The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1914 Unable To Cultivate

Chapter 1914 Unable to cultivate

There are ten heavenly books in Hongmeng World

Every book is different

Heaven and Earth Star, Human, Beast, Demon, God, Tao, Buddha o

Star is three o

Tao and Buddha are relatively special beings

Especially Buddha!

If the Star Book is the most mysterious, then the tenth-ranked Holy Buddha Book is the most special existence.

It even took longer than the Star Book disappeared

Since the first owner has never appeared again, who would have thought... that he would actually appear in the Holy Buddha Realm, and in a garbage dump?

Long Fei looked at the words 'Holy Buddha's Book of Heaven' and felt the sudden awakening of the remnant soul of the Titan King and Sleeping Beauty, and couldn't help asking: "Is this one of the top ten Books of Heaven in Hongmeng?"

Sleeping Beauty immediately said: "Open o"

Long Fei flipped through the pages gently. The words in it were the same as other scriptures. They were all written in tadpoles like commas. His mind was a mess.

he doesn't understand

But o

Sleeping Beauty immediately affirmed: "It is the Holy Buddha's Book of Heaven, the Buddha in the Ten Books of Heaven."

"Did you get lucky?" There was a glint in Long Fei's eyes, and he picked up a book from heaven for no reason. No one was lucky, but Long Fei is now concerned with how to cultivate, "Sister, how do you cultivate this?"

He only understood the opening chapter of the Star Book of Heaven

Incorporates a Death Staro

Because of the time problem, Long Fei didn't have much time to cultivate Star Book o

But o

The power of planetary bombing is very strong, it is a kind of super mass injury Cultivation Techniqueo

What kind of power is hidden in this holy Buddha scripture?

Sleeping Beauty shook her head and said, "The Ten Great Books of Hongmeng, each of which has its own characteristics. Although the Book of Saint Buddha is ranked tenth, it is the most special existence. It has only been mastered once, and no one knows its cultivation method. The Star scriptures are combined with Star talent cultivation, this holy Buddha scripture... I don't know o"

Long Fei asked: "Titan King, how about you? Do you know?"

The Titan King in the magic sword also shook his head and said, "I have only heard of the existence of the Holy Buddha's Book of Heaven, and I have never seen it before. There are very few legends about the Holy Buddha's Book of Heaven."

"I'm afraid no one in the entire Hongmeng world knows how to cultivate the Holy Buddha's Book of Heaven"

"Damn it!" Long Fei was depressed, "I got a terrific book, but I don't know how to cultivate, what a piece of wool?"

Sleeping Beauty said: "Master, the appearance of every book is an opportunity. If you find the Book of Holy Buddha, then in the world of Holy Buddha, you will definitely find a way to cultivate it."

" have to become a holy son or become a Buddha before you can realize it."

Long Fei: ...

a little speechless

He doesn't know anything about Buddhism Cultivator, he can't get past the first round, how can he become a holy son o

He also thought about comprehending the Holy Buddha's Book of Heaven to cope with tomorrow's assessment, but the Book of Heaven is still a Book of Heaven, and it is completely incomprehensible.

As for being a saint?

Long Fei also wants to get Fogan

Become a Buddha?

Ha ha……

How could someone like him with blood on his hands become a Buddha?

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I'll keep an eye on it."

Include the Holy Buddha Book in the Interspatial Ringo

also at this time

Long Fei himself didn't notice, the three holy Buddha rays of light in his body trembled, and a holy Buddha's rays of light fell directly into the holy Buddha's book.

A ray of light appeared in the book of heaven, and it fell silent in an instant.

nothing happened o

Long Fei didn't find anything either.

soon o

Piccolo returned to the ruins with some food, and said apologetically, "There is nothing delicious in several restaurants, just a few Steamed buns, don't mind o"

The Steamed bun was cold and hard, Long Fei didn't care, he peeled off the skin and ate it.

Piccolo asked, "Chef, how are you looking?"

Long Fei stared, staring straight at Piccolo.

Bick scratched his bald head and smiled and said, "I thought you were really the Son of God. It turns out that you can't understand the same as me. I heard that the Son of God in the transmission can understand any Buddhist scriptures. It turns out that you are really not the Son of God."

"Are you kidding me?"

Long Fei cursed angrily.

Actually o

He made a lot of money and found a book from heaven. This is a super treasure that Fogen and the Son of God can't compare with ten thousand times, although he still doesn't know how to cultivateo

He estimates...

Once he fully comprehends the Holy Buddha's Book of Heaven, he will lead the entire world of Buddhism Cultivator disciples. He is Tathagata, the Lord Buddha!

But o

Long Fei didn't say this, no one can say it

Piccolo smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged, aren't you just worried about tomorrow's Buddhism Cultivator exam? Don't worry, everything is on me."

Confident look o

Long Fei said: "What can you do?"

Piccolo said: "The mountain man has his own plan, just wait."


He also doesn't understand Buddhism Cultivatoro

From the first day he was abandoned here, he swears that cultivation is nothing to make him strong and important, he wants to cultivate martial arts and become a martial arts o

That's his goal

After eating a full head of food, Long Fei scoured the ruins again, but found nothing that could be swallowed by the high-level secret method, but Piccolo on the other side fell asleep.

it seems o

He really isn't worried at all about tomorrow's Buddhism Cultivator exam o


The next day, early morning o

The square of the Great Hall of Bliss in Focheng is crowded with people, and hundreds of thousands of people participated in the assessment.

various o

assorted o

Long Fei squeezed into the crowd, his brows furrowed, he had no confidence in the Buddhism Cultivator assessment.

The Buddhism Cultivator assessment is the first level o

It is also the most basic level

And...for those in the holy Buddha world, the Buddhism Cultivator assessment is also the easiest test.

But it was too difficult for Long Fei, who knew nothing about Buddhism Cultivator.

suddenly o

There was a commotion in the crowd

"The thief, find death!"

"Dare to steal my uncle's things?"

"Hit, hit me hard, hit me to death!"

"Bang, bang..."


A thief was beaten on the ground by four or five strong men, surrounded by a group of people

Long Fei looked around and found that the person who was pressed on the ground was none other than the 'Big Devil King Piccolo'!

suddenly o

Long Fei released his energy, and instantly forced the people around him to withdraw, and quickly rushed towards the group of people.

when he gets close

Piccolo keeps winking at him and telling him not to shoot o

The Young Master-looking man kicked Bick's chest fiercely, and shouted, "Boy, don't you ask who Daddy is? Dare to steal Daddy's things, you're tired of living!"

Piccolo looks very embarrassed and covered in mud, but he has no scars on his body.

The power of those people punching and kicking him is like tickling o

Piccolo grabbed the man's hand and said, "I don't dare, I don't dare, I don't dare anymore."


He slammed it hard and threw Piccolo into the trash heap not far away, smiling proudly: "Today, daddy is happy, spare your life o"

Long Fei immediately followed him, looking at the blood on the corner of Piccolo's mouth, with an excited look on his face, and said, "What are you doing?"

Piccolo held a piece of paper in his hand and said, "The answer to the Buddhism Cultivator exam!"

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