The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1898 The First Explosion Of The Holy Buddha World

Chapter 1898 The first explosion of the holy Buddha world

The force under the arm is moving o

right hand is changing

Long Fei frantically suppressed and controlled, his arm suddenly turned black, and suddenly returned to its original state, the Devil's power in his arm was abnormally turbulent.

It's like there are ten thousand evil spirits roaring in his arms o

Also at this moment

On the top of the corpse mountain, the huge butcher zombie seemed to feel the power of Long Fei Devil's hand, and suddenly a bloody glow flashed in his eyes and glared fiercely.

Directly lock Long Fei's position o

in an instant o

Butcher zombie moves o


Step by step, resisting the huge axe on the shoulder and slashing sharply

Long Fei's face tightened

"Fuck me!"

The speed is too fast, his reaction can't keep up, and the huge force on the butcher zombie completely crushes him, and he can't move now.

The only thing that can move is the right arm

Watching the giant axe slash down, Long Fei's right arm resisted the upper o

at this moment o

A Buddha's light flashed, grabbing Long Fei's body and jumping, instantly 100 meters away.

Tianshu glanced at Long Fei and said, "Don't expose your right hand."


The butcher zombie slashed with an axe, the ground trembled, and a huge crack appeared on the ground.

It's shaking for miles around

Long Fei was shocked and said, "What is that?"

"Isn't the Holy Buddha Realm Sacred Land? Isn't it pure land? How could such a thing exist?" Long Fei couldn't understand, and... that corpse mountain was too terrifying.

Even those pictures of the beheading by the magic sword are not as good as just now, I'm afraid o

these guys o

totally alive


But they were completely crushed by a force, absorbing the Blood Essence energy from them.

Tianshu frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't know... the previous holy Buddha world was not like this."

Long Fei said: "What exactly is that guy?"

Tianshu frowned and said after a moment of silence, "Evil Spirit Race o"

"Evil Spirit Race?" Long Fei had never heard of this race, and said, "How can there be such an evil race in the Holy Buddha Realm?"

Tianshu Dao: "The Evil Spirit Race is from the Outer Territory, it is a race in the great world of Hongmeng, and it is a branch of the Spirit Race. It's just that they signed a contract with Devil and became a race of evil spirits."


"I don't know why the Evil Spirits appeared in the Holy Buddha Realm?"

"Could it be?"

Tianshu dare not think about it

at this time o

The butcher zombies attacked again, an axe swept out, and the scarlet blood light swept across.

Tianshu grabbed Long Fei's body again and jumped again, dodged again, and landed 100 meters away.

Long Fei said: "What's the point of hiding, kill him!"

Tianshu shook his head and said, "Buddhas do not kill."

Don't wait for him to finish o

The butcher zombies charged again, this time even more ferocious. Countless skeletons and evil spirits were transformed from the axe, and the rays of light rushed towards Tianshu and Long Fei in all directions.

Tianshu grabbed Long Fei again.

just this time o

They didn't dodge, Tianshu was hit by an evil spirit skeleton on the back, and his body staggered.

If he hadn't tried his best to protect Long Fei, Long Fei would have been seriously injured.


Very embarrassed!

"You are also one of the four great gods. You are so embarrassed by an evil spirit zombie, isn't it a shame?" No matter what Tianshu thought, Long Fei felt very unhappy.

He's upset, he just wants to do something

make the other party more upset

immediately o

Long Fei squinted, snorted, and said, "If you don't kill, I will kill to become Dao, and I will kill."

Suddenly o

Long Fei stepped out

Looking at the burly man with a huge battle axe in his hand, he said, "Come on, come for the daddy!"

Tianshu frowned and said, "Long Fei, you promised me o"

"Yes o"

"I promised you o"

"However, that was in front of the Buddha, what is this guy? Evil spirit!" Long Fei looked at the long blood trough on the butcher zombie's head, and secretly said in his heart: "This guy should be an elite monster even if he is not a boss, and I am now Need experience, I need to hit Silver Star Realmo"

"As long as I level up... I can be as good as ever"

"what vergan o"

"Go to hell in any holy Buddha world."

Long Fei was sure, and shouted at the evil spirit bandit, "Come on, come for the daddy"


The evil spirit butcher seemed to be angry, a scarlet light erupted from his body, his eyes locked on Long Fei, and he jumped out in one step...


too fast!

Long Fei couldn't see his movement at all.

He's just an ordinary person now

Cultivation BaseClosed o

Cultivation Technique cannot use o

Even the reaction is much slower than before

The only thing he can use now is the Devil's hand o

Long Fei stood on the spot, completely relaxed himself, and let his right arm feel it, "The system description says that you can control life and death, and you will be furious."

"Then let me see your power!"

Long Fei's heart sank




The wind was like thunder, and it was crushed by force. Long Fei's white hair was flying around, and his robes were bursting. He was a little nervous.

but o

Now he has no choice o


The battle axe slashed, towards the top of Long Fei's head o

just o

suddenly o

The strong wind stopped abruptly, Tianshu blocked the attack of the evil spirit bandit, and held his battle axe tightly, it was difficult to make any progress.

Tianshu said slightly: "I said, I will protect..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

The power on Long Fei's arm suddenly exploded, dragging his body directly, turning into a black light "swoosh" and penetrating in a straight line.


Long Fei's body penetrated directly from the evil spirit butcher.

The blood tank on the top of the evil spirit butcher's head also bottomed out with a swish sound.




The evil spirit butcher's whole body cracked, and he knelt on the ground suddenly, his huge body collapsed suddenly.


Tianshu's brows tightened and he yelled loudly, "Long Fei, you..."

He looked at Long Fei's ferocious right hand, the power on his right arm made him feel fearful, and the Buddha's light on his body was also surging with shock.

Long Fei grinned slightly and said, "I can't control it either."

"My hand is cursed, I can't control myself o"

also at this time

The system beeps a beep

Long Fei was secretly excited for a while in his heart, "The number one monster in the holy Buddha world, big brother, you must give some good things to the face."


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Evil Spirit Butcher' to gain 200,000 experience points, 20,000 divine power points, and 1 abnormal energy value o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Evil Spirit Battle Axe'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Evil Spirit Blood Essence'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Evil Spirit Bead'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Evil Spirit Chariot'"


an elite monster

But there are so many things


The last thing surprised Long Fei. "Evil chariot? The ghost chariot of the Ghost Rider played by Nicolas Cage?"


"Release the perverted value!"


Thanks for the support o

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