The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1904 Tianshu Is Enchanted

Chapter 1904 Tianshu is enchanted

Ghost Rider o

The Underworld Messenger o

The iron chain with the fire of The Underworld in his hand is like the scythe of the god of death, specially designed to kill o

The Underworld doors open o

Ghost Rider sped out on a Harley motorcycle, the scene was very windy

Even Tianshu shuddered, "Long Fei, what is this?"

Jiekong was even more confused, "Master Evil Spirit?"

Long Fei didn't say that much, he snorted and said, "Kill them!"


As soon as the chain moved, it slammed and rolled directly around the neck of an evil spirit Buddha, pulling it sharply!


head fracture

The whole body burned wildly. In just a few seconds, the whole body turned into a pool of black powder. When the breeze blew, the powder disappeared, not only killing people, but also killing them neatly.

That's how it hangs!

Jiekong's face was horrified, as if he was facing a great enemy, he stared at Long Fei and shouted: "Who is he?"

Long Fei grinned and said, "It's your ancestor!"

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

"Isn't it all about killing me for a thousand years? You fucking come now." Long Fei roared, his eyes were hideous. The burst of control and protection is about to burst out o

Just as Long Fei spoke o

The chain in the ghost knight's hand wrapped a Buddha again, and the whole body turned into black powder.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Evil Spirit Buddha' for 390,000 experience points, 39,000 divine power points, and 1 point of abnormal energy."


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Evil Spirit Buddha' to gain 390,000 experience points, 39,000 divine power points, and 1 perverted energy point!"

Two consecutive beeps sound o

Kill o twice

Jikong's face became more and more ugly. He couldn't understand the Evil Knight at all, and he didn't even know whether he was the Evil Race or The Underworld Devilo.

Seeing that the two disciples around him were killed in seconds, his heart froze, and he stared at Tianshu Dao: "The head of the four gods and monks brought back a Devilo"


"If this matter spreads out, what do you think the people in the Paradise Palace will think?"

"Tianshu, you are really brave."

Tianshu frowned.

Long Fei said, "You can't become a Buddha, and you can't become a demon either, because you're just a lackey of the Evil Spirit Race... No, you don't even have the qualifications to be a lackey."

"Because, you will become a dead dog in no time!"


Ghost Rider's chain moved again, locked to Ringo o

Jiekong reacted extremely quickly, and instantly fell behind another disciple.



Before the disciple could react, he was caught by the iron chain, and his body burned instantly, turning into a pair of black powder in an instant, and even the bones were burnt clean.


"Daddy, look where you are hiding!" Long Fei snorted coldly, the roar of a motorcycle sounded, and the speed was extremely fast, and the chain waving in his hand spun.

Jiekong retreated again and again and said, "Tianshu, as the head of the four great monks, you see such an evil thing but do not suppress it? How can you be worthy of your identity?"

Tianshu stared at Long Fei

He only knew that Long Fei's arm was the Devil's hand, but he never thought that Long Fei would still have the power to summon such an evil thing.

In his heart, he asked himself, "Did he really bring a Devil?"

"Is he Devil?"

Tianshu didn't move. Even if Long Fei was a Devil, he couldn't stop him now. His power was rapidly draining, and his mind was quickly occupied by the souls of hundreds of thousands of evil spirits. He... I can't control my body

Enchanted, possible at any time

Even if he has power, he will not stop Long Fei.

Long Fei is not from the Holy Buddha Realm


At this moment, his heart suddenly sank.

Jiekong's face also changed suddenly, showing a sneer, saying: "Have you sensed it?"


"The eminent monk of the Paradise Palace is coming o"

"What if he sees this scene?"

"Hahaha..." Jiekong is very clear about the purpose of Tianshu bringing Longfei to the Holy Buddha Realm, to find the Buddha's roots and to heal the serious injury, but once Longfei can summon the evil spirit knight and is discovered by the people of the Paradise Palace, then he will live forever in his life. Don't even think about getting the Buddha's roots, and even never leave the holy Buddha realm.

Tianshu immediately said: "Long Fei, stop!"

Four Buddhas were killed, and the experience value increased by a million o

very cool

Now there is only one boss left!


do not kill?

What are you kidding?

Long Fei didn't want to stop at all, his mind controlled the evil spirit knight "kill, kill, kill, kill him o"

But o

Jiekong's speed is very fast, he keeps dodging, and he is also deliberately delaying time, his face is full of smiles, and said: "Tianshu, you can't control your body, right?"

"He is Devilo too"

"Both of you are Devils, if the people from the Paradise Palace see this scene, it will be very exciting, hahaha..."

Tianshu said loudly, "Long Fei, stop!"

Long Fei doesn't listen

far away

The figures of the three Buddha lights are getting closer o

"What a strong evil spirit flame o"

"How could the demon flame, which is completely different from before, die?"

"Could it be that the guy from Jiekong has become stronger again?"

"Don't say so much, Tianshu is one of the four great gods and monks, he must not have an accident o"

The three speeded up and flew up o

As they got closer, they felt more and more that different evil Spiritual Qi flames, and their hearts were full of doubts.


"It's too late!" Tianshu's heart was extremely anxious.

He can't stop Long Fei o

The Ghost Rider couldn't kill Jikong again, so he was deadlocked like this. If Long Fei was found to be able to control the Ghost Rider, then he...

Quietly laughed complacently



suddenly o

Tianshu's mental strength suddenly loosened, and those evil spirits instantly occupied his entire body.


Tianshu is enchanted

His pupils changed instantly, turning dark red, and the magic flame on his body was burning wildly.


"Tianshu, the head of the four gods and monks, has fallen into a demon." Jiekong was extremely proud and laughed wildly. At this time, he let go of his vigilance towards Tianshu.

The evil spirits will never attack him.

Long Fei was also stunned.

Jiekong excitedly said: "Boy, your time of death is here!"

an angry o

strong attack o

Jiekong has been looking for opportunities, seized the moment when Long Fei was in a daze, he moved with all his strength!

One move to Long Fei's head o

This one can stop him o

Ghost Rider is too late o

As for Tianshu, he has been enchanted and will no longer stop him.

Long Fei's eyes sank, because at this moment, the power of Tianshu in him did not completely disappear, he just became very weak, and at the same time... he also became weak.

Are you going to faint?

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