The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1908 The Son Of God Comes

Chapter 1908 The Son of God Comes

magic flame

Just like the Monster Qi in the monster movie, it is visible to the naked eye, lingering in the sky above the Buddha City.

The huge Buddha city is like a dead city

No sound came out

dead silence o

Long Fei stood on the hillside. There were some low-level evil spirits wandering at the gate of the Buddha City. They were not much different from humans, but they exuded evil Spiritual Qi flames, and their eyes were empty.

As if lost, wandering around unconsciously o

Many of them are monks

These monks are all martial monks. Although they have become evil spirits, their Cultivation Base is still there, even stronger.

"Gluck cluck..."

"Gluck cluck..."

The fists are clenched, the joints crack o

"Huh..." Long Fei took a deep breath and said, "My killing is about to begin."

"Buddha City, isn't it?"

"Evil spirit, right?"

"No one is here to save you, I'm here to save you!"

Long Fei smiled faintly and thought, "Evil Knight, attack!"


The space is twisted, the door of The Underworld opens o

Ghost Rider roars out on a violent motorcycle from The Underworld

Long Fei stepped onto the motorcycle and galloped out!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

roar, thunder

Incomparable pull wind o

In just a split second, he rushed to the city gate, and the fire chain of The Underworld in the hands of the evil spirit knight swept away, directly swept several low-level evil spirits into two halves.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Low-level Evil Spirit' to gain 500 experience points, 1 divine power value, and 1 abnormal energy value o"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Low-level Evil Spirit' to gain 500 experience points, 1 divine power value, and 1 abnormal energy value o"

"Five hundred experience points for a low-level evil spirit"

"If I level up, I need... hundreds of thousands of evil spirits, Damn..." Long Fei was shocked inwardly, "No matter how many, kill!"


Ghost Rider rushed directly into Buddha City o

There are too few evil spirits outside the city, but it's not fun


After he rushed into the Buddha City, Long Fei's scalp started to go numb.

It is densely packed and overwhelming, all of them are evil spirits, and... even some evil spirits have been upgraded and become extremely ugly high-level evil spirits.

The entire Buddhist city is covered with dark red blood clots of thirst

Building buildings, just like The Underworld

Even Ghost Rider was stunned o

In an instant, all the evil spirits in the Buddha City were looking at Long Fei, and it felt as if they were discovered by thousands of zombies, and then...

The evil spirits in the city rushed towards Longfei like a tsunami wave.


horrified beyond description

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, "There's a big grass in the nest, this f*ck is to make the daddy go to God o"

"I'm also worried that the number of evil spirits is not enough, it seems... it can completely make me break througho"

He is now Black Star ninth-order o

According to the cultivation level on Devil Island, there are two big Realms, the Silver Realm and the Venus Realm, so it is a bit difficult to level up and requires a lot of experience.


Now it seems that he doesn't have to worry about it at all o

"bring it on!"

Long Fei jumped off the motorcycle, his eyes were startled, he looked at the evil spirit that rushed like a wave, grinned excitedly and said, " don't have to be afraid of the power of the Devil, right?"

Long Fei stretched out his right hand and looked at his arm that was about to move. The arm turned black and turned into Devil's hand, and murmured, "You want to explode, right?"

"Then let me see how powerful you are."


The arm shook, and a black Devil's power bounced out.

this time o

Long Fei didn't suppress it at all, and let the power in Devil's arm explode.

And Devil's hand is also like a wild horse running wild, reckless, uninhibited, incomparable.

Long Fei can clearly feel its power o

that unique power

Here... it is like a dragon in the sea, turning the world upside down and omnipotent.

His right arm trembled, as if he was about to leave his body. Long Fei drank it slightly and said, "Are you finished? When you're finished, just work for me!"

The voice fell o



There were several explosions in the void, and at this moment, all the evil spirits in the sky and the ground rushed towards Long Fei.

Devil moved his right arm, his five fingers clenched o

"Pfft, puff!" Just like the sound of a heart beating, a punch burst out, slamming directly into the void, Long Fei's eyes sank.

A huge shock wave of power appeared in front of his eyes.

It was very slow at that moment

but o

And very fast

A punch shot out, all the evil spirits in the sky and the ground were shaken and flew out, falling into pieces, all limbs were broken, causing tens of meters of killing.

no life o


"This f*ck...the bull is going to explode!"

Long Fei was shocked

The sound of the system sound already shook his eardrums, and he was completely intoxicated by the power of Devil. This is simply an artistic power.



Long Fei laughed wildly

Unleash the power of Devil's hand even more

The crazy outbreak of Devil's hand drives Long Fei's mad slaughter. Wherever he goes, nothing grows, just like Devil dancing wildly.

at the moment o

Long Fei is Devilo

the same o

He is also a Buddha

because o

He is purifying this city

There are actually fewer evil spirits in the city

suddenly o

most western

A roar of thunder exploded in the air

deafening o

This thunder also shocked the entire holy Buddha world.

"The Son of God has come!"

This is an omen!

It is also a reminder that the Son has awakened and has come

Bliss Tiangong burst into cheers

"Saint Son Thunder o"

"Finally sounded o"

"Hahaha... The Son of God has come o"

"Hope of the Holy Buddha Realm has come o"

everyone is cheering

The advent of the Holy Son is a life-saving straw for them. As long as the Holy Son grows up, the evil spirits will be driven out of the Holy Buddha Realm, and the Holy Buddha Realm can return to the Pure Land world of the past.

o on Great Hall

The host was excited and said, "Where? Where?"

Calm down quickly on Great Hall

A monk said: "Host, the thunder of the Holy Son sounded in the Western Buddhist City, and the Holy Son must appear in the Western Buddhist City. It seems that the selection of the Holy Son by Master Changmei has been approved by the Lord Buddha, as long as the one selected this time must be the Holy Son. o”


"Can't go wrong for sure"

"The Son of God was born in the sky of bliss, so it must be in the Western Buddhist City. It is impossible to appear in the Evil Spirit Race, or the Evil Spirit Buddha City, right?"

"That's absolutely impossible o"

"How could it possibly be born in such an evil place?"

"It must be in the western Buddhist city o"

"We will now proceed to the selection of the Son of God o"

"Master Changmei is too wise o"


The long eyebrows are full of joy, a little proud o

He was recognized by the Buddha. If Long Fei was captured and handed over, would he become a Buddha on the spot?

Thinking of this, his heart is even more proud.

Evil Buddha City o

"I rely on!"

"What's the situation?"

"Why did a Buddha Lord's holy light suddenly appear in my body? What's the situation?" Long Fei was a little puzzled...


If I have something to do, I will have two chapters in the morning, and if I don’t make up for it in the evening, I will have five chapters tomorrow.

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