The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1920 Go To The Paradise Palace Again

Chapter 1921 Go to Paradise Palace again

After the evil spirit storm, the assessment will continue o

Among the many assessment troops, it took a full day to have one hundred candidates who passed the assessment.

100,000 candidates

100 people advance

Pick one out of a thousand!


"Chef, today you are considered to be in the limelight. Tomorrow you will be able to enter the Bliss Palace, that is a Buddhist temple o" Piccolo looked excited, "that's a place that many people dream of o"

Piccolo glanced at Kuo Shao, and then said: "Even Kuo Shao's father is not qualified to enter o"

Long Fei smiled faintly

He has been to the Paradise Palace, and he doesn't care.

His purpose is the Son of God

It's Fogan!

As for the rest, he didn't think much about it.


Long Mei and the words that the monks said when he left, when they saw their presence, it was like slapped them in the face, and it felt like Long Fei liked it the most.

Long Fei said: "The Palace of Bliss is also very dangerous. In short, you have to be careful."

Piccolo said: "What? Could it be that there are people from the Evil Spirit Race in the Heavenly Bliss Palace? That's the Temple, and the Evil Spirit Race people don't dare to run wild there, right?"


Don't dare to go wild?

Nothing to dare

Although Long Fei has been assessing, he has been paying attention to the movements of the Evil Spirit clan.

They are so peaceful during this time, why?

They clearly know that the Paradise Palace is choosing the Holy Son, but they are still indifferent? It is impossible, the only possibility is that some of them are among the candidates, and they are confident enough to pass the first two rounds of assessment and enter the third round. The latest and fastest update

That is to enter the Paradise Palace!


They want to become holy sons, so that the entire blissful palace can win o without any effort

This trick is brilliant

I just don't know if the people in the Paradise Palace realize this.

Today's Evil Spirit Wufo is a reminder o

Of the 100 candidates, how many are evil spirits?

Holy Maiden in white will definitely not enter by himself!

There must be a bloody massacre in the examination of the Paradise Palace tomorrow.


Long Fei was looking forward to this massacre in his heart, because... in that case, he would gain a lot of experience in killing.


Can't stop him from getting Fogan

The same goes for Holy Maiden in white!

Long Fei exhaled softly and said, "Anyway, I will do everything for tomorrow's assessment, and you must be careful."

Piccolo looked at Long Fei and said, "Do you know something? It's been different since you killed the evil spirit monk."

Long Fei whispered: "Tomorrow... there may be a fierce battle!"


Elves o

"Sir, everything is ready, just wait for your signal tomorrow o" an evil spirit Buddha said o

The woman nodded slightly and said, "Okay"

"Tomorrow, we will win the Paradise Palace in one fell swoop, and let the holy Buddha world always obey us at our feet."

"As ordered!"

Everything is ready o

Now she just has to wait for tomorrow's sunrise o

At this time o

An evil spirit Buddha walked in and said, "Master Qi, that kid Long Fei has found o"

The woman's eyes were shocked and she said, "Long Fei?"

The evil spirit Buddha said: "Sir, you may not know it yet. He also participated in the selection of the Holy Son and passed. You didn't find him because his name is not Long Fei, what is the name of Chef Wang?"




"The young master of the dignified Mu family is actually called Chef Wang, hahaha... I'm dying of laughter o"

Several evil spirits laughed

The woman's eyes are cold

The laughter froze immediately, and there was no sound from the Great Hall.

"He is Long Fei!" Long Fei's appearance appeared in the woman's mind and said coldly: "I should have thought of it a long time ago, how can a person who makes us wait for a thousand years be a waste?"



"You are both Long Fei and Holy Son, then you should die!"


The woman feels a little weird

The Holy Son should be a person from the Holy Buddha Realm, with all his heart towards Buddha, but Long Fei is an outsider, and he is an outsider with blood on his hands. How could he be the Holy Son?

This is so incredible o

But o

Turning to the identity of Long Fei's mother, her brows relaxed, "If it's the power behind the Mu family, let alone the Son of God, I'm afraid... the identities of the Son of God, the Son of Evil, and the Son of Devil are all possible."

"Mu Family..."

"An ancient family in the world of thousands"

"In cooperation with the ancient dragon family o"

"It's hard to imagine... it's just... that the two ancient families are betting all on one person, isn't that too much of a bet?"

"Let me end this tomorrow o"

"I can also return to the Spiritual Race earlier!"

The woman's heart is boiling

Because Long Fei is going to die

Also because her mission is coming to an end!


Elysium Palace, on Great Hall o

"Still no obvious features o"

"The Son still can't be sure o"

"Tomorrow is the selection on the Great Hall of the Lord Buddha, and we can't control who is the Son of God"

"I'm dying o"

"Up to now, only two Martial Buddhas with swastikas have awakened, and there is no one else."

On the Great Hall, there is a lot of discussion o

Everyone is a little anxious

Who is the Son of God?

Will there be a new Fogan?

All of this makes them like ants on a hot pan

The host Wei Wei said: "How about the evil spirit monk who appeared in the assessment, the person named Chef Wang who he targeted?"

"It's impossible to be the Holy Son just by hearing this name, what's there to check?"

"Cook Wang, thinking about this name makes me laugh. Can such a person become a holy son?"

"No need to check o"

No one takes a person with such a sloppy name to heart o

Chef Wang

How can a cook be the Son of God?

The host frowned and said, "Everything is possible. The Evil Spirits may detect who the Holy Son is before us. In case he is the Holy Son..."

He laughed before he could finish a few elders.

"If he is the Holy Son, I am still the Holy Son and his father."

"Cook Wang, is it the Holy Son?"


The host looked annoyed and frowned.

The Great Hall also quieted down o

Elder Changmei said slightly: "This person really needs to be investigated, but there is no time now. The assessment of the Heavenly Bliss Palace will start in a few hours."

"The priority is to strengthen the defense o"

Long eyebrows lightly said o

A monk said: "I have sent all the disciples of Wufotang, and I will definitely ensure the normal progress of this selection."


the next morning o

At the gate of the Paradise Palace, all the eminent monks and elders all appeared at the gate.

They are welcoming the new Son o

One of these people must be the Holy Son, no matter who they are, they will not dare to neglect o

suddenly o

An elder's brows tightened, "Why is that kid here?"

The long eyebrows are also secretly tight.

at this time o

A monk from the Paradise Palace fell in front of Long Fei, Vajra moved his long stick and pointed directly at Long Fei's face, saying: "You have been expelled from the Paradise Palace, you are not allowed to set foot on the half step here!"


I'm a little sorry, the sea has a serious condition, this chapter was written forcibly o

There is only one chapter in the morning, and there will be an update before 7 o'clock today.

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