The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1933 Time Reset

Chapter 1933 Time reset

"That dog barking, do you want bones to eat?"

in the dark o

Long Fei walked out slowly with Bai Lian.

Everyone's faces are shocked

"Long Fei!"

"Brother Fei!"

"Hahaha...I'm finally back!"

The faces of the three gods and monks were startled. First, they saw the Lotus flower rising one by one under the feet of the white lotus, and then the powerful light of the holy Buddha on Long Fei's body.

Tian Jue said slightly: "This breath..."

Tianchong looked at Tianjue, his voice trembled, and he was extremely excited, and said, "Holy,,, the breath of the Holy Son?"

"Long Fei is the Holy Son?"

"Where's Senior Brother Tianshu?"

"Are we guarding the Holy Son?"

"My God!"

They are extremely excited, the excitement is unparalleled, and they can't stop o


"Long Fei, you son of a bitch, you're finally back!" Jiu Tianmo stood up slowly, and the cracked body was condensed and combined again, intact as before.

He never thought about defense

He stared at Long Fei with a frenzied excitement in his eyes.

Jiutian Mo is even more excited than the three gods and monks

"After waiting for you for a full month, you finally appeared, hahaha..." Jiu Tianmo laughed wildly again, clenched his fists heavily, and said, "Now kneel down and capture me, so that you will suffer less. The bitterness of flesh o"

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly and said, "Let me kneel down? It seems that my strength was still a little smaller just now."

The words fall o


Long Fei disappears


One after another black lines fell, and Long Fei's figure appeared in front of Jiutianmo, with five fingers clenched, his fist exploded, and a fist bombarded it.


Violent air-breaking explosion blasted o

Void Blast o

A punch hit Jiu Tianmo's chest, directly piercing his chest, Jiu Tianmo's body burst out, and a towering tree hundreds of meters away directly smashed.


Jiu Tian rubbed himself to the end, and his mouth kept spitting blood.

The face is very ugly

However o

However, he kept laughing and said contemptuously, "Long Fei, do you have this power? It's too weak to be seen at all!"

"Silver Star Tier 4?"

"Hahaha... Just this kind of power, it's weak!"


The power on Jiu Tianmo's body shook violently, he turned over and stood up, the pierced chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it recovered in just a few seconds.

Long Fei glanced at the twelve Divine Generals around him, frowning slightly, "Immortal body?"


Jiu Tianmo laughed wildly and said, "Not bad, you actually know that I have an immortal body bestowed by the Lord of Fate, Long Fei, do you think you can still fight with me now?"

"Can you still fight the God of Destiny?"

"Are you worthy?"


Crazy Laugh o latest and fastest update

How to kill an immortal person?

Yannan Heavenly Dao: "Not only is he immortal, but Jiutianmo's Cultivation Base has reached the pinnacle of Venus Realm, and his strength is extremely strong. He is different from the Twelve Divine General. He has no physical body, no matter how he kills, he will not be killed."

Wang Tai said: "Brother Fei, you must be careful about this guy."

Overlord Hua said: "Long Fei, who is that woman?"

Women are always the most sensitive animals o

She looked at Bai Lian and couldn't help but said, "It's so beautiful."

Holy is like a white Lotus flower on a snow cliff, and... she walks on her toes, one step at a time.

Bai Lian smiled lightly and said, "My name is Bai Lian."

turn o

Bai Lian stepped forward and said, "Let me try!"

Long Fei reminded in a low voice: "Be careful o"

The words fall o

White Lotus flower on the ground exploded


A white line shoots out o

With a move of both fists, the power of the evil spirit surged, "** Eight Trigrams!"

A giant Eight Trigramso appears in the sky

Jiu Tianmo glanced at it, and coldly said with a smile: "It's beyond your own power!"



Pure power, a sudden burst, straight up o

There is no defense, the powerful force of fate, surging towards the white lotus, the white lotus has no defense, and the Eight Trigrams are crushed heavily in the air.

"Om, hum, hum..."

keep rampaging

The two forces collided together, Jiu Tianmo's body sank suddenly, and the whole person was crushed to the ground.

A Lotus flower in full bloom in the center of Eight Trigrams


Roll it down vertically

Heavy fall, Dove Tianmo o

Everyone's faces were shocked, "What a powerful force o"

"This girl is amazing!"

"Wow, who is this?"

"There seems to be no such person in the holy Buddha world."

"And... how can the power she unleashes be a little evil?"

I can't understand Bailiano

They also wouldn't know that Bai Lian used to be an evil spirit clan, but now he's a practicing martial artist.

Long Fei sighed inwardly, "What a powerful force!"

Jiu Tianmo laughed wildly, without any fear, and said, "Come on, come and kill me, come and kill me o"


White Lotus flower falls o

Roll directly on top of Dou Tianmo's head o

The top of Jiutianmo's head burst o


Bai Lian coldly said with contempt, "I've never seen someone like you who wants to die."

The head burst, and the dead can no longer die in this case o

Bai Lian is also slightly relieved


At this moment, Jiu Tianmo's body was reshaped in an instant, and Bai Lian was not given any time to react. With the movement of his fists, the mighty force of destiny struck like an overwhelming force.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, and he shouted, "Be careful!"

As soon as the figure falls, rush out quickly

Bai Lian's reaction was very fast. When he felt a strange aura behind him, she responded, but she never thought that Jiu Tianmo could actually be resurrected.

Even evil spirits can't do this o

She has never seen such a person in Hongmeng World.

One layer plane layer law o

One hundred thousand planes are in the hands of the main temple o

They are the ones who master the law

So, the world is different, the power is different o

then o

Jiu Tianmo's so-called rebirth, physical remodeling, is just a puppet.

Just have a little sense of own o

Bai Lian was stunned for a second.

One second... For the strong, that can change everything o

Jiutama's attack is about to fall

Bai Lian will definitely not be able to resist o

too fast!

Long Fei was too far away from her, even if he tried his best to catch up, he wouldn't be able to catch up.

Everything is too slow!

Bailian's pupils change rapidly

She felt relieved, she didn't think that she was going to die when she first came to Long Fei's world, it was too horrible to watch o

"be careful!"

"It's too late, it's too late!" Long Fei's heart was secretly anxious, and suddenly, his eyebrows moved, and he shouted heavily, "Time..."



A halo shrouded it, and all the pictures seemed to be going backwards, rewinding quickly.

in an instant o

return to the original position

Long Fei walked out slowly from the dark Devil Temple with Bai Lian...

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