The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1921 Buddha Lord Great Hall, The Good Show Begins

Chapter 1921 Buddha Lord Great Hall, the good show begins

Long Fei is a very special existence!

Because he is the one who was brought back to the Holy Buddha Realm by the monk Tianshu to ask for Buddha roots.

Even more sinners in the holy Buddha realm

Of course o

Long Fei did nothing!

Many people want Long Fei to disappear from this world if they can

Seeing Long Fei appearing in the crowd, the expressions of many people suddenly changed, and when Long Fei appeared, the evil spirits would definitely appear!

Long Fei stood motionless.

An elder shouted: "What are you doing among the candidates? Could it be that you are an outsider who can't pass the test? Could it be that you still want to become a holy son and lead the holy Buddha realm?"

The voice fell o

Many people laughed

"Just him?"

"He's worthy too?"

"He is an outsider, what is he?"

"Does he know what a Buddha is? Does he know what a holy son is?"


Although they are all Buddhist practitioners, there is a huge gap between them, ridicule, sneer, contempt, and disdain. In their eyes, Long Fei will only bring harm to them.

The appearance of Long Fei made them unhappy.

Piccolo said in a low voice, "Master cook, why did you offend the bosses of Bliss Heaven Palace? They are not those warrior monks, and they are even more difficult to provoke."

Wide and small eyes tight o

He and Piccolo looked at each other, and they couldn't help but approached Longfei for half a minute.

It's like protecting Long Fei by instinct.

Even they themselves can't tell

Long Fei smiled lightly, looked at the elder who was talking, and said, "Why can't I come? Holy Son selection, you don't seem to have stipulated that outsiders can't participate, right?"

"Did you pass the selection?" The Elder frowned.

Another elder immediately said: "Your name is not on the list o"


"Without your name, are you still trying to lie to us?"

"Boy, don't you even look at this place!"

Piccolo said, "His name is Chef Wang, let's see if he has that name o"

The voice fell o

The face with long eyebrows changed immediately.

A smile appeared on the host's face, and he stepped forward and said slightly: "Since he has a name and passed the assessment, we can't refuse him."

"No!" Changmei immediately stood up and objected: "He is cheating, the Holy Son can't be such a despicable and sinister villain."

"I agree with Master Changmei's words o"

"I agree too!"

"I agree too!"


Immediately many people echoed o

They must not give Long Fei any chance o

Even if you know that he can't become a holy child, you can't give him the slightest chance. If he is in the Paradise Palace for one second, there is another second of danger here.

You must know that the evil spirits have not moved the Bliss Heaven Palace for hundreds of years in the Holy Buddha Realm, not because of the strength of the Bliss Heaven Palace, but because they are waiting for the appearance of Long Fei.

Now that Long Fei's identity is exposed, the evil spirits will definitely arrive at o as soon as possible.

At the critical time of the Son's selection, they could not take this risk o

The host's eyes twitched and he said, "The name is just a code name, whether it's called the cook or Long Fei, he is this person."

"A hundred disciples, anyone can become a holy son, we can't refuse anyone, even if he is an outsider o"


Speaking of which, the host's voice sank, and Wei Wei said: "If you want to object, then I will select for the Holy Son, and I will definitely protect him."

The audience was slightly shocked

When the host speaks, who dares to move?

Changmei said slowly: "Senior brother, are you sure you want to protect him? In case the Evil Spirit clansmen attack, and the Paradise of Bliss cannot be protected, can you bear this responsibility?"

Directly use the evil spirits to crush o

The host said: "I will take care of everything."

Long eyebrows said: "Senior brother, it's not worth doing this for an outsider."

The host said: "Is it worth it? I don't need you to remind me. If anyone dares to embarrass him again, don't blame the old man for being rude."

The face with long eyebrows sank

Several eminent monks around, Elder's complexion also changed immediately.

Bick secretly excited and whispered: "Wow, chef, you are so tough, I didn't expect the host to protect you, is it too awesome?"

Kuo Shao also whispered: "Master cook, who are you? Are you not a person from the Holy Buddha Realm? Outside? Where are you from?"

Long Fei didn't answer, but stepped forward and bowed slightly to the host, saying, "Thank you!"

The host showed a kind smile and said: "Long Fei, behave well, even if it's not the Holy Son, you don't have to worry o"

Long Fei nodded and said, "I know o"

also at this time

Long Fei swept his eyes, looked at the long eyebrows and said, "I know you are very upset with me, but don't worry... I will keep you upset."

"Boy, what did you say?"

"Too crazy!"

"Who do you think you are, kid? Dare to speak to Master Changmei like this?"

Several Elders immediately shouted o

Long Fei was not afraid. He didn't even look at these people. He stared blankly at Changmei and said word by word, "Because... I will become a holy son!"


"Just wait to kneel in front of me and be slapped in the face by me!"

Domineering o


extremely rampant

The whole Elysium Palace is angry o

I have seen arrogant, never seen such arrogant o

Who is Master Changmei?

A person who is almost on an equal footing with the host, dare to speak to him like this? Isn't this provocation? Isn't it challenging the entire Bliss Palace?

Changmei smiled lightly, and said, "A person who lives by relying on other people's strength says such a thing, in my opinion, it's just a bad mouth."

"Long Fei, you are absolutely impossible to become the Son of God"



Long eyebrows are also word for word o

Long Fei smiled and said, "Then let's just wait and see!"

The sword is drawn, the smell of gunpowder is full, as if it is about to explode at any time o

Both Piccolo and Kuo Shao were extremely nervous, for fear that the monks of the Paradise Palace would want Duolongfei to attack.

but o

It's too stressful, but it's a relief

The gate of the Paradise Palace opened, and a straight step leading to the Great Hall appeared in front of them.

On the 9,999 steps is the Buddha Lord Great Hallo

It is also the ultimate test site for this game!

Hundreds of people walk up the stairs o

Piccolo said excitedly, "That's the Great Hall of the Buddha?"

"Wow, it's like a dream o"

Kuo Shao is also extremely excited. Anyone in the Holy Buddha Hall will be extremely excited when they see the Great Hall, because this is the temple in their minds.

But o

Some people's eyes are very calm o

On the way to the Great Hall, the Lord of the Buddha, Holy Maiden in white walked up to Long Fei and said, "Do you want to be a Holy Son?"

Long Fei looked at her with a slight smile and said, "Don't you want to?"

Holy Maiden in white said: "I think so, but I want your life more."

finish o

Holy Maiden smiled coldly, with a very evil smile and cold killing intent, and whispered: "Buddha Lord Great Hall, the good show is about to begin!"

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