantage."

"Before your selection, I will think of a better solution o"

Don't wait for Long Fei to finish speaking o

Overlord Flower suddenly woke up, like an epiphany, "I know, I know, I understand!"


"thank you o"

suddenly o

The overlord flower hugs the dragon and flies into her arms.

Before Long Fei could react in a hurry, he was hugged into his arms, and all of a sudden, like lightning, everything came too fast.

It feels surprisingly good

and o

The Overlord Flower kissed Long Fei's cheek, then jumped away instantly, and said, "Junior Brother, thank you, this is the reward for you just now."


Long Fei froze in place, "She kissed me o"

"Happiness comes so suddenly."

Long Fei looked at the long jumping Overlord Flower and smiled faintly.

With an epiphany, Bawanghua will be happy like a child

Long Fei didn't know what this meant to her, a problem that had plagued her for years!

also at this time

the dark in the distance

Lu Shuangquan was stunned, and his heart was boiling, "I knew it, I knew it, as I expected, Senior Sister was really taken down by him."

"My God!"

"This is breaking news!"

"I'll go back immediately!"

"I'm going to print this news into a book, make a fortune, make a fortune, hahaha..."

Lu Shuangquan left quickly.


after he left o

The life-threatening scholar appeared and reported to Long Fei

Long Fei smiled, "I never imagined that there are paparazzi in Otherworld."

The life-threatening scholar said, "Would you like me..."

Long Fei said: "Let him go."


"I'll also cultivate Lei Zhen and see what I've realized recently. How about it!" Under the circumstance that he couldn't upgrade, Long Fei only had cultivation skills to make himself stronger.

Long Fei asked, "Is there anyone around?"

The life-threatening scholar said: "There is no one within a kilometer radius"

"it is good!"

Long Fei clenched his fists



There were fissures around his fist, this was not an ordinary crack, it was a crack with thunder and lightning, a sudden rush, the electric light was dazzling o

The power of the earthquake rushed out of the void and hit it!


Incomparably powerful burst out o


"No reason!"

"No reason!"

"Long Fei, daddy will let you die in the martial arts field tomorrow." Guo Ling held the publication printed by Lu Shuangquan and was furious.

three full days

He finally finished pulling o

Weak body!

But anger is better than o

The woman he had been chasing for two years kissed someone else, but he was just a humble, low-level nominal disciple, he couldn't swallow it.

"Long Fei!"

"Tomorrow I will definitely trample you to death, in front of Overlord Flower!"

"Wait for daddy!"

Thank you for your support, this chapter failed the review yesterday, really depressing,,,,

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