The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1944 I Want To Become A God 3279

Chapter 1944 I want to become a god

If the power is not enough, then release more power o13579246810ggggggggggd

Star Book o

The treasure in the world of Hongmeng

Ranked third among the top ten heavenly books!

Although o

Long Fei only understood the first page and fused a Death Star, but... through the power contained in the dragon-shaped mark, the power of the Star became extremely powerful.

Destiny is crushed to death, and it is impossible to move at all.

but o

Death Star has a time limit, it has a time limit o

Now that Long Fei can't kill the God of Destiny with his own power, then use the power of the Death Star explosion o

Follow Long Fei's order to drink o

The Death Star begins to smash and explode o


How powerful is the explosion of a planet?


The God of Destiny was frightened, his whole face turned pale, and he said anxiously: "Long Fei, don't you want to save your family, don't you want to return your brother, the soul of a woman?"

"They are all in the cage of my soul. Only I can open it in this world. If you kill me, their souls will perish and disappear forever."

"Long Fei, you dare to kill me?"

Long Fei smiled slightly: "You also said that they are in the cage of your soul, which means that their souls are still fine."

"I can break through the dome, is your soul cage more unbreakable than the dome?"

It is precisely because the God of Destiny said such words that Long Fei can be unscrupulous.

Otherwise, he really wouldn't dare to take the God of Destiny.

Destiny was stunned for a moment, and said: "Only I can open the cage of souls, it is impossible for others, Long Fei, as long as you don't kill me, I will definitely let them go."

he's scared

Star bombing, he doesn't know if he can withstand it

he is god

But he knew better that God would die like a god

and o

The power of this Star bombardment is the power he has never seen o

Long Fei smiled contemptuously: "Please, kneel down and beg me."

The god of fate said solemnly: "Long Fei, I am a god, I am the master of fate of one hundred thousand planes, let me kneel down for you? You should kneel down for me."

"I'm dead, all your relatives must die o"

"And... the fate of the creatures on the 100,000 planes will be chaotic, and the 100,000 planes will become a huge chaos."

"Want me to kneel down?"


he has his dignity

However o

Long Fei's favorite is to trample on this self-righteous dignity, and sneered: "You are very clear about my power, kill you, I will replace you, the power of destiny is under my control, break your soul cage, control ten. The fate of the ten thousand planes, you can die in peace o"

Long Fei kills upgrade o

Killing people can take away the Cultivation Technique, the secret skill, the God of Destiny is very clear about this kind of thing.

His mind sank, "You can't kill me, you can't kill me..."




The star burst, the body of the god of fate burst wildly, the energy in his body began to dissipate, and the whole person fell into a state of collapse.

Long Fei looked at everything and said coldly: "Daddy killed you!"



"I can't die, I can't die..."

Destiny screamed o

The whole Devil Island people looked up at all this o

The God of Destiny was actually crushed by Long Fei, and he was about to die. What a terrifying existence.

Long Fei is not a god

But it has the power to crush God

Actually o

Long Fei has been holding on all the time, the Death Star in the Tianshan Mountains is not so powerful at all, it is the power of the dragon-shaped mark o

dragon mark o

It has power beyond Long Fei's imagination o

Can easily let Death Star crush Destiny o Watching the blood volume above Destiny's head continue to decrease, Long Fei's whole person is excited, "Hahaha... It's going to explode soon, it's going to explode soon o"

"One hundred ** energy value is prepared for you"


"God of Destiny, blast me!"


Star full blast

The last trace of blood on the head of the god of fate will bottom out immediately o


Between the lightning bolts, a bolt of lightning struck vertically, and the light of the lightning wrapped the God of Destiny, forming an incomparably thick air shield.

Block all the power of the star explosion o

The sky also sank, and a huge face appeared in the sky.

Long Fei has seen this face before

Lord God!

Master who controls 100,000 planes

The only main god among the 100,000 planes

It is also the strongest among the 100,000 planes, no one!

Long Fei was extremely upset and said, "It's you again!"

This is the second time. The God of Fate was saved by the Lord God in the Chaos Realm. Now that he is saved again, Long Fei is very unhappy.

The Lord God said solemnly, "Long Fei, have you had enough trouble?"

The God of Destiny laughed excitedly, "Hahaha... I'm not dead, Long Fei, I said you can't kill me, I'm the god who controls the fate of one hundred thousand planes, and I will never die o"

Long Fei stared at the Lord God and shouted: "Enough? I said not enough!"

The Lord God's eyes were fierce, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. Before Long Fei could react, he crushed it down heavily, and shouted, "It's not enough, just give me a little o"


Long Fei was blasted down from midair.

A deep pit was smashed into the ground, and a large area of ​​civilians around him was directly blown into powder.

a look o

Long Fei couldn't resist o

"Giggle..." Long Fei gritted his teeth and jumped out of the deep pit.

at this moment o

His mind suddenly entered another dimension o

main god space

"Long Fei, your growth from the Tianwu Continent to the present is astonishing. The main thing is that you promise me that you will obey me from now on, and I will make you a son of god."

"I will put you in the main temple, and the god of fate can no longer help you o"

The Lord God suddenly made such an attractive offer o

Lord God!

The strongest of one hundred thousand planes!

The Son of God is the first person under the Lord God.

It can be said that one step flying

Conditions that no one will refuse o

Long Fei's mind sneered and said, "God child? Ranked in the main temple? Hahaha... What an attractive condition, but... Daddy is not uncommon!"

Such a main temple o

such a god

The moment Devil Island was crushed, Long Fei swore that he would overturn the main temple and trample the main god to death.

When the Lord God reappeared, what Long Fei saw was not the Lord God, but... the strongest boss in one hundred thousand planes!

The Lord God was furious and said, "Do you know the consequences of rejecting me?"

Long Fei smiled and said: "You are afraid, you are afraid that I will enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, you are afraid that I will change the situation of the battle, you are afraid that I will replace you o"

Want to be applauded?

Long Fei doesn't eat this set of ory1r at all

The Lord God laughed, "Hahaha..."


"Am I afraid of you?"

"Do you think your dragon family is still the ancient dragon house? Do you think your mother's mu family is the ancient mu family again? Time is changing, everything is changing, your mother, your dragon house, everything has changed o”

"There is no place for them in the Hongmeng world, and you are just a lost dog."

"Am I afraid of you?"

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

Long Fei smiled coldly and said, "Then see who's funny!"


Suddenly, Long Fei's body suddenly exploded with divine power, "Outlaw Samsara's natural art!"

"I want to become a god!!"


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