The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1934 Is Immortality

Chapter 1934 is not dead

The law of time!

Reset time!

In the halo time goes back three minutes ago o latest fastest update

Long Fei and Bai Lian just walked out of Devil Temple!

The people around were stunned, as if something had happened, but they were stunned, and it seemed that nothing had happened, and they always felt strange.

"Brother Fei?"

"Long Fei!"

"'re finally back o"

The same dialogue as the beginning o

Lu Shuangquan scratched his head and said, "Why do I feel like I saw you a few minutes ago? Why does it feel weird?"

The sweeping monk and the three gods and monks look alike

"The law of time!"

"Have you mastered the laws of time that your mother learned from these 100,000 planes?" said the floor sweeper excitedly.

Although they also entered the world three minutes ago

but o

They can tell who used the law of time.

Bai Lian was stunned for a moment, she looked at Long Fei, just now she could clearly sense that she was in Death, but suddenly she returned to a few minutes ago.

she is not stupid

Hearing the words of the sweeper, she immediately understood that it was Long Fei who reset the time in order to save her!

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "I understand a little bit."

Understand the power of the law?

Even if Long Fei had that strength, he didn't have that mind, so how many brain cells would have died?

Let him comprehend the law? The sky is almost cracked

Of course o

System reward, how can you say it?

How awesome is it when you realize it yourself?

The sweeper's time control is only a little bit. They can only make others feel that time is suddenly fast and suddenly slow, and they can clearly feel everything that happens. However, Long Fei's time reset is better than the sweeper's time law. Many, the average person can't feel the time reset at all o

Jiu Tianmo's eyes froze for a moment, he felt a little uncomfortable with his body, but he didn't think so much, "Long Fei, you bastard finally came out."

"daddy has been waiting for you for a month o"


"Kneel down obediently and capture it, so you can suffer less from the pain of flesh and blood."

Long Fei grinned and smiled lightly, "It's really time to reset, and the words are almost the same."

But o

Long Fei was not so wordy, and rushed out in one step!

"Good come!"

Jiu Tianmo sneered and attacked heavily.


Long Fei landed in front of Jiutian Mo in an instant, the power on his left arm moved, and Long Fei roared in his heart, "Tathagata!"


Buddha light burst o

The fist becomes the hand of Tathagata o

One punch!

space burst o

One after another cracks are visible to the naked eye. Jiutianmo's entire chest is penetrated, his whole body is cracking, and his entire body is bursting out, completely unable to resist the power of Long Fei Tathagata.

at the same time o

Long Fei did not stop at this point o the latest and fastest update

Three minutes ago, the chest was penetrated, and Jiu Tianmo healed.

The head is smashed to pieces, instantly resurrected o

Since he is the main body, there must be a way to kill him.


"Take off your arm!"


broken arm

"Break your feet!"


Broken feet!

"Give me your head too." Long Fei directly twisted Jiu Tianmo's head off, stepped on it, and his left fist shook violently, "Boom!"

head burst again o

Jiutianmo's body was torn apart, like five horses were torn apart.

scattered all over the place


"Daddy, let's see how you can be resurrected!" Long Fei frowned, and his heart sank, "Damn it, you haven't died yet, and you've been killed by me so that you still don't die?"

The system does not beep

In this case there is only one reason!

Dou Tianmo is not dead

"What's wrong?"

"It's obviously the body, why can't you kill it?"

He is not the same as the Twelve Divine General o

Twelve Divine General's body is in the Great Hall of Fate, as long as the body is killed, they will die immediately, but... Jiutianmo's body is the body, why can't it be killed?

The power of destiny?


There was an explosion in the void, "Boom!"

Jiutianmo's body is recast in the void

Those hands and feet that were cut off by Long Fei disappeared on the ground.

Jiu Tianmo laughed coldly and said, "Long Fei, you can't kill me, I have an immortal body, no matter how you kill me, I won't die."

"Hahaha... why are you fighting me?"

"How do you fight with the God of Destiny?"

"Are you worthy?"


The physical body is completely remodeled without any restrictions, and it cannot be stopped at all.

Not strong enough?


Long Fei's Tathagata Power Venus Peak Realm's Jiu Tian Morgan couldn't bear it o

Obviously killed, but why not die?

this time o

Bai Lian came up again and said, "Why don't you let me try?"

Long Fei shook his head directly and said, "You are not his opponent. You almost died by his hands just now."

Bailian's power can also crush Jiutianmo, but she can't kill Jiutianmo either.

She almost died just now, Long Fei can't let her take the risk again

Bai Lian didn't know what happened a few minutes ago, but when Tu Longfei said this, she was secretly grateful.

Jiutianmo laughed and said, "Come on, Long Fei, aren't you very strong? Didn't you close the Door Training in the Devil Temple for a month to obtain the supreme inheritance?"


"Come and kill me!"

"Look at your inheritance or my immortality!"

can't kill you

consume you!

and o

Twelve Divine Generalo with immortality on one side

Really tricky!

It's like hitting cotton with a punch. You use a lot of power, but you can't deal any damage. This makes Long Fei very unhappy. In this case, even Long Fei's blasting fist is useless.


"Long Fei, come on, aren't you very arrogant? Didn't you threaten to step on the God of Destiny? Come on, you can't even kill me, you still want to fight with the gods?"

"'s ridiculous!" Jiu Tianmo laughed wildly.

Bawanghua reminded: "Long Fei, don't be hard on him, he just wants to drain your power, he can't kill you at all"

"Yes o"

"This guy is already a monster o"

"There is absolutely no way o"

He was beaten up just now without dying, but it is conceivable that he is really immortal. No matter how he beats it, it will be useless, and he will reshape his body.

Long Fei shook his head and said slightly: "There is no absolute immortality in this world, let alone him, even the God of Destiny will die."

"No one is immune to death!"

"It must be the wrong power!"

He has entered the holy Buddha world once, and although he has been killing all the time, he also understands some things in the holy Buddha world.

no one can die

So does the Lord Buddha

so does the main god

The ruler of any plane will die, it's just that your power is not right o

God of Destiny, the destiny of the Holy Spirit who controls one hundred thousand planes

It can also be said that he masters the law of fate.

Under his control... Destiny Samsara, body remodeled, he can do whatever he wants o

Long Fei's eyebrows are tightly locked

Jiu Tianmo laughed and said, "Come on, Long Fei, you rubbish thing, come on o"

"Kill me!"

Suddenly o

Long Fei's eyes flashed a gleam, "I see..."

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