The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1979 Serving With The Explosive God Fist

Chapter 1979 The God-Blasting Fist waits

"Silly big man, that person has won 18 consecutive victories o"

"Same as your record o"


In the secret room, Li Yuanba paused again.

then o

He didn't think much about it, and started punching the thick steel plate again.


Eighteen consecutive victories in one day, this is the record held by Li Yuanba

Of course o

If there are still people to fight, Long Fei can continue to fight.

The Wang family's poisonous corpse was defeated, and no one dared to challenge Long Fei again.

"Who else?"

"Who else?" Long Fei shouted a few words, but no one responded.

"Since no one has challenged, let me see what was rewarded just now." Long Fei opened the system to check.

"Dark Soul Refining Hammer?"

A pitch-black hammer lies in Long Fei's Interspatial Ring.


Long Fei glanced at the attributes and was stunned for a moment, "Damn it, it's not a weapon, it's a hammer specially used for refining? This is too extravagant, isn't it?"

God-level refining equipment o

15% success

15% crit success rate

15% long lasting

Attack 15%

15% attack speed

15% lucky chance


It's just like a God suit o

These attributes are not the attributes of the "Dark Soul Refining Hammer", but the weapons refined with it may trigger so many attributes o

simply say o

The weapons made with the Dark Soul Refining Hammer are superb weapons!

"I don't know if it can be used to refine Tianjing steel? Find a chance to try it!" Long Fei muttered to himself.

at this time o

The girl in purple said slightly: "Eighteen consecutive victories, that's ok o"

Long Fei asked the twins, "How much is 10 million divine stones?"

The twins said: "More than three million o"

"That's it o"

"We'll fight again tomorrow, anyway, we'll pay them back tomorrow afternoon." No one is fighting, and it's not interesting to fight again. Anyway, it's only one game away from 10,000,000 Divine Stones.

As long as you win this game, 10 million divine stones will be easily in your hand.

The girl in purple said, "I won't be able to fight tomorrow. I'll make up for you if you don't have enough money."

Long Fei looked at the girl in purple and joked, "Why are you being so nice to me? Are you attracted by my handsome looks? Don't you want to take care of me?"

Long Fei is very clear

The girl in purple must have a purpose in helping him

Although he didn't know what the purpose was, at least the girl in purple didn't hurt him, and didn't distance himself because of his identity.

at least o

she's not like everyone else

The girl in purple smirked and said, "I want to take care of you, so give me a chance to take care of you."

"Uh?" Long Fei was stunned for a moment and said, "This..."

The purple-clothed girl laughed softly again and said, "I'm just kidding you.

"Let's go!"

"I can't stay here for a long time," the girl in purple said slightly.

at this time o



The challenge bell rang again, the audience was silent, and everyone looked in the direction of the challenge bell.

in the private room

The helmsman of Tianhui suddenly stood up, "Who rang the challenge bell?"

They really conspired to get rid of Long Fei, they thought of the stupid big man who won 100 games in a row, and at the same time they thought of other ways o

"do not know!"

"People who are not Martial Mandala City"

"Sir, this person has never seen o"



The elders of Tianhui Business Alliance all shook their heads, indicating that they had never seen o

But the eyebrows of the girl in purple are tight.

Long Fei's eyes moved slightly, because it was the man who wanted Tianjing Steel just now.

the bell falls o

The man looked at Long Fei with a faint smile and said, "You still have a chance now"

The girl in purple said solemnly, "Thousand-faced ghost, what exactly do you want?"

The man said: "I haven't got what my master wants. As long as he takes out the piece of Tianjing steel, the conditions I promised just now will be fulfilled. No one dares to touch you in Martial Mandala City."

The twins whispered: "Thousand-faced ghost, how can someone call such a name?"

The girl in purple said: "He is a person from the Hall of Gods, and he calls himself a thousand-faced Buddha. Every time he looks different, it is rumored that he has a thousand faces."

Long Fei said, "Then how did you recognize him?"

The girl in purple said: "The breath on his body o"

"Aura?" Long Fei froze slightly.

The breath is extremely complex, and the ability to distinguish a person's breath among a large number of people is extraordinary.

more than that o

The real strength of the girl in purple is not to distinguish the breath, but the 'art of hearing from heaven'.

The girl in purple said: "If a person changes again, his breath will not change. I have seen him once, so I will remember his breath."

Remember a person's breath when you see it once

How scary is this?

The girl in purple said: "Now is not the time to talk about this, the people in the hall of the gods are all perverted monsters, and the thousand-faced ghost is difficult to deal with, you can't go o"

At this time o

Thousand Faced Buddha said lightly: "Hand over that piece of steel, I will keep you safe, if you don't hand it will die today."

understatement o

This tone did not make Long Fei To put in one's eyeso at all

in his eyes

Long Fei is not worth mentioning at all

It's not contempt, it's strong confidence o

Long Fei felt a little unhappy in his heart, "Maybe you don't know me very well. I'm a person who can say anything. The most annoying thing is when others threaten daddyo."

"Everyone who threatened me is dead o"

"You are no exception!"

finish o

Long Fei took a step


The purple-clothed girl grabbed Long Fei, shook her head at him, and said, "Don't go."

The man smiled and said, "Master Shaogu, don't stop him."

The girl in purple said: "Thousand-faced ghost, I don't care who your master is, if you dare to touch him, I, Yewanggu, and you are at odds."

The man said: "Then let's see if he is wise or not."

The girl in purple said, "You!"

The man said: "What's more... Is the current Night King Valley still qualified to fight against the Hall of Gods?"


Smile and stride into the enchantment cage o

The surrounding audience are all dumbfounded.

Valley of the Night Kings?

Thousand Faced Buddha?

The Hall of Gods List, they said they were stunned

But...the people from the Tianhui Business Alliance were extremely excited, "The people from the Temple of the Gods made a move, hahaha...then this kid is bound to die!"

"It's better this way, let's save it."

"The Hall of Gods..."

"The helmsman, could it be the distinguished guests on the tenth floor of the Tianhui Hotel? It seems... they are also here for that thing."

An Elder whispered o

Tianhui helmsman's eyebrows tightened, and he said slightly: "It looks like that thing is extraordinary, even the Night King Valley and Shenbang Hall were shocked."

"I must be vigilant at the auction tomorrow night." Tianhui's helmsman was vaguely worried.

"Don't worry, the helm will send someone tomorrow, and they will be sure to be safe and sound!"


"Boy, come up and die o" Thousand Faced Buddha smiled faintly o

Long Fei stepped forward and said, "I can't see anyone pretending to be forceful in front of me, are you amazing?"

"Blast God Fist waits!"

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