The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1783 Show Affection, Die Fast

Chapter 1783 show love, die fast

In the early morning, Long Fei came to the General Affairs Department early to report the latest and fastest update

Li Yuanqing still had half his life left. He was already lying in the latrine half-dead. He didn't leave the hut for a few days. Half step, it can be said that he pulled out all the shit in his life.

Now it's not shit, it's blood!

Long Fei walked into the yard and found that people around him looked at him differently.

"I'm coming!"

"The boy is here o"

"I don't know what kind of shit luck this kid has, but he is favored by the world."

"Who knows, maybe what despicable and insidious means he used?"

"Definitely is!"


Everyone whispered in a low voice

Sister Bawanghua is the goddess in the hearts of many male disciples, but now she actually kisses Long Fei, which makes it difficult for many people to accept.

Long Fei looked at the eyes of the nominal disciples around him, he was a little confused.

at this time o

A disciple came up, shouted, and shouted rudely: "Boy, Senior Sister Bawanghua kissed you? What rude means did you use?"


Long Fei was startled at first, and secretly said in his heart, "It spreads so fast?"

In one night, half of the Outer Sects knew o

And Long Fei also rushed to the top of the list of Tian Can Sect, and became famous for a while.

immediately o

Long Fei grinned and said with a smile, "Can you control what kind of rude means I use?"


"Boy, don't be too arrogant," the disciple shouted. At this time, there were several nominal disciples walking by his side. Obviously, their relationship is relatively good.

Long Fei was not afraid at all, and said, "Daddy is arrogant, what can you do?"


"Come and bite me!"

It's arrogance, it's madness!

"Look for death!"

Suddenly o

The disciple suddenly shot and smashed Long Fei's face with a punch, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he rushed over quickly.

Long Fei doesn't retreat, doesn't hide, just punches in the face.

Fist to fist!

Many disciples around laughed, "Is he crazy? Senior Brother Liu is the Cultivation Base of Huang Xing Realm. He is a Cultivation Base of Nine Star Realm and Senior Brother Liu fighting for strength?"

"Are you looking for death?"

"It's o"

"Brother Liu is the strongest here"

"Let's just wait and see a good show, that kid Talent has been abolished, how dare he be so arrogant, watch him die like this today o"


Talent is abolished, strength, Cultivation Base will slowly drain, and cultivation will not come back at all, after a few days, Long Fei's Cultivation Base should almost bottom out.

In other words, he is now a 'trash' o

To deal with a waste, Huang Xing Realm Practitioner casually crushed o


The moment the fist collided o the latest and fastest update

Long Fei eight winds do not move

A series of bone cracking sounds resounded in the void



At the same time, a scream sounded, "Ah..."

Liu Dachong's body burst back again and again, his face was pale, and the hammer fell weakly in one hand.



Several disciples gathered around o

Liu Dachong stared at Long Fei, and said, "Come on together, kill him!"

"Shhh, shhh..."

Liu Dachong resisted the severe pain and stood up again, with flames in his eyes, and said, "Boy, today daddy will kill you!"

Long Fei looked at the few disciples who were walking towards him, and smiled slightly: "Give you a chance, and die a little farther in the end, otherwise... you will all lie here."


"Speak madly"

"You alone, the four of us, I can't believe I can't handle you!"


The sound fell o

The four of them rushed up at the same time

Long Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, his fists clenched, and a thin flash of lightning flashed between the fists, and the surrounding space was like the sound of glass breaking.

Before they could rush up, Long Fei roared, "Shock!!"



The void exploded, and the powerful shock directly hit their minds.

They stood unsteady and fell to the ground in an instant. Long Fei stepped forward and kicked him on the chin, "Don't give a fucking face, not wanting face, if you are outside, you are already dead!"

Finally, he walked in front of Liu Dachong, stared at him like a god of death, and said coldly, "Understand?"

Liu Dachong was immediately scared to pee, nodded again and again, and said, "Understand, understand, I understand o"

For fear that Long Fei would give him another kick

Long Fei closed his eyes and returned to a calm state.

People don't offend me, I don't offend others

Are people going to offend me?

daddy fuck you!

At this time, a gay disciple came up and said, "Today, the head manager has not recovered, and today will continue as usual. The head manager reminds you not to cause trouble, otherwise you will be severely punished!"

After speaking, Orchid snapped her fingers, shook her body, and strode away.

"Wu Xiu Tang!"

"Go and meet my Huahua and see how her cultivation results went overnight." Long Fei couldn't help but smile knowingly thinking about Bawanghua's happy appearance yesterday.


Wuxiutang, Yanwuchang

When Bawanghua came to the martial arts field, she pointed and pointed, and she didn't know what was going on.

Until she saw the booklet printed by Lu Shuangquan, her face was full of anger, and she was really going to ask Lu Shuangquan to settle the account, but... After thinking about it, this is not a shameful thing.

and o

What happened to the person she loved?

Everyone knows what happened?

Thinking of this, Bawanghua showed a flower-like smile and became more beautiful.

A woman in love!

This made many disciples in Wuxiu Hall want to die.

"Damn, don't let me meet that kid, don't let me beat him all over the floor"

"It's too Damn it, a nominal disciple actually chased after our goddess, this,, this,, this... daddy is so angry that he vomited blood o"

"It seems to be true, what means did that kid use?"

"I'm mad at me, I'm mad at me"

suddenly o

A voice sounded, "The boy is here!"

Many people immediately looked at Long Fei, all staring at him with cannibalistic eyes.

A murderous aura came o

In one night, Long Fei became the public enemy of Outer Sect.

Long Fei didn't care, and murmured, "Damn, why do I feel like I can't wait to kill me?"

Overlord Flower also walked up and took Long Fei's hand directly in front of everyone. This move... made everyone in the audience stupid.

Long Fei was also a little surprised, looking at the overlord flower.

Bawanghua pouted slightly and said, "What are you looking at? It's all exposed anyway, so I will boldly admit it, you won't want me, will you?"

"If you don't want me, I'll cut you off!"

Long Fei clamped his legs, and the chrysanthemum tightened, and immediately said, "Don't dare!"


Long Fei said: "There is a saying in my hometown, show love and die soon..."

Don't wait for Long Fei to finish this sentence

An extremely annoyed roar came from the crowd, "Long Fei, daddy must kill you today!!"

Guo Ling!

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