The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1899 Ghost Rider

Chapter 1899 Ghost Rider

The chariot of evil spirits exploded o

This guy……

Cars that can pass The Underworld!

If I could go to The Underworld...

Long Fei misses his father and Vajra very much. If he can go to The Underworld to meet them, he must be very excited.

so o

Long Fei's thoughts moved, "Inject abnormal energy value!"


a muffled sound

The system beeps immediately


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Ghost Rider'!"

I saw an extra skull on the evil spirit chariot, a knight who was fully armed and was burning with flames.

Ghost Rider!

Long Fei was stunned, and murmured in his heart, "f*ck, won't you expose Nicolas Cage?"

"This is a big deal!"


There is only one skull left in Ghost Rider, and its appearance is exactly the same as Nicolas Cage in Ghost Rider. Of course, it is impossible to determine whether it is Long Fei or not.

You can't tell who it is by just a skull, can you?

Super chariot, with a ghost knight holding a ghost chain, the picture is really cool.

Although Long Fei once owned aircraft carriers, fighter planes, and cannons, he has not yet tried the feeling of racing in another world, especially this kind of heavy locomotive.

That roaring sound, like a buffalo roaring

If you drive out, everyone will be confused, this is simply an artifact of coercion.


it belongs to ghost rider o

"Xiao Shuang," Long Fei retracted his expression, glanced at the experience points, there is still a long way to go to upgrade, but... With the power of this Devil's hand, Long Fei smiled slightly, "Upgrading shouldn't be difficult o"

Just now, he clearly sensed the power of a punch.

not a blaster

However, the sudden burst of power in the right arm is really fierce

Tianshu glanced at the evil spirit butcher who fell on the ground and landed next to Long Fei, watching Long Fei's right hand slowly returning to its original shape, and said, "The power of will get lost in this power."

"Long Fei!"

"Never use o again"

Tianshu's brow furrowed more and more, and he was even more worried.

Devil power is an evil power o

Devil will never give power to others, this power will only backlash, it will only control people, not be controlled by others.

Long Fei said: "I will be above Devil"

Tianshu's eyes tightened as he looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei said: "My destiny is in my hands, Devil, destiny, everything in the world can't control my destiny, I don't believe in gods, I don't worship Buddha, I don't fear demons, I don't fear ghosts, no one can control me, neither will I Let any power take control, and the Devil's power is the same o"

Tianshu looked at Long Fei quietly, and when he looked at Long Fei's bottomless eyes, his heart trembled, and he said slightly, "You are exactly the same as your mother back then."

Long Fei was shocked, and immediately said: "God monk, can you tell me about my mother?"

Tianshu smiled and said, "She? I'm afraid she is the most peculiar woman in the world. You'll know when you see her."

Long Fei said, "Is she still alive?"

Destiny once said that her mother disappeared under his control o

Dead or alive?

Tianshu said: "Of course she is alive, no one can do anything to her with this one hundred thousand planes, her power is beyond your imagination, she protects countless planes, and our Holy Buddha Realm is also protected by her. ,only……"

Today's holy Buddha world is obviously different from a thousand years ago.

Even evil spirits have appeared, one can imagine that something big must have happened in the holy Buddha world.

Tianshu paused for a few seconds and said, "Everything your mother does is for you, Long Fei, you have to live well, many things have to be solved by yourself, and only you can solve them. Your life experience, your mother's identity, the fate of your dragon clan and powerful enemies are all waiting for you to unravel."

"The world you see now, including the 100,000 planes controlled by the main temple, is just a speck of dust, and this is just your trial ground."

"Everything you face is just a test for you"

"so o"

"Long Fei, you have to live well, and you can't have any mistakes. If you can't control the power of Devil, I suggest you don't use it anymore. Your body is weak now, once the devil's heart grows, you will never be saved, even if you get the Buddha. Roots can't heal your wounds." Tianshu said seriously.

Long Fei's heart was horrified

A hundred thousand worlds are just a speck of dust?

What will the big world look like in the future?

Long Fei always felt like he was hanging out in the main city, but he didn't expect... He even returned the novice village everywhere, still holding the novice sword, and the novice commoner playing mud in the novice village.

This feeling made him didn't know whether to laugh or cryo

"Mother o"

"How strong are you?" Long Fei really wanted to know in his heart, how strong is she, the mother of one hundred thousand planes who do not have to put in one's eyes?

and o

where is she now?

Isn't her identity the demon Holy Maiden?

Is there another identity?

Then there is the fate of the dragon family, what is this?

In a catastrophe of 3.33 million years, the dragon clan of 100,000 planes perished. What kind of people did they offend?

Many questions seem to have been experienced by Long Fei once, and it seems that he has found the answer, but the further back, Long Fei realizes that he doesn't even know a fart.

immersed in a mystery

Long Fei said: "Thank you god monk, I will remember what you said o"

Tianshu nodded and said, "Um o"

in a few minutes o

Tianshu and Long Fei walked to the front of the corpse mountain

The piles and piles of corpses are still struggling, they are not dead, but controlled by evil spirits, life is better than death o

"Amitābhao" Tianshu folded his hands together slightly and said o

Long Fei said: "These people should be former believers, right? I didn't expect... now they have become food for evil spirits."

Tianshu lit a torch

At this moment……

Long Fei immediately took the torch and said, "God monk, leave the killing to me."

Tianshu did not object, and said slightly: "Alright."

After he finished speaking, he sat cross-legged on his knees, croaking and reciting the Sutra of Transcendence in a low voice.

Long Fei looked at the piles of corpses and smiled slightly, "Although these unformed evil spirits have little experience, but mosquito legs also have flesh o"

Throw down the torch

The mountain of corpses burns

soon o

The system in my head is beeping frantically.


"Ding, ding, ding ding ding..."

endlessly o

The fire is soaring, burning more and more fiercely o

Long Fei listened to the system notification sound, watched the evil spirits struggling in the flames, and murmured: "The holy Buddha world is also protected by the mother, but now there are evil spirits appearing, mother, did something happen to you? "

Just when Long Fei was thinking about this

suddenly o

A strange system prompt sounds o


"Congratulations player..."

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