The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1905 Carrying It Alone

Chapter 1905 Carry it alone

When Tianshu is enchanted, his previous powers will disappear completely o

Long Fei's body will fall into a coma again, in this case...then he will definitely be killed by quitting o

Now Long Fei Li needs a lot of experience to upgrade.

Even if you kill the boss in seconds, you won't be able to level up.

How to do?

life on the line o

Jiekong came sneakily, not far away... The monks of Bliss Heaven Palace are getting closer and closer, all things are not good for Long Fei o


"Suffer to death o"

Jiekong's powerful force burst out, and instantly fell in front of Long Fei, covering it with one palm.

evil spirits

One after another powerful arrogance roared Long Fei like thunder.

Can't resist!

This power can't be resisted even if his body is at its peak.

Long Fei's heart is unwilling

very upset o

The boss can't be killed, but is killed by the boss instead?

At this moment, Tianshu, who had just been enchanted, suddenly moved his eyes, burst out the magic flame, and resisted it, "Boom, boom, boom..."

Blocked all the attacks of the Jungle o

sudden change

Jiekong didn't even react. He stared at Tianshu and said, "You... aren't you in a demon? You still dare to shoot at me? Tianshu?"

Tianshu's eyes were purple, and the magic flame on his body was burning, and he said, "I am a devil, but... I will still protect him."

"Long Fei!"

Tianshu tried his best to roar.

Long Fei was also taken aback by the sudden scene. He didn't expect Tianshu to be intoxicated, but Go was still protecting him, and he was extremely grateful.

With Tianshu shouting o

Long Fei's thoughts move

Ghost Rider's chains swept out o


Instantly wrapped around Jiekong's neck, but don't pull it back and said, "This kind of evil spirit knight can't kill me."


"The eminent monks of the Paradise Palace are coming soon. It must be very exciting for them to see this scene, hahaha..." Jiekong laughed.

he can't move

Ghost Rider can't move

Tianshu can't move either.

The only thing that can move is Long Fei.

If he didn't solve Jiekong before the monks from the Temple of Bliss came, everything that Tianshu did would be in vain, and Long Fei could not get the Buddha's roots.

Long Fei will also pass out o

because o

The people of Elysium Palace are Jedi will not save a Devilo

Jiekong laughed loudly, "Hahaha... This is life, although I didn't kill you, but you can't escape death, boy, accept your fate o"

at this time o

Long Fei took a step forward

His body sank slightly

Tianshu's strength in his body is getting weaker and weaker, and he is almost unable to support his body.

Jiekong watched Long Fei come towards him, and sneered: "What can you do as a sick and trashy waste? You can't do anything o"

Tianshu looked at Long Fei, shook his head, kept shaking his head.

His original intention was lost, but he was still dissuading Long Fei not to use any kind of power.

The people from Paradise Palace are coming!

Long Fei takes another step

Jiekong was not afraid at all, looked not far away and said: "Here, the monks from the Paradise Palace are here, let them see you two Devils."

Between lightning and flint o


The power in Long Fei's right arm exploded!

loud noise o

The arm directly turned into the Devil's hand, and the heaven-shaking Devil breath burst out, soaring to the top.

Ji Kong's face turned cold.

Tianshu's expression followed closely.

Jiekong roared, "What is that?"

Looking at Long Fei Devil's hand, his heart suddenly trembled, he had never felt such a powerful force.

Long Fei roared, "It's your ancestor!"

With a rush of pace, try your best, and punch Jingkong's chest with one punch.


punch through o

Devil's hand was madly absorbing the power of the evil spirit in Jikong, his arm became trembling, and he sucked it frantically and greedily, just like taking drugs.

The stronger the power in Long Fei's arm, the more

after a while o

Quiet turns into a mummified corpse o

The blood volume on the top of the head bottomed out instantly o

At the same time o

The system beep sounds o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Jiekong' to gain 1,000,000 experience points, 100,000 divine power points, and 1 abnormal energy value o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Evil Spirit Relic'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Evil Buddhist Sutra'"


The system beeps several beeps

Long Fei didn't have time to use the abnormal energy value o

because o

At this moment, Tianshu suddenly threw Long Fei away, his arm stabbed into Jiekong's body fiercely, and released the magic flame on his body to the top.

Long Fei was taken aback

Ghost Rider disappears

Tianshu roared loudly again: "Jie Kong, you can never touch him!"

Long Fei's arm also quickly returned to its original appearance.

at this moment o

The eminent monks of Bliss Paradise arrived at o

Seeing the scene in front of them, the faces of the three eminent monks sank.

"God and monk have been enchanted!"

Unexpected o

"He killed Ringo!"

"why is this o"


Tianshu turned around, looked at the three eminent monks, and said with difficulty, "I killed Jiekong, my mind was eroded by evil spirits, and I've already been enchanted."

He takes everything on himself

He carries everything about the devil on his shoulders

He absolutely can't let Long Fei have Devil on his arm exposed, absolutely can't o

He would rather lie

Buddhist disciples never lie, but for Long Fei, he has broken his precepts many times.

An eminent monk said, "God monk Tianshu, although you are the head of the four god monks, but you are now in a demon, we can't take you back."

Tianshu's heart was extremely painful. The Temple of Bliss was in the past, and he was away for a thousand years, but he couldn't enter it, but he did not regret what he had done, and said, "Save him, he is innocent."

Long Fei looked at everything in front of him

His tears were pouring out uncontrollably, "Why...why...why..."

Tianshu smiled slightly and said, "Because this is my promise o"


"My bet!"

Long Fei's heart is very painful

Everything Tianshu did surprised him.

"Senior brother, although the monk has been enchanted, his sanity has not been completely eroded. Can you take him back and see if the Lord Buddha has a solution?"

"yes o"

"God monks can become Buddhas, he will not be so easily eroded by evil spirits o"

"Take him back o"

The three monks discussed

Tianshu shook his head and said, "No, I'm almost out of control. I lose my heart at any time. You save him, you must save him."

talking room o

His body suddenly fell from mid-air.

fall vertically o

Long Fei wanted to rush down, but he suddenly found that the power in his body began to disappear, his eyes were shocked, and his body staggered for a few steps.

both eyes dim o

passed out o


Tianshu's power completely disappeared in his body.

Long Fei!


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