The Strongest Upgrade System

The Second Swastika Awakening

Chapter 1915 "Assessment Answers!"

"standard answer!"

Piccolo looked excited and said, "I said I have a way, I will definitely have a way, how about it?"

Long Fei is now beginning to understand why Piccolo didn't let him shoot just now. The latest and fastest update

He also wondered that it was not easy to deal with those evil slaves with Piccolo's hand?

Looking at the answer in Piccolo's hand, he couldn't help but ask, "How do you know he has the answer?"

Piccolo said in a low voice, "He is the illegitimate son of the elder of the Buddhist Temple. The Buddhism Cultivator exams are all questions from the Buddhist Temple. He doesn't have the answer. Who will have the answer?"

The whole world of holy Buddha wants to be holy son o

If I can't make it myself, I also hope that my own relatives can become holy sons.

Piccolo is very clear

Long Fei gave him a thumbs up and said, "There is a set of o"

Piccolo smiled slightly and said, "The Buddhism Cultivator assessment is easy."


It didn't take long for the Buddhism Cultivator assessment to begin.

The huge square is full of people

As Piccolo said, the question really came from the Buddhist Temple, and their answers are all standard answers.

Now Long Fei doesn't have to worry about it


He didn't expect that the selection of the Holy Son could actually cheat, and he observed that many people around were cheating.


Buddhism Cultivator assessment completed o

Piccolo walked over to Long Fei and said, "Chef, how can you thank me today?"

at this time o

A group of people rushed out of the crowd and said, "It's him, catch me and beat him to death!"

A group of evil slaves rushed out o

The leader is the rich young man whose answer was stolen.

"Dog thing, steal my answer, do you think you can hurt me like this? Don't you look at who I am?" Kuo Shao's eyes were ferocious, and he was very angry, and said angrily: "Beat me to death. !"

Piccolo smiled slightly and said, "I asked you to fight just now because I didn't want to shoot. Now that the assessment is over, do you think you can still touch me?"

Before waiting for the group of evil slaves to charge, Piccolo took the lead and rushed out.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Three times, five and two, he beat a few evil slaves to the ground. Piccolo looked at the rich young man and said, "Kill me? Come on, come on, come and kill me o"

Kuo Shao's face was pale, his body backed up slightly, and said, "You, you, what do you want?"

Piccolo said: "Don't you want to kill me? Now you ask me what I want? Then I say...I want to kill you..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Kuo Shao knelt directly on the ground and said, "Spare my life, I will never dare again."

Piccolo was very disdainful and said, "A spineless person like you still wants to be selected by the Holy Son?"

"You too?"

Piccolo despises this kind of person o

Relying on the power of the family to run rampant and domineering, but he has no real ability.


In the moment when Piccolo slackens o

The rich young man suddenly shot, smashed Yellow Dragon with one move, and instantly grabbed Piccolo's throat.

burst out o

extremely ferocious power


Surrounded by exclamations, all unexpected


"That kid is going to die!"

"too fast!"

"It's too insidious."

Piccolo didn't expect that everything was going too fast, but... No matter how fast Kuo Shao's speed was, it was as slow as an ant in Long Fei's eyes.

in an instant o

Long Fei moved and stood in front of Piccolo.

at this moment o

When he received the holy Buddha's light in his body, it moved quietly again. Long Fei didn't notice it, and slammed it with a punch.


fist to fist o

Long Fei's arm trembled slightly, "The strength is not small o"

The rich young man's body slammed back, his eyes stared at Long Fei, and he said coldly: "Huh, so there are helpers?"

"Then lie down with me!"

A cold sweat broke out from Piccolo's back, and his heart tightened, "Insidious!"

The voice fell o

Piccolo's reaction was quicker this time, one step ahead of Long Fei, and he went up to meet him.

in an instant o

Both fists collide, and both of them take a few steps back.

Piccolo is unhappy, a scoundrel and a wicked young man. He has a bit of strength in his family and is domineering. What he hates most is this kind of person.

"Come again!"

step down


Kuo Shao didn't show weakness, and said, "Do you think I'm really afraid that you won't succeed?"


Kuo Shao's pace was also startled, and he went up to him heavily, trying his best to smash it up.



The fists collided, and at this moment, Kuo Shao’s upper body’s clothes were suddenly torn with a “chuck” sound, a Buddha light shot into the sky on his back, and a huge swastika appeared.


Everyone around is dumbfounded

"The mark of the Lord Buddha!"

Almost in an instant, they all knelt down in unison.

Piccolo's face turned ugly, looking at the swastika Buddha light on Kuo Shao's body, and the scars all over his body, his eyebrows trembled, "The swastika mark has awakened again!"

Kuo Shao was stunned

Look at your own fist and feel the power within yourself o

He was completely dumbfounded.

"The mark of the Lord Buddha?"

"Swastika mark?"

"I...I..." Kuo Shao looked sluggish, unable to speak with excitement, he looked at Piccolo, and he also sensed the same power in Piccolo.

This feeling is the same for Bick

The same is the swastika mark o

It is also the mark of the Lord Buddha

They are like brothers to each other, they can sense each other o


"You're also awake?" Kuo Shao looked at Piccolo

Piccolo didn't deny it, but his eyes were on Long Fei.

Just now, Long Fei saved him with a move. Could it be that move that awakened the swastika mark in Kuo Shao's body?

Only the Son can do it o


Really the Son?

But why can't he understand those Buddhist scriptures?

Why do many Buddhism Cultivators know nothing about it?

Piccolo's heart is complicated o

"Who is using force here?"

"Catch me all o"

Dozens of law enforcement monks rushed out, glanced at the swastika on Kuo Shao's back, and were shocked.

Kuo Shao immediately said: "We were just playing around with each other, we didn't..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

The law enforcement monk shouted: "I said that if you use force, you will use force, and immediately arrest me all."

At the same time o

He looked at Long Fei and said, "And you, let's catch them together."

Kuo Shao took a step forward and said, "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive"

Piccolo also lowered his voice and said, "Chef, don't be impulsive, these are monks, and colliding with them will disqualify the selection of the Holy Son."

Long Fei smiled faintly

Another Wu Buddha awakened!


Paradise Palace o

"Have you felt it?"

"Swastika mark, Martial Buddha awakens!"

"Already the second o"

"Only the Holy Son can awaken the power within them, and the Holy Son must be in the Western Buddhist City!"


The awakening of the light of the two swastika marks, the Heavenly Palace of Bliss immediately sensed it.

the same o

The evil spirits also sensed o

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