The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1784 You Are My Man, I Have To Protect You

Chapter 1784 You are my man, I have to protect you

The crowd dispersed quickly

Guo Ling came out!

His eyes were full of killing intent, but his face was a little haggard, a little sickly pale, and he wanted to lose a lot of weight compared to three days ago.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the measurement of a thousand-little pill is not enough. If you use it next time, you have to increase it. At least it will be enough to pull it for seven days and seven nights."

When Bawanghua saw Guo Ling blocking Long Fei's front, she said, "Senior Brother Guo Ling, what do you want to do?"

Guo Ling looked at the Overlord Flower, his teeth rattled, and he clenched his fists tightly and said, "Bitch!"

The voice fell o

There was consternation on the martial arts arena

Long Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped forward, and said coldly, "You fucking say it again!"

Guo Ling sneered contemptuously and said, "Yo, you still protect your own women? Don't you just hide behind women with a useless thing like you?"

"Today if you have the seeds, fight me like a man!"

Guo Ling can't wait to slam Long Fei on the ground and roll on the ground begging for mercy, so that he can relieve his anger.

The whole Outer Sect knows he's after Overlord Flower o

But what!

Now the whole Outer Sect is laughing at him, and he was robbed of a woman by a nominal disciple, and he couldn't swallow it.

Long Fei said: "Just fight, daddy is still afraid that you won't succeed?"

Bawanghua immediately stopped Long Fei and said to Guo Ling, "I'll fight you!"

The last time Long Fei defeated Guo Ling in the small forest was a sneak attack, and Guo Spiritual Roots was not prepared at that time.

In a face-to-face match now, Long Fei is definitely not an opponent, his Cultivation Base is too low o

Coupled with the abolition of Talent, the Cultivation Base will gradually be lost, and Long Fei will not be an opponent.

Against Guo Ling, Long Fei will definitely lose

It doesn't matter if you lose, Bawanghua doesn't care, but if Long Fei is injured, she will feel distressed o

The more Bawanghua is like this, the more angry Guo Ling is!

Guo Ling laughed coldly, "Look, you bastard knows to hide behind women, are you still a man?"

immediately o

Guo Ling stared at the Overlord Flower and said, "Junior sister, I really can't figure it out, why would you like this kind of man? Is he still a man? What's the use of this embroidered pillow? This world belongs to the strong. In the world, his Talent is abolished, he will always be a waste, and he will never be able to get up from the bottom. You are a ninth-rank Talent, with outstanding combat power. You follow such a man, do you have a future? Have you ever thought about this? Junior sister, I am the only one Is your best belonging, come back to me, I can forgive you for everything o"

The sound fell o

There was an uproar around

"Wow, Senior Brother Guo Ling is so handsome."

"so handsome o"

"If I were Senior Sister Bawanghua, I would definitely return to Senior Brother Guo Ling's side."

"I'm going to be addicted"


Guo Ling's remarks are indeed beautiful. The latest and fastest update

However o

Without thinking about it, Bawanghua said directly: "I like it, I want it, can you manage it? Also, why do I want you to forgive me? Who are you? Am I familiar with you?"


Guo Ling's body trembled slightly.

Super crit, spike!

What he said, the overlord flowers and birds don't ignore him!

Guo Ling was directly injured o

The scene is even more uproar

"Senior sister, it's so heartless o"

"What kind of soup did that kid give the world to make her so irrational?"

"What the hell happened to him?"

"Boy, if you have the kind of thing, stand up!"


Lots of people roaring and angry o

All are extremely dissatisfied with Long Fei o

At this time o

Overlord Hua took Long Fei's arm, looked gentle and happy, and murmured, "I will always be by your side in this life, I only like you, unless you don't want me."



Hearts are broken o

Kill o again and again

Many people's hearts are dead

They've never seen a violent overlord be so gentle o



"Can't we even compare to a piece of trash?"

"Senior sister, stay awake, there is no future with him, he is a waste of Talent, why are you?"

"God, open your eyes and take a look o"

"I don't believe in love anymore"


Many people just lay down on the ground and shouted.

Bawanghua's actions really blinded them. They couldn't understand why Bawanghua chose Long Fei, and a fool would not choose this way.

Actually o

Bawanghua herself is not too sure, but she just likes it!

To love someone, you don't need a reason, and you don't need any reason.

From the moment she grabbed Long Fei's hand, she made all plans, even if Long Fei could not cultivate, even if Long Fei became a waste, even if he became a person worse than ordinary people, she was willing to follow Long Fei Let's go down together, because...she loves Longfei!

just so stupid

Long Fei looked at Bawanghua and murmured, "Huahua, you are so stupid."

"I'm willing to be foolish to you for the rest of my life" Bawanghua smiled, her cheeks blushing, like a young woman who is talking for the first time

At this time o

Guo Ling was trembling all over, his forehead was burning with anger, and his head was smoking. He thought he could save Bawanghua, but he didn't expect Bawanghua to say such words in front of so many people. This is to give him a slap in the face. humiliation!

And all this is because of Long Fei o

Guo Ling said coldly: "Junior sister, he is a nominal disciple. He is just a living target and a sandbag. Today he belongs to me and wants to practice boxing with me."

"It's his job!"

"If he dares to escape, then he will violate the law of Tian Can Sect."

"You better think about the consequences of this!"

Guo Ling's voice is cold

indeed o

Long Fei is just a nominal disciple, his duty today is to accompany Guo Ling to practice boxing.

If he runs away, he's breaking the law o

Now many people are staring at him and want to drive him out of the Candid Sect. If someone catches the handle, then he will not be able to stay in the Candid Sect anymore.

must fight

No fight!

This is the death point of Long Fei, Guo Lingyin laughed coldly, "Boy, I will definitely let you enjoy the taste of my fist."

Long Fei has no choice o

But o

at this time o

The overlord flower made a very unexpected move o

"Senior Brother Guo Ling, I want to challenge you!" Bawanghua said seriously.

Guo Ling's eyes tightened, "Junior sister, wait for me to abolish him, and then accept your challenge..."

Before he could finish speaking, Bawanghua said again: "Senior brother, I'm going to challenge you now."

"See you on the stage of life and death!"

"If you don't come, then you won't be with the Wuxiu Hall!"

Overlord flower is very firm o

Long Fei looked at her, moved inwardly, and said slightly: "Huahua, you don't need to do this, I can..."


"You are my man, I have to protect you o" Bawanghua smiled slightly and strode towards the stage of life and death!

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