The Strongest Upgrade System

?Chapter 1943 Star Kills 3146

Chapter 1943 Star Bombing

Dome Fragmentation o13579246810ggggggggggd

Bafang vibration o

The main temple also felt the outbreak of this strange power.

From the very beginning, they felt that there were strange energy fluctuations on Devil Island, but they did not expect that all these strange powers came from one person.

Long Fei o

Broken dome with destructive power

That means, Devil Island is no longer under control.

They can freely enter the battlefield of the ancient gods

This means that this is no longer a land abandoned by God.

"The Dome of Destruction actually shattered, I didn't expect it o"

"There are more than a billion people who died, and destroying the dome is not so good."

"Devil Island is no longer the previous Devil Island. What if they break through the dome?"

"can't do anything o"


The gods on the main shrine did not have the slightest pity because of the death of a billion people. They were cold and playful, and they didn't care about the life and death of the common people.

even sneering o

Not enough dead

In their opinion, all the people on Devil Island should die, and Devil Island should be destroyed.

Frozen God!

The icy main temple!

"Did you see that? That kid is going to fight the God of Destiny o"


"A guy who is over his head, he thinks this is still the Chaos Realm? This is the ancient battlefield under the main temple, just him?"

"Too crazy o"

"Dare to fight against the gods, this kind of person must not be allowed to live, otherwise where is our divine power?"

"Well said!"

"Don't worry, the god of fate will soon kill this kid's o"

The gods on the main temple stand proudly in the void, quietly watching the sky above Devil Island.


The corner of Destiny's mouth twitched coldly, his eyes sank, and he sneered: "It's good to come, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

This is the battlefield of the ancient gods

Here is his strongest plane Realmo

He can soberly control all fate o

Looking at Long Fei who was in a rage, he was not afraid at all.


He hasn't finished his words yet

A huge black shadow suddenly appeared above his head, a huge black shadow o

The sky is dark!

Everyone looked up, and the faces of many people changed greatly, "What is that?"

"what is that?"

"Why did a huge stone fall down?"

"Is that a stone? That looks like a continent."


It is huge, covering the sky and covering the entire Devil Island location o

Is this a stone?

This is a plane, a planet


It's Long Fei's Death Staro

Also Death bombing!

"You're a god and you're very hung up?"

"Can you be mad?"

"Daddy agree?" Long Fei's eyes were bloodshot, and the blasting fist cooled down. He no longer has any Cultivation Technique in his body, but...he still has a book from heaven!

As soon as the dome burst, he summoned Death Staro

He wants to make Destiny feel the crushing of the dome as well.

The God of Destiny turned pale, the Death Star descended too fast, and there was also a powerful crushing force on the Star.



Continuous explosions, crushed directly on the head of the God of Destiny, the head of the God of Destiny sank suddenly, he wanted to escape... He wanted to fly away o


Death Star has too much coverage o

No matter how he escaped, he couldn't escape the plane of Death Star.

not to mention o

This is a smaller version of Death Staro

If the original Star version of Long Fei's fusion is bombarded, I am afraid... the entire battlefield of the ancient gods can be covered.

How to escape?



The God of Destiny's whole body was cracked, and the bun was scattered in an instant, extremely embarrassed, staring at Long Fei and roaring, "What is this? What is this?"

Death Star crushes Destiny, he can't move

Long Fei stood right in front of him, smiled slightly, and said, "Aren't you very picky?"

"Come on, hang another one for me to see o"

Without waiting for Destiny to speak, he slapped down and slapped Destiny's cheek heavily, "Aren't you fucking arrogant? Aren't you a god?"



"Don't you want to destroy Devil Island?"


Long Fei's anger frantically vented, one after another slapped the God of Fate's face with his big mouths.

All the people on Devil Island saw this scene o

their hearts are boiling

"It's so cool!"

"Completely ravaged o"

"Hahaha... Destiny, you shit-like thing, come, come and kill us o"


extremely excited o

I never thought that I could crush God, and it was also the God of Destiny.

The Death Star is so huge that once you are crushed by it, you can't get out of it at all. The God of Destiny can only let Long Fei beat him. His nose is bruised, his face is swollen, his eyes are black, and there are several large swells on his forehead.


Even more embarrassed than in the Chaos World

The front teeth are detached, and the statement is leaking.

The eyes of the god of fate stared at Long Fei, and said: "Long Fei, I will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, I swear to God o"

"Yo yo yo……"

"A thousand pieces of corpse?"

"I'm so scared!"

"You fucking smash my corpse into ten thousand pieces now." Long Fei kicked his pubic leg and kicked it directly under the crotch of the god of destiny.


I only heard... two crackling sounds o

Destiny's eyes are about to burst, the pain is indescribable

Long Fei said solemnly: "I let you escape once in the Chaos Realm, this time I will never let you escape."


"You don't say that the Chaos Realm is okay. If you mention the Chaos Realm, do you want your family, your woman, and your brothers?"

"Their souls are still in my hands, they haven't entered The Underworld yet, they are tormenting in my soul prison, hahaha..."

"Your Phoenix Empress, wow...your Liu Luoxi, your Qianqian, all of them are women of national beauty, wow haha..." Destiny also laughed wildly.

This is Long Fei's weakness!

"Dare to kill me?"

"Are you killing me?"

"If I die, they will all be wiped out, hahaha..." Destiny laughed wildly.

Long Fei's eyes tightened.

cluck cluck...

Knuckles pop!

"Do you still have a way to mention them?" The anger in Long Fei's heart was like fueling the fire, and it swelled even more, with a frantic crit, slap after slap on the face of the God of Destiny.

The God of Fate kept laughing wildly, "Long Fei, you can't kill me, because... I am a god!"

"Here... no one can kill a god, hahaha..." ry1r

indeed o

No matter how Long Fei attacks, the blood tank on the head of the God of Destiny does not move at all.

It seems that he is injured, his nose is blue and his face is swollen, and he is extremely embarrassed, but no matter if Long Fei continues to crit, he will not be able to cause damage that reduces his blood volume.

Not enough power?

if it is like this……

Long Fei's eyes sank, and he shouted heavily, "Then let's have a blasting power!"



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