The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1922 The Evil Spirit Of Wild Killing Holy Maiden

Chapter 1922 The Evil Spirit of Wild Killing Holy Maiden

White Holy Maiden is an evil spirit o

but o

Only Long Fei knows o

He can't say it, because what he said, how can he prove it?

Devil's hand must not be exposed, otherwise, he will not be able to become the holy son, and he will not be able to get the Buddha root.

But o

From the very beginning, Long Fei never thought of exposing Holy Maiden in white, what she does is her business, but... don't provoke him, otherwise...

Long Fei looked at the figure of Holy Maiden slowly receding in white, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Your good show is your good show, if your good show is to deal with me, then it will become mine. Play!"

"Chef, what did that girl say to you? Why can't I hear a word?" Piccolo was a little puzzled. He clearly saw Holy Maiden's mouth moving, but he couldn't hear what he was saying. what o

Kuo Shao said: "This should be a Buddhist secret method. Only the chef can hear what she said. Her Cultivation Base is very strong."

"Chef, just talk about it, what did you say to you? Does she like you? I don't look at her right." Piccolo compares Eight Trigramso

Long Fei said: "Wait a minute and enter the Great Hall of the Lord Buddha, please don't move around, and put aside the selection of the Holy Son."

Kuo Shao frowned and said, "Why?"

Long Fei said: "A big event is going to happen!"


Step by step, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, each step cleanses your mind and your sins, this is also called the baptism ladder.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of the Great Hall

The host Weiwei said: "Then you will stay in it for three days, what will happen, what will happen, no one knows, it's all up to you."

"But, please remember, don't forget your true heart!"

The host glanced at Long Fei o

immediately o

Indifferently said: "All go in o"

Buddha Lord Great Hall's door opens o

The Lord Buddha Great Hall is a very special space. It looks like a temple from the outside, but these are illusions. After entering, you will find that it is an independent space inside.

Ten thousand Buddhas sit and stand

Glittering gold like a spiritually purified Sacred Land o

After Long Fei entered the Great Hall, the holy Buddha light in his body suddenly moved.

as if it resonated in some way

Long Fei's heart seemed to be purified at once.


After a hundred people entered, the door of the Great Hall was closed.

The door will not open automatically until three days later, at which time a new Son will be born, and of course there may be no Son.

Entering the Great Hall, many people immediately knelt down and bowed down.

Long Fei was motionless, he was always staring at the white clothes Holy Maideno

Bick and Kuo Shao also knelt down and bowed down.


White-robed Holy Maiden laughed and said coldly, "It's better to kneel and worship the ethereal Buddha than me!"

This is disrespectful words


A man said: "Who are you, dare to say such a thing, aren't you afraid that the Buddha will be blamed?"



"Just him?"

White-clothed Holy Maiden pointed to the Buddha statue in the center, and with a thought, a burst of energy was released.



The statue of the Buddha was directly broken into two pieces and collapsed.

"No reason!"

"You're too presumptuous." The man stepped up and punched the white clothes Holy Maideno

Holy Maiden in white didn't move

only see her...

His face was full of smiles, and his smile was a little hideous. At this moment, Long Fei's eyebrows sank, and he secretly said: "Oops!"


A burst of energy was released, and the man's body was directly divided into four pieces.




"In my eyes, it's just something made up by the weak. Kneeling to him? Why don't you kneel to me!" The woman laughed wildly, o

Piccolo and Kuo Shao were a little unhappy, they wanted to rush up but were held back by Long Fei.

How strong is Holy Maiden in white?

Long Fei knew very well that Bick and Kuo Shao were not opponents at all!

Most of the hundreds of candidates are Buddhist believers, and their beliefs have been tarnished. At this time, they can't care about that much, and they all rushed up.

Holy Maiden in white was not afraid at all, coldly said with a smile: "A bunch of garbage, you are living an insult to this world o"



An evil Spiritual Qi burst out


There was a sudden shock in the Great Hall o

Scarlet rays spread out o

Long Fei frowned, and immediately said, "Hide behind me!"

step forward

With a thought, "The Holy Spirit guards!"

The light shield of the Holy Spirit enveloped Long Fei, and Long Fei pulled Bick and Kuo Shao behind him.

The moment the Holy Spirit Light Shield was touched by the scarlet blood light, the Holy Spirit Light Shield made a creaking sound, and it couldn't bear it at all.


99% of attacks negate o

He saved Bik and Kuo Shao, but 80% of the candidates in the Great Hall were instantly stunned, and blood poured out of their bodies frantically. It took less than a minute from closing the Great Hall door to now, and the blood filled the hall.

This is naked blasphemy o

Use blood and kill to despise Buddhism

However o

This is not the end o

White-robed Holy Maiden looked at Long Fei with a slight smile, and said, "There is no such thing as a god in this world. The so-called Buddha who saves the common people is only a strong person with absolute power!"

"And now!"

"I am the strong one!"

power move o

Scarlet blood poured into the candidates who were killed. At this moment, these four lost people suddenly opened their eyes, and their pupils turned red.

Become the evil spirit!

Piccolo exclaimed, "I've become an evil spirit no matter what."

Kuo Shao said: "This woman is really abnormal."

A few people who were not dead rushed towards the door frantically, roaring: "Open the door, open the door quickly, hurry up, save us..."

They have never seen an evil spirit in their life.

I have never seen such a terrifying person.

White-clothed Holy Maiden had a faint smile on his face, and said: "No one can save you, Lord Buddha, Holy Son, and those humble monks in Paradise Palace can't o"

"just me!"

"I can give you eternal life, hahaha..."

Holy Maiden in white is like a murderous witch o

She's pretty, she's big boobs, but she prefers to kill o

White-clothed Holy Maiden turned his eyes and landed on Long Fei, saying, "A good show is coming, now it's your turn. I've been waiting in the holy Buddha world for thousands of years just for you."

Long Fei stepped forward and said, "Do you like me?"

Holy Maiden in white smiled coldly and said, "Because of you, I can't even go back to my own world, but... I don't have to worry anymore, I can go back to my world right away, because... you're going to die soon. !"

talking room o

The breath on Holy Maiden's body moves.


The white clothes on her body turned blood red instantly, and there was a little diamond mark on her eyebrows.

"Evil Spirit Holy Maiden!"

Kuo Shao exclaimed o

Piccolo immediately fell beside Long Fei o

At this time o

Long Fei's arms were red and his sleeves were burning. He said solemnly, "What you do has nothing to do with me, but if you want to touch me..."

"Then you are wrong!"


"Promise Burst Divine Fist, open!"


Tomorrow last day of 2016, chapter five o

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