The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1907 No Blame, Then Kill

Chapter 1907 No blame, let's kill

Fogen can save Tianshu

Then Long Fei must get Fogan o

no matter what o

Even if he fights this life, he will get Fogan o

Even if he explodes the Buddha Lord, he will get the Buddha root.

Holy Son selection, he must participate!

But o

He didn't say anything about his participation in the selection of the Son of God o

half an hour later

The host sent Long Fei to the door at the other end of the Paradise Palace, and warned, "Son, you have to face all the next things yourself, and I can't help you."

"Your mother said back then that you should keep your fearless heart o"

Long Fei said, "Thank you, Master, I will remember it."

The long-brow monk came, glanced at Long Fei, and said, "Boy, you'd better stop appearing in the Paradise Palace, understand?"

There is a hint of threat in the words

Long Fei smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Another monk said: "It's impossible for him to fly to the Paradise Palace."

"that is!"

"Boy, it's our kindness not to imprison you. If it wasn't for your mother's face back then, you would have been sent to the Evil Spirit."

"I'm afraid they're all dead now."

"The evil spirits are not as merciful as we are"


Many monks say o one by one

Long Fei looked at them and didn't say anything, but kept their looks in his heart one by one, and secretly said in his heart, "Wait for me to come back again!"

The host coughed and said: "Long Fei, you must be careful below, leave the Paradise Palace and go west, the west is safe for the time being."


"You have to go west, understand?"

There was a hint of anxiety in the host's eyes, he was reminding Long Fei o

Long Fei also felt it and said, "Thank you for hosting, I remember o"

"The west?"

"There is murder!"

The host said: "Okay, let's go, if we have fate, we will meet again o"

The host waved his big hand, and a force wrapped Long Fei, and then Long Fei's body suddenly dropped to the ground.


The Holy Buddha Realm has not been completely invaded by the evil spirits.

It still has a large area, which is in the hands of the Buddhist monks of the Temple of Elysium.

Western o

new buddhist city

The host master told Long to fly to the west, but...the meaning in his words was the opposite, no matter where you go, don't go to the west o

Paradise Palace, the residence of Master Changmei

"It's all arranged o"

"As expected, the host really wants that kid to go to Western Buddha City," a sturdy monk whispered.

Changmei's eyes were calm, without too much turbulence, he said slightly: "The evil spirits have been waiting for thousands of years, just for him, if we let him stay in the holy Buddha world, our holy Buddha world will never have a peaceful day, we can only give him to him. Evil Spirit Race, after completing their tasks, they will naturally withdraw from the Holy Buddha Realm o"

"At that time... the Holy Buddha Realm will restore its former peace and become a pure land in the world again."

it's his choice

The sturdy monk said, "What if the Evil Spirit Race doesn't speak?"

There was a ripple in Changmei's eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said slightly: "It shouldn't be, once Long Fei dies, there is no need for them to stay here."

"Their goal is not the Holy Buddha Realm o"

"And... if they can make further progress, the Lord Buddha will leave the customs, and the evil spirits may not be able to leave even if they want to leave."

"Sacrificing one person to save thousands of people in the holy Buddha world. Long Fei, your mother saved the holy Buddha world, and now, you can also save the holy Buddha world." Changmei said lightly.

Everyone's idea is different

Everyone's choice is different

Forcing Long Fei to leave the Paradise Palace, it's easy to do it o

For Changmei himself, he felt that he was saving the Holy Buddha Realm, and his actions would surely touch thousands of people in the Holy Buddha Realm, and he might become a Buddha because of it!

become a Buddha

It is the dream of every Buddhist practitioner

Long eyebrows look at the sky and stare at o


Let's talk about Long Fei!


Long Fei landed, his current position is in a dense forest o

After identifying the direction clearly, Long Fei did not hesitate, and hurried to the east in the opposite direction to the west.

Although he has regained consciousness now


It's still the same as before, he can't use his own power, he's still like an ordinary person o

"The priority now is to upgrade o"

"Don't go into a coma again..." Long Fei really hates the feeling of being in a coma. It's really uncomfortable to be in a vegetative state. Everything is left to fate.

so fucked o


"Got to find a way to upgrade o"

Long Fei kept thinking about where he could upgrade.

The last time I walked with Master Tianshu, I didn't find Demonic Beasts. In this forest, Long Fei was still the same, and I didn't find any Demonic Beastso.


"This holy Buddha world doesn't even have a single Demonic Beasts, right?"

"How can I level up without the Demonic Beasts?"

Without Demonic Beasts, you have no experience, and without experience you cannot level up o

This is the downside of the system

It is also the most painful thing for Long Fei.

If you want to level up, you must kill monsters, otherwise, it will be useless.

Long Fei searched in the mountains for a long time, but couldn't find even the hair of Demonic Beasts, and his heart sank, "It seems that there really is no Demonic Beastso in this holy Buddha world."

"It's hard to do now!"

Long Fei sat down and frowned, "Without Demonic Beasts, there is another way, kill people!"

"There are none in the holy Buddha realm, there should be a lot of low-level evil spirits"

"The most concentrated place should be... Buddha City, right?"

Long Fei secretly planned o

He followed Tianshu to see the Buddha City in mid-air, the demonic flames soared into the sky, and it was obviously full of evil spirits.


Once Long Fei appears in Buddha City, it means exposing himself.

"Oh shit!"

"I don't enter The Underworld, who enters The Underworld? Besides, for daddy, Buddha City is heaven!"

"Daddy is reborn in this paradise!" Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, glanced at the experience gauge, grinned, and became excited.

Buddha City

city ​​of evil spirits

It is also The Underworldo of the Holy Buddha Realm

The place where the magic flame is strongest

Hundreds of thousands and millions of people in the Buddha City have turned into evil spirits, wandering in the city.

For others, it's The Underworldo

but o

For Long Fei, Buddha City is a paradise for upgrading and an ocean of experience.

The key is o

No one would have thought that Long Fei would appear in Evil Spirit Buddha City if he did not go to the Western Buddhist City, let alone Longmei, even the host would not have thought of it.

Evil Spirit Race, even less will think of o

"Buddha City, heaven, here I come!" Long Fei strode out.


"What did you say?"

"Didn't show up on the way to Western Buddha City?"

"you sure?"

Changmei's face turned savage, and his eyebrows were tightly locked, and he said, "There is only a pure land in the West in the Holy Buddha Realm. Where can he go if he doesn't go to the Western Buddhist City?"

A monk shook his head and said, "I don't know, there is no trace of him at all."

Changmei pondered for a long time, and murmured, "Could it be that he went to Evil Spirit Buddha City?"

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